The State from Columbia, South Carolina (2024)

July July 1 4 4 1 4 Sug Iron St 37 23 321 131 4 23 561 20 1. 44 4 234 The State: South Carolina's Progressive Newspaper COLUMBIA, S. SUNDAY, JUNE 11, 1944 The State: South Carolina's Largest Newspaper PAGE 5-B RACES WILL BE HELD at Palmetto Racing Park (above) at Elloree at 4 o'clock Wednesday afternoon. The track is six furlongs, and is considered the best track in South Carolina for beauty, footing and layout visibility, C. Y.

McCants, president, has announced that the track was in excellent condition. A total of $750 in War Bonds will be awarded as prizes for the six events on Wednesday's program. News in the Financial World Brings Peace Stocks to Fore New York, June 10 (AP)-This week's long awaited European invasion found the stock market with its defenses well manned and buying power plentiful for a wide list of peace-rated issues that stand to reap quick benefits from victory. Heavy demand for motors and accessories, low-priced and otherwise, continued in today's brief session. Numerous favorites touched peaks for the year or longer with gains of fractions to more than a point.

Blocks of 1,000 to shares crowded the ticker tape and turnover of 727,170 compared with 385,540 last Saturday and was the largest for a short stretch since March 18 which was the best Saturday mark since July 1943. The Associated Press 60-stock average was up .2 of a point at 53 but on the week showed a net decline of as much. At that, it was only .4 under its recent highest level since 1937. Stock Averages. (Compiled by the Associated Press.) 30 15 15 60 Indust.

Rails. Utils. Stocks Net change Saturday 73.8 27.1 36.6 53.0 Friday 73.6 26.8 36.6 52.8 Week ago 73.8 27.9 36.6 53.2 Month ago 71.7 26.7 35.6 51.6 Year ago 72.2 25.4 34.6 51.2 1944 high 73.8 28.4 37.1 53.4 1944 low 69.1 22.9 35.1 40.5 1943 high 74.6 27.4 53.8 1943 low 60.2 18.3 27.1 41.7 POTATOES Chicago, June 10-(AP) Potatoes, arrivals 174; on track 262; total U. S. ments new stock supplies moderate: for California demand fair at lower prices, market weak; for Southern Triumphs demand good, market strong; fornia Long Whites U.

S. No. 1, 3.25 to 3.40; Louisiana Bliss Triumphs U. S. No.

1, 4.47; Commercials 4.10. CASH GRAIN Chicago Chicago, June 10-(AP)-Wheat none. Barley, malting, 1.25 to 1.44½ nominal; feed 1.15 to 1.22½ nominal. Field seed, (per 100 pounds): Timothy 5.75 to 6.00 nominal; red top 14.00 to 15.00 nominal: red clover 31.50 nominal; sweet clover 10.50 nominal. The arrow is believed to be the most ancient of weapons.

Secure Our New Book "Why Only Of Investors Secure Profits In The Stock Market" Containa Information never before made available to the public. Learn how the professionals secure the money the public loses "There Has Been a Crying NEED for Your Book." "You've Given Me the Lowdown on How to Make Money in the Market." "Contains Information Worth Thou. ands of Dollars to Our Supply of Books Is Limited So Pin $1 To This And Mail To MARKET TREND SURVEY 410 Penobscot Bldg. Dept. Detroit 26, Mich.

Give Pop A Fashion Fresh BEAU BRUMMEL TIE 1.00 Riley's Five Points Store Hours, 9 a. m. to 6 p. m. Close Wednesday I M.

BONDS New York, June 10 Continuing the previous day's rebound from the sharp drop of earlier in the week, rail loans in the bond market moved up fractions to around 2 points in moderately active dealings today. Shrowing final gains of a point or more were Illinois Central North Western of 1987 and of of 1999, Erie St. Paul general 4s of 1989 and Chicago and Eastern Illinois incomes. Trading was in small "olume of utility, industrial and foreign issues. International Telephone and 5s registered fair gains.

U. S. governments were steady. Transactions totaled $4,134,400 face value against $4,130,500 the previous Saturday. Bond Averages.

(Compiled by the Associates Press.) 20 10 10 rails. Indust. utils. eign Net change Saturday 88.7 104.8 06.3 66.5 Friday 88.3 104.8 106.2 66.4 Week ago 90.2 105.0 106.4 66.3 Month ago 87.9 104.9 106.0 66,0 Year ago 76.3 105.2 103.8 60.0 1944 high 90.2 105.7 106.3 66.6 1944 low 79.5 104.8 104.7 53.2 1943 high 79.7 105.8 105.4 61.1 1943 low 64.6 103.8 98.0 53.2 10 low-yields: Saturday 115.7; month ago, 115.3; previous day 115.7; week ago, 115.8; year ago, 114.5; 1944 115.8; 1944 low 114.0; 1943 high, 116.1; 1943 low, 112.6 1 New York, June 10 (AP)-Final bond quotations: Domestic Bonds: A 4s 1995 A 1964 86 0 4s 1948 Can Pac 4 sperp 96 1977 .104 I inc 1997 63 4s 1988 841 RI ref 48 1934 42 Cleve Util 1977 93 5s 1955 4 Fla 5s 1974 49 Hudson Coal 58 1962 A Hud Man 58 1957 69 Ill Cent 1966 Int Gt Nor 6s 1952 2003 .105 adj 5s 1967 M. 4s 1975 rig 5s 2013 Nor Pac 6s 2047 Penn R.

1965 Phil Read I 6s 1949 A 6s 1945 39 Sou Pac rig 4s 1955 Sou Ry gen 4s 1956 86 West Md 4s 1952 Foreign Bonds: Brazil 26-57 Poland 88 1950 GRAIN Chicago. June 10-(AP)-Commission house sold wheat futures persistently today and the market was weak, reflecting bearishness resulting from the government's forecast of a record crop this year. The trade in rye was nervous following an early rally. Wheat closed 1 to lower than yesterdaq. July 1.58¼.

Oats were off to July Rye was to 1 cent higher. July 1.031 to 1.05¼. Barley was off to July 1.18. Open. High.

Low. Close Wheat: July 1.58 1.59% 1.58% 1.58¼ Sept. 1.57 1.57% 1.56 1.561 Dec. 1.57 1.57% 1.56 1.56* May 1.58 1.58% 1.57 1.57% Oats: .74 Sept. .68 Dec.

.67 68 .64 May .67 .67 Rye: 1.06 1.074 1.04% 1.05 Sept, 1.05 1.06 1.04% 1.051 Dec. 1.08 1.08% 1.06% 1.07 May 1.10% 1.10¼ 1.08% 1.09% Barley: July 1.18 1.18% 1.17% 1.18 Sept. 1.11 1.11 1.09¼ 1.09¼ DAILY COTTON MARKET New Orleans, June 10-(AP)-The average price of middling 15-16 inch cotton today at ten designated Southern spot markets was 20 cents bale higher at 21.41 cents pound; a new high for the season: average for the past 30 market days 21.06; middling 7-8 high average 20.35. DOW JONES CLOSE (Furnished by Merrill Lynch, Pierce, Fen- ner and Beane) Industrials 0,47 Rails 39.31 Utils. 22.93 Oliver Cromwell is believed to have been the first military leader to organize espionage.

A good way to replace wall pictures is to fill wall brackets with cut flowers or growing plants. COTTON New York, June 10-(AP)-Cotton futures, with the exception of the May delivery, moved into new high ground today on mill buying coupled with orders from the South and from commission houses. Closing prices were 35 to 50 cents a bale higher. Factors behind the rise were senate approval of the Bankhead cotton amendments to price legislation and the prospects for continued heavy demand for textiles. Open.

High. Low. Last. Chg. July .21.16 21.23 21.15 21.21 Oct.

.20.52 20.55 20.49 20.52 Dec. .20.25 20.32 20.24 20.28 Mar. .19.98 20.05 19.97 20.03 May .19.75 19.81 19.75 19.78 Middling spot 22.15 nominal, up 6. New Orleans. New Orleans, June 10-(AP)-Cotton futures closed steady 35 to 50 cents a bale higher.

Open. High. Low. Chg. July .21.33 21.37 21.31 Oct.

.20.52 20.57 20.50 Dec. .20.31 20.34 20.29 233882 Mar. .20.04 20.07 20.00 May .19.83 19.83 19.78 Spot cotton closed steady; middling 21.20. DAILY COTTON MARKET Port Movement. New Orleans -Middling 21.20; receipts sales 224; stock 264,520.

Galveston-Middling 21.25; receipts 116; stock 765,148. Houston--Middling 21.20; receipts sales stock 791,999, Savannah- -Middling 21.70; sales 53; stock 42,992. 21.70; stock 39,669. Norfolk- Stock 3.166. New York-Middling 22.15: stock 7,818.

Boston- 149: stock 1,963. Minor Ports- Stock 164,118. Total Today- -Receipts sales 858: stock 2.081,393. Total for Week- Receipts 6,426. Total for Season -Receipts 2,366,902.

Interior Memphis--Middling 21.30; sales 7,287. Augusta--Middling 21.77; receipts 403; shipments 892; sales 512; stock 216,562. Little Rock-Middling 21.30; 709; stock 88.756. Dallas--Middling 21.20; sales 2,244. 21.50.

Total--Receipts 403; shipments sales stock 305,318. LIVE STOCK Chicago Chicago, June 10-(AP)-Salable cattle 200; calves none; compared Friday last week; all except strictly top cattle worked unevenly lower; top 17.50; new high on crop; next highest price 17.40; god to choice steers 25 to 50 down, yearlings type offerings off most; medium grade 50 lower, Instances 75 on light offerings; bulk steers 14.00 to 17.00; sizable supply 17.00 to 17.35; 1,530 0 1,750 pound averages at outside price; best yearlings 17.25; heifer yearlings 17.15; stockers scarce but weak to 25 lower; fed heifers mainly 25 down; bulk fed heifers 14.50 to 16.25; 817 pound averages making 16.65; cows active early but bottoms fell out of late market, closing 50 to 1.00 lower except on dry feds; cutters closed at 8.50 down, canners 6.50 to 7.25; most grassy beef cows 9.00 to 11.00; bulls 25 higher, active all week at advance; sausage offerings reacherd 12.60 and heavy fat bulsl 14.50; bulk sausage bulls 10.75 to 12.25; vealers firm at 16.00 down. Salable hogs 500 total hog market generally good and choice 180 to 270 pounds predominated at 13.75, the top compared with a week ago weights 270 pounds and down steady: weights over 270 nounds 10 to 15 cents lower; sows 13 to 25 cents lower: approximately 4.000 unsold, practicallyall support hogs: shippers took 1,500 largely medium and good 17 Oto 230 pounds on big packer account. DIES IN VIRGINIA Mother of Columbian Passes at Monroe News was received in Columbia yesterday of the death Friday night at Monroe, of Mrs. Jeannie Marshall Grant, mother W.

A. Grant, who has lived at the Jefferson hotel of. here for the last 25 years. Mrs. Grant, who was widely known in Amherst county, "Miss Jeannie," was 80 years old.

She was born in Glasgow, Scotland, and came to the United States in 1863 with her family when she was but six years old. They settled in Virginia and had resided there since. Funeral services will be held at Lynchburg, this afternoon at at o'clock, followed by interement in Springhill cemetery. Besides the son who lives here and travels this state for the Craddock-Terry Shoe company, she is survived also by one daughter. White dromedaries are highly prized in the Orient.

Series and UNITED STATES WAR SAVINGS BONDS SAFE KEEPING ACCOUNT This service is rendered without charge as a part of our contribution to the war effort for those patriotic citizens who are purchasing War Bonds to assist our Government in its war financing program. HOME FEDERAL SAVINGS AND LOAN ASSOCIATION CHARTERED AND SUPERVISED BY THE UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT First Floor Palmetto Bldg. Main Washington Sts. 55 (Observations taken at the City office, top floor of Federal Courthouse) Eastern War Time. WEATHER June 10, 1944.

Temperature Highest today, 90; this date last year, 85; this date since 1887, occurred in 1899, 103. Lowest today, 71; this date last year, 68; same date since 1887, occurred in 1913, 52. Average today, 80; normal today, 77: accumulated departure from January 1 to date, plus 243. Temperature at 8:30 d. m.

80; 2:30 m. 88; 5:30 p. m. 87. Precipitation--Total for 24 hours ending at 5:30 p.

m. today, 0.00 inches; since January 1 to date, 20.69 inches; total last year for same period, 17.97 inches; normal amount for same period, 18.09 inches. Moon Phase Today--Full moon. New Moon-June 20, 1:00 p. m.

First quarter- 28, 1:27 p. m. Full Moon-July 6, 2:58 p. m. Last Quarter--June 13, 11:56 p.

m. Sunshine-Sun rises today 6:12 a. sets at 8:35 p. m. Possible amount of sunshine 14.4 hours.

Tides at Charleston High, 12:10 a. 5.8 feet! 12:37 p. 4.7 feet; low, 6:37 a. feet: 6:44 p. feet.

DAILY RIVER BULLETIN Observations taken at 8 a. m. Eastern War Time. STATIONS. (37) Flood Height River Change River Pelzer 7 4.1 0.2 Chappells 15 4.0 f0.1 Blairs 15 6.1 0.2 Columbia 10 19 4.0 0.3 Catawba 12 3.4 0.1 Camden 10 23 4.9 f0.1 Camden 23 5.0 0.8 Cheraw 10 30 6.3 0.3 Conway 7 2.8 0.1 Kingstree 10 12 2.0 0.0 Augusta 10 32 11.0 0.6 (r) -Rise.

(f) -Fall. by back water. Washington, June 10-(AP)-Weather bureau 24 report of high and low temperature for the hours ending 8 p.m. in principal cotton growing areas and where: State: High. Alpena 66 Asheville.

85 Atlanta 86 Atlantic City 70 Birmingham 89 Boston 71 Buffalo 58 Burlington. 59 Chicago 64 Cincinnati 83 Cleveland 65 Denver 74 Detroit 63 Duluth 73 El Paso 95 Fort Worth 92 Galveston 88 Jacksonville 88 Kansas City 77 Los Angeles 67 Louisville 88 Memphis 91 Meridian 88 Miami 84 Minn. -St. 72 Mobile 87 New Orleans New York. Norfolk Pittsburgh Portland, Me.

Richmond St. Louis 86 San Antonio 90 San Francisco 62 Savannah 90 Seattle 89 Tampa 90 Vicksburg 93 78 0.2 9 4P U. S. PARATROOPERS CAPTURE NAZI FLAG--American paratroopers proudly display a Ger. man flag captured shortly after they made a successful landing behind Nazi lines on the Normandy coast of France.

(AP Wirephoto from Signal Corps Radiophoto.) Alumni Council To Meet Tuesday The University of South Carolina Alumni councill will meet 1 in Cothe else- lumbia Tuesday to consider the Low. program of the alumni association 50 for the coming year, J. E. Leppard, 63 Chesterfield, president of the as68 63 sociation, has announced. 68 At its meeting, which will be held 63 in the the alumni associa50 tion at 3 p.m., the council will 56 consider a recommendation that an66 nual commencement reunions be 57 discontinued for the duration.

55 Prior to the meeting, council 53 45 members will visit the alumni of70 fice at noon to inspect work being 74 done there and will be entertained 79 at a luncheon in the cafeteria in 68 62 Wade Hampton college at 1:45. 56 The council, which consists of 68 a vice-president from each of the 65 state's judicial circuits and other 80 officers, will consider ways in which the association's program of service to alumni in the armed 61 forces and to the university may 62 be continued and enlarged, Presi63 dept Leppard said. 47 63 Church Holds Memorial Service 66 73 Chester (Special) Eureka 52 church held a memorial service 75 for two of its sons who lost their 60 lives in Italy, Pvt. Charles Ervin 74 67 McGowan and Pvt. Cecil Everette 64 Pierce.

New Surgical Metal Restores Faces, Bodies By Howard W. Blakeslee, 5 Associated Press Science Editor Chicago, June 10-Allocation of tantalum, the new surgical metal of this war, for its first civilian uses was announced today on the eve of the annual meeting of the American Medical association. Tantalum, one of the 92 chemical elements, is a blue-gray metal, three times heavier than lead, but capable of forming almost invisibly thin wire and also sheets and plates as thin and pliable as paper. It was named after the mythological tantalus because it was so difficult to extract. American military surgeons have been using tantalum restore mangled bodies, faces and heads which in previous wars might have been disfigured for life.

Tantalum's great surgical value is being inert. There is no irritation to tissue and no corrosion. sew The wounds, wires, are used so as thin that threads they to leave no scars. These wires sew together the ends of severed nerves, while cuffs made of the (metal protect the healing nerves. SC Baptists Have Three Standard Associations Miss Florrie Lee Lawton, acting director of the Baptist Training unions of this state, has been notified that of the standard associations in the Southern Baptist convention three from South Carolina, which is more than any other of the 20 states in the convention has.

These associations and their directors are: Abbeville, Mrs. J. 0. Long; Union county, Clyde Moody, and Welsh Neck, the Rev. Harold Cunningham.

STOCKS New York, June 10-(AP)-Following is of the high, low, close and net change stocks on the New York Stock change: High. Low. Close. Chg Allig Lud St Allis-Ch MI Am Airlines 61 Am Can Am 34 Am Cr Am Locomo Am Rad 25 Am Roll 13 Am Sm 38 at Amer Sug Ref 41 41 41 Am Tob 69 68 69 Am Wat Wks 7 Anaconda Cop 25 Atch 64 64 64 A 39 Atlantic Ref 30 30 30 Aviation Corp Baldwin Loco 20 20 20 Bell Aircraft 11 11 11 Beth Steel 58 57 58 Boeing Airplane Borg-Warner Braniff Airw Briggs Mfg 34 35 Budd Mfg 8 8 Burr Add Ma 13 0 Can Drq A. Canad Pac Case I 35 354 4 Celanese Corp 33 33 Chesa Ohio Chrysler Corp 89 89 Coca Cola Com Credit Common Sou 13 Crucible St.

301 Deere Co 41 413 41 du de Nem Eastern Air 35 35 35 Eastman Kodak ..161 161 161 Elec Auto 44 44 44 Erie R. 11 11 Firestone R. 48 Gen Elec 37 37 Gen Foods Gen Motors Goodrich 49 49 Godyear 47 47 Grant pt Greyhound Corp Gulf Oil 47 47 Int Harvester Int Int Nick Can Johns-Manv 93 93 Kennecott Cop 30 30 Loew's Inc 63 Lorillard 181 Montgom Ward Nash-Kel 15 15 Net Biscuit 21 Nat Distillers 37 37 Nehl Corp 15 Central 17 Northern Pac Ohio Oil Pan Am Airw 31 Param Pict Penn 29 29 Pepsi-Cola Pullman Pure Oil Radio Corp Repub St 17 Reynolds Tob 31 Sears Roeb 93 92 Simmons Co 29 30 Socony- Vac 12 12 Southern Pac 29 Southern Ry 23 23 Studebaker Corp 18 174 18 Texas Corp Tubize Rayon Twent Cent pt 32 Union 111 Union Pac .109 108 1081 United Air 254 Rubber 484 48 Steel Warner Bros 12 West Un Tel A West ..1001 100 100 White Motor 261 26 26 Woolworth 39 381 Youngstn 363 37 ADDITIONAL STOCKS (Furnished by Merrill Lynch, Pierce, Fenner and Beane.) Net Allied Stores Amer Ret 41 41 Amer Viscose 44 Asso Dry Gds Budd Wheel Blaw Knox Bridgeport Consol Alr 13 12 Consol Cop Consol Oil Container Cont Bak Crown Cork st Crucible Cuba Am Sug 14 14 Curtis Wr A Douglas Air 49 49 49 Engineerx Pub Food Fair St 12 Gen Baking Gimbel Bros 154 154 Glidden 204 Gt Nor Ry Indust Rayon 139 119 Inspir Cop Interlake Int Mer Mar Int 16 Interstate Dept Jones Laugh 00 Kelly Hayes Libby 0 Marshall Field McKess Rob 23 28 Martin 18 Nat Gypsum Net Supply 144 144 NY Ch St L. Otis Elev 21 Parke-Davis Pressed 8t 12 Purity Bak Schenley Dist 51 51 Spiegel Symington Thermoid Tim Det Ax 29 Trans West 194 United Aireraft LA United Drug Unit Stores Willys Over 12 Walworth Western Auto 331 Westing Air York BETTER, EGGS AND POULTRY Chicago. Chicago, June 10-(AP) -Butter receipts 721,559, Eggs, 16,166.

The Jewish calendar dates from the creation which it places 3,760 years and three montha before the I Christian era. Home On Furlough Cpl. Charles W. Young is visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs.

W. H. Young, and his sister, Murriel of 3014 Park street. This is his first furlough in 11 months of service. Corporal Young is stationed at Camp Hulen, Tex.

Olive Lawton Circle The Olive Lawton circle Woman's Missionary society of the First Baptist church will meet at 10:30 a.m. Tuesday in the church parlor. Let Us Replace That Old WORN OUT STARTER with a completely rebuilt one and end your starting trouble. Just call 3024 or drive by for complete auto repair service. TRU-MOORE CO.

1509 Taylor Phone 3024 4. Ok Boy! tha Van eusen Father Van Heusen Shirts Give his reck a break! No man ever had too many every father needs more! So just solve your Father's Day gift problem with Van Heusen Shirts- -in white, new patterns and colors. Tailored with custom detail, figure-fit, Sanforized and laundry Van Heusen white shirts have the Van Heusen collar that looks starched but isn't -can't wilt, can't wrinkle. $2.25 and up. Van Heusen Ties are harmonized to pattern as well as color of Van Heusen Shirts.

$1.00 up Van Heusen Sport Shirts--light-weight air-cooled fabrics, fine for Summer, He'll particularly like the new California Lono. Its exclusive two-way collar makes it a regular shirt when worn with a tie, a real sport shirt when worn open. Whites, colors, patterns from tiny checks to plaids. INCORPORATED 1330 MAIN COLUMBIA, S. C..

The State from Columbia, South Carolina (2024)


The State from Columbia, South Carolina? ›

It borders North Carolina to the north, the Atlantic Ocean to the east, and Georgia to the west across the Savannah River. Along with North Carolina, it makes up the Carolinas region of the East Coast.

What states border the state of South Carolina? ›

It borders North Carolina to the north, the Atlantic Ocean to the east, and Georgia to the west across the Savannah River. Along with North Carolina, it makes up the Carolinas region of the East Coast.

Is it Columbus or Columbia South Carolina? ›

Columbia, city, capital of South Carolina, U.S., and seat (1799) of Richland county. It lies in the centre of the state on the east bank of the Congaree River at the confluence of the Broad and Saluda rivers.

Is Columbia SC a good place to live? ›

Columbia is a city in South Carolina with a population of 136,754. Columbia is in Richland County and is one of the best places to live in South Carolina. Living in Columbia offers residents an urban suburban mix feel and most residents rent their homes. In Columbia there are a lot of parks.

What is the nickname for Columbia South Carolina? ›

Columbia is affectionately known as the "Soda City" by locals, but not because any soda was invented or manufactured there. Instead, the nickname comes from an old abbreviation of Columbia to "Cola.

Which state is closest to South Carolina? ›

Shaped like an inverted triangle with an east-west base of 285 miles (459 km) and a north-south extent of about 225 miles (360 km), the state is bounded on the north by North Carolina, on the southeast by the Atlantic Ocean, and on the southwest by Georgia.

Is South Carolina close to Tennessee? ›

The distance between South Carolina and Tennessee is 229 miles. The road distance is 553.8 miles. How do I travel from South Carolina to Tennessee without a car? The best way to get from South Carolina to Tennessee without a car is to bus via Atlanta which takes 14h 34m and costs $100 - $260.

Is Columbia South Carolina mostly white? ›

White: 50.13% Black or African American: 40.67% Two or more races: 5.05% Asian: 2.28%

Is Columbia, SC expensive? ›

The cost of living in Columbia, SC is 2% lower than the state average and 8% lower than the national average. Columbia, SC housing is 26% cheaper than the U.S average, while utilities are about 30% pricier.

Is Columbia SC close to Myrtle Beach SC? ›

How far is it from Columbia to Myrtle Beach? The distance between Columbia and Myrtle Beach is 157 miles. The road distance is 149.1 miles.

Is crime bad in Columbia SC? ›

Columbia, SC Crime Statistics

It has an estimated 9,503 total crimes per year, with 1,001 being violent crimes and 8.502 being property crimes. This is a rate of 71.3 total crimes per 1,000 residents each year.

How much money do you need to live comfortably in South Carolina? ›

According to the Living Wage Calculator, a single person in South Carolina needs to earn approximately $16.73 per hour, or $34,806 annually, to meet their basic needs. For a family of four with one adult working, the living wage increases to $36.52 per hour or $75,964 annually.

What is a good salary in Columbia SC? ›

Average Salary in Columbia, SC. $45,718 is the 25th percentile. Salaries below this are outliers. $80,240 is the 75th percentile.

What is Columbia, SC famous for? ›

Columbia is known as the “Soda City” because of its many soda fountains and its history as a hub of the soft drink industry. Columbia has a long history of being a major player in the soft drink industry, dating back to the early 20th century when a Coca-Cola bottling plant in the state was established in the city.

What do you call a South Carolina person? ›

Unsurprisingly, residents of South Carolina are simply South Carolinians. The name has the same origin as North Carolina.

Why is Columbia, SC called Cola Town? ›

The namesake, Soda City Market is meant to be a microcosm of Columbia. It runs year-round, rain or shine. Often times, Columbia is shortened to Cola, an abbreviation first created by the U.S. Postal Service.

What 4 states border North Carolina? ›

It is bordered by Virginia to the north, the Atlantic Ocean to the east, South Carolina to the south, Georgia to the southwest, and Tennessee to the west.

Where is the best place to live in South Carolina? ›

South Carolina's major cities: Mount Pleasant, Charleston, and Greenville remain the best places to live in the state. Across its cities and towns, picked out the best places to live in South Carolina, in which 9 out of the top 25 were from the Upstate, SC area.

What state borders 5 states? ›

List of Neighboring States
State NameNumber of Neighboring States
Arizona Georgia Massachusetts Michigan Minnesota Nevada New Mexico Ohio Virginia West Virginia5
Alabama Indiana Kansas Maryland Mississippi Montana North Carolina Oregon Texas Wisconsin4
7 more rows

What are people from South Carolina called? ›

Unsurprisingly, residents of South Carolina are simply South Carolinians. The name has the same origin as North Carolina.


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Name: Barbera Armstrong

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Introduction: My name is Barbera Armstrong, I am a lovely, delightful, cooperative, funny, enchanting, vivacious, tender person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.