the Remnant Cycle #1 / The Plex - Chapter 22 - KamiRoxyWrites (2024)

Chapter Text

Deep within the bowels of the Pizzaplex, an ancient evil was resting, waiting for someone to awaken It. In a lone room of a makeshift laboratory, a recharge station repainted a deep purple was connected to a vast array of wires and cables, all feeding a purplish black substance into it and filling the tank for whatever laid inside. The room smelled ancient and musty, covered with a slight layer of dust that made the room look abandoned. This place was home to an evil, an evil that had so long ago forgotten its name that it cannot understand why it does what it does. All that it knows is that this goal of life, this goal of forever and putting itself back together, it forever etched into its psyche.

A black tentacle creature is worming through a nearby ventilation shaft, worming its way inside the room and trying to get to its master, its creator. While the body inside the machine it is sliding to is young, the mind that is inside that tube is far older than anything in this place. The tentacle mass then peeled and revealed the head of the creature underneath, the shattered remains of Monty Gator. Monty’s green paint was stained with the goo of the Agony within His Personality Chip, controlling Him and making Him in this state. The tentacle mass then laid onto the floor before the tank that was silently bubbling with the liquid inside. The Monty pile then shifted as It felt a bigger force inside the room with it.

From a nearby doorway, two forms emerged; One was a blob similar to Him, but made more of wires and was far thicker. Its head was similar to Freddy, only that the head could open up like a multi-headed Venus fly trap and reveal the thick endoskeleton head that piloted the form underneath. The Blob’s red eyes looked down towards the mass of Monty, pitifully like it was looking at a lower life form. It didn’t speak, only giving growls like an animal to signify its needs and desires.
The other figure was a middle aged man wearing a jet black suit and with a red rose in His shoulder pocket. His face wore a simple black mask with two rabbit-shaped ears on it to give the appearance of a rabbit. The mask was relatively simple in design, and up close it had a polish to it that made the mask reflective. Its shape had no visible eye holes but it must have so the man could see through the mask. In one hand, it held the real Monty chip that would be used for the correct function of Monty Gator. With a gloved hand, The man reached into the mass of tentacles for the Monty Head and pulled out the Monty Chip that was corrupted and placed in the fixed chip. Suddenly, the tentacles retracted into the chip like a black hole and the Monty body underneath was revealed.

Monty gasped as He gained control, on His hands and knees as His robot endoskeleton and system rebooted. Monty was completely refreshed and brand new looking. His fiery red mane of hair looked freshly combed and ready for showtime. His line-green body with yellow undertone looked freshly polished. His red eyes nervously looked around the room, observing His fellowship around Him. “What…Where am I?” Monty said, looking around the room towards the Blob and the Black Rabbit. “Relax Monty…you are in good company.” The Black Rabbit said, ushering Him to calm. Monty took and step back and saw the tube that had the flowing and stormy liquid inside.

“Oh…its You.” He said with a growl, A frown on His face as He realized what was happening. “So…its almost done? I didn’t appreciate being overloaded. I thought you said you’d keep me from that.” He grumbled. “William simply was testing you and if you would actually stay the course.” The Black Rabbit explained. His voice had a voice changer inside that made His voice so high it was hard to tell the identity, but Monty knew full well the man underneath the mask. The Rabbit then went into deeper detail of the situation afoot. “We have had an issue with that. Vanessa, Jeremy, Gregory, and all those blasted failures are coming towards us to find Him. We are running out of time. But William Has a plan, and it involves the failures…He has a plan but We must be cautious Monty…” Black Rabbit explained. He adjusted His suit as He was readying Himself and was readjusting His black tie. “William is almost ready to begin His best body yet, He's resting until Its time. The children are bringing Him exactly what He needs to get the boost He requires but we must do this carefully Monty…You won’t let Will down will you?” Black Rabbit asked as The Blob stared down the robot for the correct response to come from Him. Monty looked away, sheepishly being quiet.

“No…of course not…” Monty answered. The Black Rabbit added one more statement before going to the other room They came from. “Don’t forget who helped you get rid of that pesky rabbit for your spotlight Monty…William is thankful for the body but He is why you are the star now…All you have to do is bring the others and soon you will be the only star. Think of all the women and power and fame Monty…and William will bless you with it all. Don’t mess it up.” Black Rabbit finished, The Blob following behind Him.

Monty was left alone with the corpse in the bed at the bottom of the tank. As Monty looked into the Freddy Fazbear recharge station laid sideways, He saw the body of the robot inside. Although it was hard to tell, you could still see the remnants of the machine’s face that was slowly being poisoned with the Afton Agony underneath. The face of Glamrock Bonnie.
Jeremy was laying on His back as He looked up towards the shaggy man standing above Him. The moldy man seemed determined and threatening, holding His weapon, a wooden bat, raised above Jeremy that was poised to strike. The man had the name ‘Winston’ on the tag, which was about the only thing on Him cleaned or polished at all. The broken glasses on His nose seemed useless but really tied the whole ‘old man’ feeling together. “Well? Answer me! Who are You?” He asked, His accent a weird blend of American and British. “You…You are Afton! Help! Somebody!” Jeremy yelled out, panicking and trying to get away. The Man held out His arm and a pink and white string shot out of His arm and lassoed Him like a rope around His waist and pulled Him back. Jeremy hit the floor again, trying to get away.

“Would you stop squirming!” The Man demanded as He wrapped up Jeremy and carried Him back into the barn before anyone else surprising showed up. He placed Jeremy, now tied in ethereal rope, down on the floor with His things and Axey far away from Him. The Man shut the doors and set a deadbolt so nobody could open the doors to get inside. He then turned towards Jeremy and repeated His question. “Now that we are alone again I must ask who you are? It’s incredibly important! Are you a you or a ghost?” He demanded once again. Jeremy went quiet, refusing to answer the question as He turned around from His captor.

Winston gave a sigh as He rubbed the points on His forehead. “Listen I get that You don’t want to be tied up but You were trespassing and I have to be careful who is here. Seeing a place like this in this state…makes You remember too much.” He explained. “It could be too much for one person to handle so I need to know if You are human or machine.” Winston explained. Jeremy hung on the words a bit and turned back towards Winston. “Remember…too much? What does that mean?” He asked. Winston smiled faintly, He got His opening. “Lets be friendly first. The name is Winston. Before here, as I can guess you know, I was William Afton. However, Me and Him are not the same. I was made from His Soul-dust but I wasn’t what I was hoping for. The Afton, the monster not too far from here, made Me. I assume based on that green glow there on Your arm you are the same?”

Jeremy hadn’t noticed, but His arm did begin to glow as the name ‘William’ was spoken, almost like the energy hated the name as much as a person. “Do you know your spirit?” Winston asked, readjusting the glasses on His face. Jeremy suddenly stood to His feet, still tied in the ropes. “Look I don’t have time for this. If you aren’t a threat then get out of My way! I’ve got an army to get back to!” Jeremy said, walking towards His things on the other side of the stick note barn. Winston then ran behind Him and threw a purple rope around Jeremy’s binds and pulled Him away. “Not before you answer! This is serious young man!” He said, trying to get Jeremy to understand the seriousness of the situation. “Oh please! I’ve had enough with magic, and souls, and rabbit people! Just let me finish this!” Jeremy said, trying to break loose. The purple ropes around Him were too tight to break and the old man was holding Him perfectly in place. “Please! Reconsider!” Winston pleaded, pulling back.

Jeremy then focused His green energy and blasted the purple ropes with a flick of the wrist, making Winston fall backwards and letting Jeremy free. Jeremy reached for Axey when suddenly a purple rope wrapped around His ankle and pulled. It made Him trip, just barely grazing His finger across the handle of the weapon propped against the wall. Winston was roping Him in, pulling Him along the floor of the barn as Jeremy then focused His energy as Winston and fired a beam of green light at His face, knocking of the glasses and making Winston fall backwards.

Jeremy got up with His new freedom and got His backpack and Axey in hand. Jeremy felt the drain of energy, no longer with an energy reserve that He had to use for the fight with DJ Music Man. His muscles felt that bit heavier, and His body felt rough around the edges. Winston was moaning as He laid on the ground, getting up slowly as His body struggled. “You have to remember to use…or it will kill you…” Winston explained, grasping onto the wall to prop Himself up. Jeremy was listening as He was undoing the bolt on the door quickly to escape. “You fool! You’ll die if you fight GlamTrap in this state! He will have His new body soon and He will destroy you all!” He groaned, trying to stand upright.

Jeremy got the deadbolt unlocked and was running out when Winston fired His last string and grabbed onto Jeremy’s bag, His last ditch effort to pull Jeremy inside. “Leave me alone old man!” Jeremy said, raising His axe and swinging down to cut the rope. The rope exploded into white light, the light blasting away both Jeremy from the force of the explosion and Winston down to the floor again. The barn doors exploded into fire and lit the place ablaze as Jeremy was separated from the Man. Sticky notes and letters flew around everywhere, the memories of a learning machine scattered to the winds as some burned up from the hype hot explosion.

Jeremy hit the floor, dropping His axe as He looked towards the cave entrance. He felt woozy, using a lot of remnant energy in one go had drained Him so quickly now. It seemed so hard to use it, like the use of the power was somehow just too much to hold connection. The pain of hitting the floor sent ripples through Jeremy’s head. His body ached and His stomach felt like It was on fire. He felt the pain to violently. It was like on the elevator, making Him feel so broken and useless, like a skinsuit. The thought of His insides burning made the pain even worse, as His headache and stomach cramp grew worse and worse.

The pain Jeremy felt was like a shockwave of pain. It would lighten and then just grow so much worse, like an ocean in the middle of a tropical storm. He writhed on the floor, His skin slowly purpling and His body feeling numb and cold. The cave slowly was starting to look fuzzy to Jeremy, the pain becoming almost too much for Him to bare and His soul feeling so broken it was a miracle He was alive.

A mass of shapes were suddenly running towards Him. They were all panicked, all looking over Him and trying to think how to help Him. The voices sounded so far away, it was hard to really pin them and who they belonged to. The shapes seemed to slowly begin to become to fuzzy for Jeremy to make out, with one being a black blob with colorful sweat bands on the arms and legs. “Jeremy? Jeremy!” The voice called out like static, the voice slowly disappearing from Jeremy’s mind. He suddenly felt very sleepy, the pain making Him feel like a ragdoll. As He laid there, the room seemed to almost change.
The walls of the cave went from the brown and beige rock to a metal blue and silver. The location seemed to shrink and change cylindrical, almost like He was being teleported somewhere and He was in between the two places. He felt like where He was, was somewhere He wasn’t supposed to be. The room had various things scattered around; robot parts and limbs, servos and wires, all sorts of junk, but were strangely organized into four neat piles that seemed color coded. Jeremy could slowly start seeing better, the shapes were robot customizations. They seemed hollow, lifeless, just as a robot He thought was meant to be and had learned very quickly was not true at all.

The room had a big window behind It that had one observer looking through, only just faintly being able to be seen through the thick glass of the room. The thing looked at Him with Its purple eyes, with that being the only key feature that was prominent through the glass of the room. The second thing of interest was the big, goddamn machine that was designed like a ice cream scoop sitting in front of Jeremy, poised to strike Him straight in the stomach to scoop out His insides for god knows what reason. Jeremy tried to move, but found Himself strapped down into a chair and unable to move. The straps were fastened so tight He couldn’t even move His wrists to try and get loose.

Jeremy looked at the scooping machine, which seemed like it was being controlled by the creature in the other room. He was panicked at first, when suddenly it felt like He had not only felt like He was here but that He was here before. Not now, but before, a time long before. A time before the PizzaPlex and when the nightmare of Afton was just beginning to really take shape. He suddenly had a dozen thoughts through His head that made no sense; Father, Elizabeth, Evan, names all flew at Him a million miles an hour and the feelings of this moment felt etched into His mind so violently that it was almost impossible to get them out.

The creature on the other end of the glass then spoke, its voice sounding hollow but also like that of a little girl. “You are in the scooping room now. Funtime Foxy has already been here today. Funtime Freddy has already been here today. Ballora had already been here today. Circus baby had already been here today.” Jeremy was frozen in fear, like His mind had already experienced this nightmare before and like He was re-living it all over again. The pain and fear was almost too much to bare and He already knew it was about to get overwhelmingly worse. “I’ve been out before, but they always put me back. They always put us back inside. There is nowhere for us to hide here. There is nowhere to go, when we look like this…” The machine monster said, its body seemed like a mess of wires that contorted together to make an arm and pull down on a lever by a nearby dashboard. “…But if we look like you, then we could hide.” It explained, Its purple eyes following the scoop as It reared back and was preparing for the dive.

Jeremy began to cry, the fear was too much and what was going to happen felt too much. He was so sorry. Maybe if He hadn’t pulled that prank, maybe if Evan was still alive, then none of this would be happening. Mom would still be around, and they would be happy.

Jeremy was no longer Jeremy in this memory…He was Michael. Michael had done the same, crying in the chair of the person He trusted to guide Him through a secret underground lab that created monsters so long ago. These monsters no longer existed, not like this anyway. Michael had destroyed them…but not before becoming a husk. He was scooped of His insides and filled with this monster. He was ripped wide open, His organs pulled out, and was used as a suit. His body was the way that a group of robots that had fused themselves together with the scooper had escaped from the labs to become free.
Michael had died that day…but somehow He lived. Through it all He lived. But not before feeling the most indescribable pain imaginable. “…If we looked like you, then we would have somewhere to go. The Scooper only hurts for a moment.” The machine finished, before pushing the lever forwards and the scoop diving straight into Michael’s chest, splicing Michael’s stomach and chest wide open for Ennard, the creature operating the machine, to slither inside and use His body to escape.
And almost like the haze of entering the nightmare, Jeremy awoke, the pain in His chest still aching. He felt the pain of His chest explode that made everything absolutely exhausting and sharp. His fingers and toes were numb from the pain, as His skin looked like it was turning a deep purple, His body decaying on the spot and His body seemingly rotting from the inside out. He coughed as He crippled over the floor, head between His shoulders as He weakly held Himself up. His eyes were so sunken into His head it was impossible to see them but the tiny white dots that were His pupils. His hair had totally fallen out, revealing a pinkish, bald head that was smooth and barren. His bones, the endoskeleton underneath, was visible from His thin purple skin as He struggled to steady Himself.

Dry. His whole body and the inside of His mouth were so dry it was like a desert, His throat on fire from the pain. It was like the memory itself of the ‘Scooping Room’ seemed to make His body jolt to the memory of that moment. Axey wasn’t too far from Him, and was the first thing He reached for as He grabbed it with a boney hand and fell to the floor with it in hand. He curled up into the fetal position, the weapon clenched tightly in His arms as He began to cry from the pain. He felt like He was dying, but He just wouldn’t die. He couldn’t die. He wanted to die. He just couldn’t die. Why couldn’t He die?
Surrounding Him, Fiona and Freddy were trying to talk to Him. “Jeremy! Jeremy what happened?! Jeremy!” Freddy cried, delicately putting His arms around the walking corpse as He tried to understand what happened. He suddenly hoisted Him up and looked around with the guard in His arms. “Where is a recharge station? We must hurry!” Freddy exclaimed, the dying man unresponsive. Fiona looked around but didn’t see one anywhere. “ I don’t think one is down here Freddy…We need to get back or Erin may leave us behind!” Fiona said, pointing back towards the cave entrance.

From behind them from the flaming barn, Winston emerged with a few burns. He seemed weakened from the flame, His body looking a bit older from being in contact with the flame. He saw Freddy and Fiona, who didn’t see or hear Him. Winston looked at the Guard, a tear in His eye emerged when He saw the state the boy was in. “You two! Over here!” Winston called out, which got their attention. The two were surprised by the Man, who was ushering Them over towards a collection of rubble. “Quickly! We don’t have much time! The Memory will kill Him in this state! Hurry!” Winston exclaimed, throwing the trash pile aside with a wave of purple ropes that tugged out the different pieces of trash. It revealed a hole in the wall that even the animatronics could fit through. Freddy followed without a second thought, with Fiona hesitating for a second before throwing Her claws up and running after Freddy.

The group went down the cave for maybe a few minutes before They arrived at Their destination. An iron door that could be locked from the inside was before the group, With Winston running ahead and opening the door, letting Freddy inside with Jeremy in His hands, who was withering away more and more. The room was cramped but enough for Freddy, Jeremy, and Winston to fit. The room seemed mined out of the wall, with support beams holding the cave room up to keep it from collapsing. White Christmas lights were along the crease of where the ceiling and the walls of the cave met to give the room bright enough light to see the center of the cramped lab. A desk with several robot parts and a few endoskeleton heads were lying on the wooden makeshift table, with a box that was packaged on the table. In the middle of the room was what appeared to be a recharge station that was sliced down from the top and made into a makeshift bed with wires all over and connectors that seemed to have function. At the head of the bed, A vat of some purple liquid was swirling in activity, with wires connecting it to the bed. A small printer was also attached to the crude machine, seemingly deactivated. The bed was the centerpiece of the room, with wires on the floor that connected the bed to several batteries and machines in the room.
“Quick! The bed! Now! Before we lose Him!” Winston explained, as Freddy placed Jeremy into the cradle-like machine. “I’m going to remove His shirt so that He can be connected. He’s falling into a coma-like state within memories. If He falls too far or dies in the memory…We lose Jeremy.” Winston explained, pressing into parts of the machine. Winston pulled off the security shirt of Jeremy to reveal His purple-d chest. He looked diseased and on the verge of death, clearly the memories too strong. Axey and His backpack were placed next to the bed as Jeremy was quivering in the bed. “I’m c-cold.” He moaned quietly. Winston quickly moved to the head of the bed and gave Jeremy instructions. “Jeremy! Whatever You do…You have to survive the memories Jeremy. Don’t lose yourself! If you can make it to the other side, you will be okay! Follow the instructions and don’t get caught!” Winston explained as He stuck on the ends of cords and wires to Jeremy, as well as slid a strange helmet over Jeremy’s skull that seemed connected to the headset. “We are here Jeremy…You can make it!” Winston said, the last thing Jeremy heard, as He fell back into the comatose state.


The cave was how Gregory remembered it. As the elevator came to its stop, it opened to a cave before Him and Vanessa as They walked forwards. A little farther into the cave and to the right was a opening that had a purple light coming from it that ominously hummed in the distance. As Gregory and Vanessa walked forwards, Gregory held His fazer Blaster forwards and Vanessa still had the knife from when She was controlled. They walked forwards through the damp cave, the dripping of the stalactites making them jump at first. The cave opened up the further They went, but Gregory made Them take a detour towards the purple room.

The room was as before, but the purple liquid inside the container was far brighter and more violent than before. The room had purple veins growing from the container, which were starting to infect everything and consume everything around it. The liquid had dozens of faces swirling in the liquid that made angry and frightened faces as They swarmed the giant tube. The room was emitting a purple haze that made the air taste moldy and bleachy. The room was intoxicating and disgusting at the same time. Gregory and Vanessa didn’t like the room, making their stomachs turn. “So these are all…people?” Gregory asked Vanessa, who nodded with a frown and a twitch. “Their souls tortured with fear and pain, then murdered and harvested. It’s a whole process…and its revolting.” She explained, as She gazed around the room that was slowly becoming corrupted by the mold.

Gregory felt awful for these people. They had no idea what was going on and clearly didn’t understand where they were. They seemingly felt pain but was there even a way to end Their misery. “Can we help Them?” Gregory asked Vanessa, who shook Her head. “They would attack us…not because they are evil, but because they are afraid and angry. William has made Their last living moments hell to make them a powerful force together…It was stronger and easier to control the liquid of Agony rather than the dust of Memory.” Vanessa explained. Gregory watched the swirls intently, fearing Them. “We are Dust…memories of the past that guide us into being alive…but Them? William? The Blob? They are all…This.” She added, turning from the room and going to leave.

Gregory thought about how He could help Them, but if they would attack Him too then there was frankly no point. He knew His spirit was strong enough to push it back but how to actually stop it? He remembered that Dawko seemed weak to fire and that fire seemed to melt Him and dissolve Him, so much so that He fused with His unwilling teammates just to get an advantage. Maybe if He found a way to light Them on fire then that could work. But how would He achieve a fire that strong? The fire would need to be massive and even then would it stop it entirely?

As Gregory turned to join Vanessa, a creature moved in front of Them. A single eye was visible in the darkness that stared at Vanessa. It swung into the room with multiple limbs, lead by a white Foxy head. The exposed eye was glistening a deep purple, angry and frustrated. “Mangle! Vanessa watch out!” Gregory yelled, but it was too late. Vanessa was grabbed by the throat and dragged into the darkness of the cave. “F-O-U-N-D Y-O-U” The Mangle screeched in joy, taking its prize deeper into the cave. Gregory watched as Vanessa was helplessly pulled into the dark. Gregory ran after the monster as It dragged Vanessa deeper into the cave. Vanessa dropped Her knife as She was pulled by the neck into the darkness like a mother bear pulling along its cub by the nape of the neck. Gregory fired a few shots into the robot’s eyes but the head was never in good view as It snaked around the caves and pulled Vanessa around with ease.

Gregory could seem to catch up to the monster, until suddenly He had an idea. He slid to a stop with His feet, sliding His gun to His waist, then raised His power arm at the creature and focused His energy. Just like with the weapon, A blue haze surrounded Mangle and Gregory pulled back with His arm and made the creature dislocate from the wall and fly towards Him. The creature screamed as It hit the floor and released Vanessa. Gregory then let go of the creature, before focusing the energy into His legs and gave a leap as hard as He could.

Not only did Gregory clear over the Mangle, but the jump made Him fall slower too. He pulled out the gun from His waist and aimed another round to hope for the head. He pulled the trigger, praying to god as He aimed the gun at the one exposed eye in the White Foxy head. The beam of light landed a direct hit into the eye. The creature was now completely stunned as It seemed to unravel its tentacle body and lose shape. The eye was now shut as it tried to refocus and see again. As it opened its only eye, the pupil was suddenly bleach white.

Gregory got to the ground and helped Vanessa to Her feet. “Come on! Run!” He exclaimed, as the two ran further into the cave. The creature screamed helplessly for someone, anyone to help. “B-L-I-N-D!” It screamed. “G-O-N-E! G-O-N-E!” It bellowed, the sound reminded Gregory of Scraping metal against a rusted surface. The duo ran further inside, the cave becoming darker as They ran. “I can’t see anything Gregory! We’re lost!” Vanessa exclaimed. “Don’t you have a flashlight?” Gregory asked. Vanessa couldn’t find the light, looking panicked. Her eyes were becoming a slight tinge of red and Her body was beginning to shimmer a red aura as She grew more frustrated. Gregory realized what was happening and immediately tried to calm Her. “I-its okay! We can still find a way! Come on! I think Its deeper this way!” Gregory exclaimed, pulling Vanessa by the hand forwards into the cave.

As They continued, the screaming of The Mangle couldn’t be heard anymore. The deep cave echoed parts of the scream but it was so distant you wouldn’t be able to tell what it was. The cave they now found themselves in was a massive cliff that could look over a large part of the cave before Them. Winding paths could be seen down below, and they all looked like They were carved from the wall. The cliff had no railings, making Gregory nervous as He peered over the edge. The cave floor from up on the cliff looked like there was something on the floor, all scattered around that seemed vibrant with color at a distance. As Vanessa looked over the cave, She realized where they were and the red aura and red eyes disappeared. “This is the Memory Cave! This is where the Memory Dust is! We are close to William! If we can get down there, then I know where to go!” She told Gregory, keeping Her voice low. Gregory felt the energy of this cave feel off, but as He looked deeper in, He realized that He could see something.

A group of things, moving with care precision. The group was comprised of Blues, Greens, and Reds. The groups were moving through the cave orderly. Lead by someone at the front on a steed of some kind. As He looked closer at the leader, He realized that it was a kid like Him riding forwards and leading the charge with a flag attached to His steed. “Wait a second…” Gregory said under His breath. When He looked at the details of the face, He realized another thing about the kid…It was Literally a kid like Him.

the Remnant Cycle #1 / The Plex - Chapter 22 - KamiRoxyWrites (2024)


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Author: Jamar Nader

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Author information

Name: Jamar Nader

Birthday: 1995-02-28

Address: Apt. 536 6162 Reichel Greens, Port Zackaryside, CT 22682-9804

Phone: +9958384818317

Job: IT Representative

Hobby: Scrapbooking, Hiking, Hunting, Kite flying, Blacksmithing, Video gaming, Foraging

Introduction: My name is Jamar Nader, I am a fine, shiny, colorful, bright, nice, perfect, curious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.