The Times-Picayune from New Orleans, Louisiana (2024)

tJtmng gtcagunto Tuesday Errrara, july it, issi Tl Kie slumber's ch. a In the DerU's Di Itdbeeoffr it "Ths glrll Wt torn sb indnie' to 1 lad me; 'n i tllC vy And tells seals the on told tleM Of how It "3UlUlfil4(M." Toledo ABxeriaa. XUO IIIWU TTXAW TV Qii OO tiUO fence retired when he heard the fence rail and Raw the plaak rrlk. r.Bwfcnr What makes the hairs fall oat asks a com "pondent. Usually it is the property of the deceased thatmakes the heirs fall out.

Zero Sifting Jones was reading that aa elephant Is so intelligent it can fan itself. He toyed for a moment with a palm leaf and then aid, "Why, any fool' can do that." Herald P.X lf "1 "Disvas der vinder mtt my a is content'" remarked an excited Teuton as the window sash came down upon h's 1 1 1 Ul m. Kfiwnlfl necK wuixe oe ww iwuu( vj race. Cambridge "Does it pay to keen a clean record in politic asks the Binghamton Kepdb lican. It may pay; but a man has to economize to save twenty five thousand dollars a year out of a salary of tire thousand.

Xorristowm Herald. An Oil man purchased a band bellows, took it home, and told his wife he had concluded to blow his bruins out whereupon she replied that a smaller sized bellows would have an swered the purpose better. Oil Ctg Zicrrick. Society note from Puck Et Connt TJftmani Macaroni di Vermicelli has. un der the new regime, renewed his connect llOu Witn Olgliur vuwuwuaiiuii ui, iuu Street Cleaning Bureau, and will pass a considerable time this summer in the delightful sport of mud shoveling and gut ter sweoping." A euphuistic and euphemistic reporter on the St.

Paul Pioneer Press tells a tale, ef a man who drank a bottle of whisky at one sitting, and died in the act, in the lollowing aesthetic manner George Dapp, of Oshkosh, made a bonded warehouse of his bay window, and turned, his toes np to the daisies." 1 Oar cousin John became considerably vexed at us yesterday, because we laughed and called him a jumping Jack when he suddenly arose from the inquisitive end of a tack upon he had J.ouia There is no misfortune that, is not Accompanied by a blessing" said a philosophical McGregor man. There's my blind neighbor. It is his misfortune to have lost nis but as a recompense, he cant see his wife," JicGrepor IpTewt. A weurappearing' gentleman was. arrested on Thursday, charged with steal in two mattresses from a Coney Island hotel.

The was mainly, circ*mstantial, and he was on' the verara of be ing discharged from custody, the missing property was discovered. He had Bidden the mattresses between. the cases of his watch. Sing Sing, months. L.

Railway Journal. At the commencement exercises of one of the college this wees man asked, What is love 1" lie thought a minute and then said 3 It's a sort of a feeling that yon don't want any other fellow going around with That is perhaps as good a definition as could be framed by a committee of lovers in regular session. A lover had almost rather go himself than to Jiave another fellow go around with her. Vci Sum. The Burlin Eton man save "If the oun man who stood under the aft win ow of 'this Office last Tueadav nirht And sane: Let me T)i when the Lilies are Blooming," will kindly stand where the foreman can reach him with' the the next time he we will do all that human power caajlo to get him in a boat two lap ahead, of the earliest lily; of the season.

No mam who sings as ne does should waste any time waiting for the lilies when it oomes'to 'dying. 1 Jk Bold Sayllglit Robbery. Word was received at the police headquarters this afternoon from the Grand Central Depot that three men. apparently peddlers, had stolen flO.000 in billi at the depot and escaped. The men were in a licensed Tender's wagon," the nnra ber of which is known to the police.

The particulars were not given, but it is snr niised the money was stolen out of the express safe or office. A general alarm was sent ont and the detectives put to work. The robbery, upon investigation, was found to nave been committed boldly in the open street. At noon Charles Meiser 'chmidt, a clerk in the employ of Jacob lie next, a brewer, drove in a light wairon "from the brewery, at Ninety seconds atreet ana mra avenue, aown to aeposi a sum of money in the Germania and Nassau Bank. With him in the wagon was Gustav Akerlon, ofilce boy.

They carried (9300 in bills done np in a package, and a bag tilled with silver dollars. Ah urur wvouiu street LUCLr wagon was run into by a vendor's wagon, in whieh three men were It is supposed the peddlers sprang from their wagon, two attacked the clerk, while the third cut the reins of his horse. In an instant they had Seized the package of bills, and jumping back on their wagon, drove furiously down Lexington avenue, the ttnar nf silver falling in thn afi At. The city swarmed with detectives to night in search of the vender's wagon. It was.

marked No. 2450, and bore also 1186 Third Avenue. Boenkamp inform ed the police that he sold his wagon three weeks ago to two strange men whom he bad never seen before or after. i'rom this it is inferred the robbers had carefullv matured their plans, watching Ruppert's bank messengers from day to him. The man who obtained, earlv in one, a license for vender's wagon No.

2450, gave the name of N. Statan, and his residence at No. 211 Green street. He wm noi seenn) aaj. The thieves at the time of the assault fired a shot over the heads of the affrighted clerkfe.

The robbers were all masked and brandished pistols. One jumped into the wagon and collared Messensmidt, holding a pistol to his head. Another of the robbers seized the package of bills and the silver, but lrOTTed the latter tnn Wvr. nhnnta to the amount of $34)0, which Messensmidt carried iin his pocket, were not touched. The I thieves drove furiously down Lexingtdn Avenue, and atThirky ciKiiiii birret luey mmea into Third A venae and disappeared.

The detectives are working on the case with the precinct officers. 2i. Timet, ltitfc, TbA nriff nf tVi a fJM.l an i tee, which has been brouirht ta V.n cri nri as a present to the Queen from the King of Ashantee, is involved in some obscurity. It is believed to have been used in battle by some king before the invention vi kuus sou gunpowaer. it was very much reverenced by the Ashantees as bemir a symbol of nover nm) mUh and has always figured in state ceremonials.

It is covered with leopard skin as symbolical of courage, the Ashantees believing the leopard to have more ourae than any other animal, the lion uoc excepted. The gold upon it issinitic iiii cf wealth. Thus, by the leopard skin ana tue goia, tne Asnantees themnvf interpret that they possess theliighuT amount of courage and an nnlimlteil stijout of wealth with which to sup port Uieir wars. It was only aftur cc with the chiefa that the a i fit ty Un' Hnd, it' bein? ferml i.J be' looked upon by a omen of jpowcx. riOATUHB OFFICE I TneMiar.

Joly at. 1M P. at I XjOUISIJlWA. Bias Is ia modarate demand, with tne market reported strong for tbe higher qualities, wale a eontmas searoe. Price also exhibit more flmuni in and lrerTmds under tfte grrwuaX aar Un iaae lor" 19 tocka.

Anag to frt.a a4 or round lota. i i ii i 1 1 C.vaary.... mm Caotee BomlnaU i a vs RonoH rick is auoted at ta a bM. LOUl8IAa SUGAB Keertpts stnes yesterday are limited to 6 hbdcsad 1M Situation aneaanred. trad eonUaala very quiet under a limited jobbing denand wltatB tae raag el 4ae.Akwiag qw "iSferlw 6o' eotnnton good eommoa THwTXe, tatt to good lalrfH 7Xu.

tMx prupe to ftrtotir pnae eboloe ete kue K8)e seoonds 80, yeiiqw elarifled og waits elart Had )te, white elarifled He asd, caolos wbUe larine4 at rK5hTZSY gUOAB ts seraaV at tor oabes, 10lo5o. for eff A watts, i0i910Ue. for stasdard 10e.fw 110. for powdered UUHe. for eruaaed and MX UMo.

for oat loaf In bbls. 1 i XXU1BIANA MOltASSES Koi arrival slnoe yesterday. on'etliig are poor, sad the market is quoted ea and nooa'nal. wltk very Uttl demand, at toasoirfor common and tswio sor fair galioa. CITY REFLNEBY UOUSiSA ASD T9YBCPS Is qasted at soe.

for lalerlov. 90. for eommoa. Mo. for for prtoaa, o.

for oaoloe, aad 80o. gallon foc eaetee 'syropsi BACK COBW Is quiet, with a stronger market for mixed under a Oder at aoppl of that description. White Is steady with ofnuirgs ample. Sales soo aa3k mlxelat 60s. baaheL White Is qaotei at 63a.

OATS Show a farther advenes of 38. boahel nnder ths eon ttansd: light i snppir. and strong tenor of western advisee. Sales eamprtoe aoo and too seeks at M). fbaahei.

BRAN Is searee and In demand at $1 lso n. HAY Ts In liberal aapply on ths landing, dull and lower. No sales reported. Prim Is quoted at $1617 and eholoe at tl8 ip ton. FLOUB The strsag tone of wheat markets ef the suntry Is having some la flosneson prioe of floor.

"The extreme rang of the market lata, bat alder are firm oa all ths hhrh grades because of their soaroity. The demand la a utile better this wrek than last week, but Is still not Qaotations ror round lots, via: Fancy. $6 42H T5. eholoe TH, family ta sosv 75, treble asa 35, baksra Rrade 8T)r T8, Minnesota patent tT8, Mlsnssota stralarbt ts Sit A to. I6w 'grades aomlaaL.

COBN' MEAL Receipt are. moderate, amounting to oaty 481 bbla. sine Friday, and ths demand light, prices sling qolet sad essy at ta toss bnu when sold on ths Levee to 'the trade. Dealers get higher, rates. CREAM MEAL Per bbl.

83 609S TS In tales' to the trade; Dealers obtain higher rates. r. i RYE FLOUR Quoted at tt 35 bbL a OBITS Chstoe 0094 bDhiOnt. Of store rstes ars higher vf 11UH1B I OKl i BKU POEX Quiet but steady at prertous prleei. In sales to the trade from first bands, standard mess 1 held ar tlT 63jt 17 Tt, and on orders at 817 87H18.

BACON Firm aad naoaansd, bat the trading Is light. Shoulders THo clear rib sides 10Hloe clear and long clear aides lofte. Dealers obtain higher rtes. DRY SALT aCHATB Arrivals fair, demand moderate sad ci steady and price firm far packed shoulders at 7fte. Dealers ta their trade obtain a higher rat.

HAMS There Is about the usual demand for city eonrampUem and on country orders. Stocks are light and the market la quiet but firm. We quote choice canvassed goods UMUHe. as in site and bread, la sales from first bands, dealers getting higher rates on Job lots. LARD Is la fair supply and demand at for ebolee refined In tlerees.

Lard )n small packages Is held at an advance of H. on these rates. WHISKY Is firm and unchanged at fl liwl for chotoe Western reettflsd. TUG MTEIX. 1 Ttcirxnrs ottics, i Tossday, July 19, X8SL I DEPARTURES THIS DAY.

DonaldsosrvlJls Belle of the OoastU AJg. OpekKisss Jno. Wilson, M. Vtoksborg Jso. W.

Oannon. Ben Tureaad Belle. 11 A. Id.

DEPARTURES WXDVESDAY. Bsyon Sara Laura Lse, ir.H. Bhreveport Sliver Cltr. iP.K. Onaehlsa City H.

Banna Blanka. P. U. Monroe Ooroua. ip.M.

DJCPARTURXa THURSDAY, i Arkaasas Uty John, IP.M. Lafourche St. Mary, IP. M. Donaldsenvllle BeUe of the Coast, 13 BL Ben Tureaad Belle.

11 A. at DEPARTURES FRIDAY. Flaqnemlns Whisper. 11 A. M.

Lai onrehe Assam pUon, 11 A. M. Bayea Sara Faschop, IP.M. DEPASTURES 8ATURDAT. Ben Tureaad Belle, 11 A.

4 Donslrtssfivllle BeUe of the Coast, M. Camden Earls. IP.H. Ouachita City Clara SA r. K.

Grand Eoore Danube, IP.K, Vlcksburg E. J. Gar, IP.M. Bayou Sara Laura Lee, IP.K, Clnolnaatt TJ. P.

Soheaok. iPiK. 1 JACKS rAFFS. i The weather yesterdsy was soo robing. Very little bustaess doing.

The departures yesterdsy were the Fan ehon, Whisper, Assumption and St. Mary. The Belle of ths Coast, J. F. Auoola.

master, Edw. Nieolle, elerk, leaves st 11 o'clock, this morning, for Doaaldsonvllle. IP.M, today, ths no. Wilson, H. H.

Broad, master, Theo. Jobln, elerk, leaves for Opelousae. The John w. Cannon, Wm. Campbell, master, w.

1 Cannon, clerk, leaves at I o'olook this evening for Vlcksburg. The Belle, D. Harper, master, J. C. Bsr eron, elerk, leaves at 11 o'olook this morn jg or Ben Tureaad'.

The tow boat Future Cltr has undergone extensive repairs and has had a new steel shaft put in at St. Louis recently. For the past week business at Cincinnati has been entirely paralyzed by the hot weather. Ouachita Biver Is falling fast. The Fred.

A. Blanks leaves for 8. Ltuis toMnorro w. Ths following telegram was received by Mr. O.

F. Roots Monday morning: Dkwvxs, CoU, July 17. Capt J. H. Pepper died at my house this evening.

J. W. Buitr. Capt. Pepper died from an acute ohronle disease, which he had suffered with for a great while.

He was raised on the river and bulls several large steamers. Hs wa S3 years of age, and lesves a wife and two grown son to mourn hit loss. Capt. J. W.

Blanks Informs us he hat mads arrangements for a aide wheel steamer bavin a capacity of ssoo bales, to run in ths New Orleans and Camden trad the coming seasoo. Vlcksburg Commercial Engineer Gsorg Dillon, who has been running ths tag at ths inspecting station here, was arrested oa a warnant from United State Commissioner Low en barf on an affidavit mads by Dr. Ashe, who la In charge of ths Inspecting station below this city, charging Dillon with abusive language. Dillon was promptly discharged yesterday by the Commissioner, as there was no evidence to sustain the charge. Mr.

Dillon left by rail last night for Memphis, There seems to be a screw loose a the station for soma eaase. The steamer Haiuday that passed op Monday waa detained nearly two hoars, waiting for the Inspecting Officer to make the necessary examination. Dr. Ashe was In ths city. i If ths National Inspection Stations of the National Board of Health are established lor apy thine.

It is ror the purpose of giving protection to the publlo ana especially at this particular season ot the year. They should bo under the supervision ot physicians who are familiar with all eontagleu aod thoroughly acclimated, wits 11 s'ablUbed reputation as experienced pbrsJotaD. The atatlon at thia point this season has been a failure, taking It altogether several boata have passed without the proper Inspection being had. Dr. Ashe, the station at this i BUrl7 without experience, and certainly not the proper man for the Blrohett and Balfour, health offlcer for this coanty and city, telegraphed to Memphis to Dr.

F. W. ReUly requesting hia presence here. Ht answered that he steamer Blanka thia eveuln. boned that suoh changes and rerulsueae wlUbe Inaugurated by Dr.

Kelly, wo the Inspecting of Jeer or the vfloos tU of the NetloE 1 Board of wLlo wut slve te th's tion the prcter super Hon, 'diiv' publlo an assoraneset ssu'? 1 ti vf uca erltlesl lmporae9. Ii bis action It Is probably vU that has been for seve'tl ys roe some bales of rags on wt i here, a ng shipment to inaU. 1 boats wersshi9 ta rll to dsy. Tb traae nvi iu romptly prohibited by rl'Wi I Boar Hlth as well at by 6 Boar Health. IN BEACON LIOHT3 BETWEEN MEMPHIS AND VICKSSCRO.

viokabnrg Herald. 17th: Joly. 1881 Ciw IslandBsad No. moved down fialf gille Bennetts, moved down half mile. Orpoalt.

down too VSmpneus, uuauijif uurwuvwa my i JfSUS iuau5, uuvuww 4 uif tool. Pox Landag. laeantlnued sly li. lSBf. K.

Landing, moved VP aalf salto. LattlS Point, wo reddswn 600 yards, Horseshoe, movea aown 300 yaras. Concordia, moved down 800 yard, i Island 78, moved down soo yards. Refngemovs down SOS yards. Longwood, moved down tot yards Lske Washington, moved down 100 yards.

Hunting Lsdge, established Joly 15. 1S8U Bunch's Cut Off, dlsoontlnaed Joly 14, 1881. down to Longwood. Bsleehes, moved down soo yarda. All Right, moved down soo yards.

Psw Paw Isisnd, moved down to head of field on acoount of caving bank. Will continue to work aowa stream. Bespeetfully. Johs? J. Read.

I Com. II. S. Inap. li L.

H. District. 'Ouachita Telegrapn: The sited States essgbost O. Q. withdrawing Irjas ths Upper Oaaohlts as the water recedes.

Is operating in front of this city aad Jnst hn the rear ot dii office the rear ot the 'office, like that of all other riparian build 1 ings being on the etty'a river front. The 'removal of the wreck of an old wharf beat has been engaging, the Warner 'a services Since Monday. The facilities of Ithe boat appear to be ample for the undertaking and the wreck is rradtallv being orougnt awsv. we tnuuc, aowevsr. It would be oetter If the entire river frost were lined with wrecks like that being removed.

This oae, ws know, has not Injured navigation, but baa materially aided in recovering some of the bank lost by erosion. There was a good channel inside the wreck better than there waa before it sank there, and the bank was fBy Telegrapn.1 Moksox. Jnlv 17. To E. Con err 80a: The steamer Rosa wUl arrive Wednesday.

Dove will connect witn uorena. J. M. Rabch, Master str. Boss B.

Monkok, July is. To E. ConerydcSon: Earle arrived at A. 8C, and will lsavs this evening. Twenty Inches ea Monroe bar.

T. C. Bwbkncy, Master str. Earle. Memphis.

July 19. Noon. River falling. Departed City of Greenville for Vleksourg and City of Helena for St. Leols at 10 A.

M. Weather warm. rrCAYUNB OFFICE, July 19. 'ARRiyXDj No Arrtral' xrom Sea, miifiu. Corona.

Delahoasaare, rm Trenton. Laura Lee, Libaso, xm Baron Sara, til. IMPORTS. ARROW' IN Wt BJTKSS Steamship Alt moie 8952 steel rails to order BAG DA LA. OBANBS Aark Olw St hhds smgar to Agar dk i.j 1 i i.i i 'i RECEIPTS OF PRODVCX.

'V TBENTON Steamer Corona SS bale cotton Jnrey A GLUlls 5 A Shlenker Aoo 9 Lehman, Abraham Aco 7 Meyer, Wela Aoo 4 Raw Una no Phelps Ace so Hardle Acs 1 Norwood A Richards 1 Pavne. Ksnnsdv Aoo 1 ChaSs Powell 1 Kalffer A Gardner 3d aks cotton seed to Cotton Bead Asn So head stock ts A reset Mlahell Ass it bxs aehe Graham, Black fcco snndnss to srdar Total as oaie eowss AO sa oonsn sees BAYOU SARA Steamer Laura Lss 0 balsa cotton ts Merer, Wels Aco I A Nswstsn SHvmaaA Uchtenstetn 1 Harm Aes 11 Bjtser ise DDis sugar tk andrie te Tot IS oottoav 1M Dbiangar XOROANS LOUISIANA AND RAILROAD AND STEAMSHIP CXV Jnlv ltLbcalLdS bbla rlcsl half bbl sugar 5 bales moss 1 hide 91 ska potatoes to Barker A Bevin 168 do bales moss Walsh hade angar Calder Aco 97 ak potatoes Kanrlo to ds Langs A Legendre S3 do A VUlermtn bale mos Beer a ht do Blbolet I pkgs eggs and snndris to orrtur Totl hhds sugar All Ksll Sl bead eattls Fiantta ears do Areook. MicbeU Aeo Per steamshin Mt Marr. from Indlanola IS balsa cotton Latoor PtUburr 8 aks wool 8 bales bides 0 a wninasy aco ana sunanee te order Total IS bale cotton esivsstoa as dsisb osteon jl wnitasy 10 wwr imii ao oaies oofcwa LADON SPRINOS 1: Will opened for the reception of gnasts on JUNE 181. United States MaU Bteaaksr lssvs'Mohlls for Bladon Springs svsrr Tnssdsr aad Satardsv svsning.

Daily mall ts and from the Hprlsgs via Baokatnnna. Ths water these celebrated Springs are unrivaled tor the ears of Rbeo. nvatUm, Chrsai IMarrhosa. Dlasetea, Bright' asa au otaer nisease os tas a inaers. nororoia and Cnf saeoas Sffect.loaa, and Fs oai Ooaaplatnta Board 10 per week t35 per month ef four weeks.

For descriptive circular, saalrus st waters, soareaa, Jja uu, Bladoa SDringa. Ohostawoosntr. Ala. Ticket to ths Springs and return, good nntfl ssyai ED FORD (VA.) ALUM AND IjsON BPBINOS. $35 month.

Fare AL .3 40 hours from Nsw Orleans. Boond trip 43. A.M DAViS, President. I. LYONS, Agent, Nsw Orleans.

Jsl9 SnWeBslu JAND OF THE SKY SWANNANOA HOTEL, AshsvlUe, WV N. 'j'. (23M fsst above the This nsnnlar hoteL bnllt nf brick, with nnui. tr for two hnadred aad fltty guests, has been thoroughly finished aad renQrated. and nnder the present new management will be kept opeo winter and summer.

It ts the only hotel In the city funuebea with electric Salts and apeaking tubes, and the only Telegraph Omo In the place is in this hotel. Tbe reams are large and well ventilated. Billiaad rooms, bath rooms, barber shop and laundry in tbe house. A fine orches trs engaged for the sssson. This hotel Is headquarters for the youn and the fashionable, and in lact ths leading hotel In the city, being one ot the best bnllt, best eaolpped and beet kept hotel in the State.

The hotel is snppued witn cistern and moan tain well water. Fine moon tain no vs tren the noteL Daily rat a. at SO and 3 oo per day, acoord lnk to location and aumbai of psrsons Is rooms Liberal arrangements for board by ths week or month. A to the manner In which ths 8 waunnnoa Is kept, we refer to those who are or hare been gneats nnder it present management. For fuitner Information, apply to kawls a oar FEB, Proprietors.

WM. GORMAN, Manager. Refer, by peraaUsloa, to Fred. N. Thayer, New Orleans.

Jy7 lm ORESCENT HOTEL 1 I BAY ST. LOUIS, MISS WlthmfivnTmuteswac from the depot. 1 AIRY BOOMS, CHARM CVG GROUNDS. First class board and pouts attention, sto4 guarantsed. Prices to salt the ttmea.

myte tf T.V.TOTTLME. Proprietor. ItfONTROSS HOUSE. LTA 1 BILOXL MISS, Thia oonunodlous Hotel has been thoroughly renovated. Visitors will, as heretofore, reoelvs i i ths best attention and all the delicacle ot ths sesson at moderate Address Tea tsl P.

J. MONTROSS, Prepristac. AND Jf'T 16 'tv 1 h. tue MS toe iL tiie rooart triv pONTCARTRArajt TI.WAT rwt tt ts hd ef nal stteet. Depot at Lad of 1 nisa surest, matt to aad troia fknd I etuis rants day, cents.

Children no ler It years. iu ar ia troia usnmiij, vj vobi' Bouiiltrl2 Traui lere cpct, head cf Canal sst, st 7: 1 ir 1 P. V. 4:47 af P.il7;ZP. M.

Leavs depot, head of Elyalan Fields street, at 6:05 A. 9:01 A. 3:88 P. P. aad 6aS a4V Leave MUoeburg at 4:41 i.

6:81 A. it 7:5 V. vL, 8:37 P. "It, 9M P. aL, and 10:07 TMlnl ran Mt tin.



1:32 P. M. 5 P.M. 10K P. M.

Shi 2 A. hL. 10 Ot AM. raat ONLY ONE CHANGS OF CAB TO NORTH EBN AND EASTERN OITISa. Ticket off! corner St.

Charles aad Oommsa streets, where Slseptag Oar aoosramodsttons oan bs saenred. O. P. ATMOREjj Gen. Pass.

Agent. J. H. BMCTHTTloket AgoniT J. T.


Trains will lsavs and arrive at the Oalllop street Depot, on aad alter SUNDAY, Nov em bet 7.1bmafoUwt 'k' Leave. Arrive. Exp. NO. A.

ECfMan Ns. 7:11 X. Mail No. 9, P. M.

I Exp. No. 4. 11:86 A. kUxed NoTt), P.

M. Mixed NoTlO, 8:48 P.M. os. l. sna a aa ana ah daily, except Sunday.


Tickets tor sate, km a secured and tntsrma don given at Da as Camp strsst, enrasr of Common. A. I. SHELDON, Tlekst Agent. J.


Galveston with ths Nsw Orleans steamer sod at Houston, with Star and Oresoent all rail roots from New Orleans. 'ahortest aad Qnicksst Llns between Galvss ton and an stations en the Galveston, Houston and Sad' Antonio Railway hy twenty muss and tweaadahaaasanrtlamu THROUGH WIGHT EXPRESS FROM OAl VESTOIK AND H0TJST0B: T0B RlchmoBd, Brenham. Caldwell, Caaeron, BtI ton. Bound' Rock, Rockdale. Osorgotswn, Aes.

tin. Ban Maross, New BraanJsle and aio. vi Mllaso Janetton aad Intsrnattonal and Great Northern Railway. Pssesngers wul consult their tntsrestr by traveling by the "TEXAS MIDLAND." i OBOAS O. MURRAY, O.

P. A Qalvastsa. JNO. SEALY, Oenl Manager. mytl tf BEAT NORTHERN PLEASURE ROUTE.

i Ths Old EstsWlabed and Reliable GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY' .4 1 ROYAL MAIL EXPRESS LINE STEAM Asfouowti Capt. Sinclair Cspt. Bailey Capt. Farrel PABHPOBT Capt Irvine Capt. Trewal vapt.

uameroa Prom Toronto to Montreal witnoat enan nge. and connecting witn au tne unpo: Through tiokeu eaa bs obtained st Nfa*gara Falls ol ill undersigned, to Montreal. Quebec, White Moan tains, Portland, Boston and Saratoga. GREAT NORTHERN PLEASURE ROUTE. MAIL LINE TStMBTtS ORANB TRUNK RAILWAY, For Montreal, Qaebec.

Saratoga, Whits Moun tains, Riviere Da Loop, River Sagnsnsy, Lake George, Portland. Bee torn, New Torn, etet will tear Kisgars Falls depot. New Ymk Central Railroad (exoept Sunday), at 10 A. 2C for Lewlston, taking steamei City, of Toronto, Capt. Mllioy, for Toronto, eonseot Ing directly with tbe oemmodlsoe and beautiful express steamers, passing through the Thousand Islands and ths Great Victoria Bridge by The steamer composing this llns are, for speed and safety, unsurpassed, being Clyde built, of Iron, sad oocstrnctsd with especial referenoe ts navigating ths laks and river.

Ths fare as low and time as uek as by any other route. Tickets svallabls either by rail or steamer, a part or the whole ol tbe route, being a faculty not extended by any other line, enabling the pasenger. In ease a storm, or It desirous ot aroidtng the lakes, to go by rail root Toronto to Kingston or Prssoott, and thence take ths tKFor ticket or Information apply toftfrs. AJ E. BARBRR, Agent, at the Grand Trunk and Royal MaU Line etesmere offlee, Mo.

4 Interns Uonal Hotel Block. KIISOIff, General Passenger Agent, 1 A. MILLOY. Trafflc Manager, Richelieu and Ontario Navlgaaon Co. 1 Jy9 tf 54f THE RABco*ck A WILCOX C0.S (Nw Yorxi PATENT WATER TUBE STEAM BOILERS Possess the following advantages Thorough absorption of beat, convenience of cleaning, circulation of water, freedom for expansion, perfect combustion, ease of transportation, safety from explosion, highest economy of rueL can be need with Mississippi water.

sO.OOO horse power in use. 400 horse power at a. M. Swenson'a Northbend plantation. La.

SOO horse power nnder contract for D. F. Ken nor, Bsc La. FBBD. COOK, Manfr Agenty 60 Carondelet aWNsw Orleans.

mygB'81 WsASnly CTT" KT'CI tuun bey LINEN AND Ozitl2a 'And Cssaw FOR SALE F18 '81 lyW NEW ORLEANS r' Lake Rstlrewl. 1881. On aad hL'nD, far on tjtla wa 1 bs FIFT. fJTJSAIlC JATDe cnT3 circa. oranh xycttt3ion stbamxr.

eOUlxLk TRA to TAT10N LINE F(ttl street, CI i i RATI, LOU 18 airo. Memnhla and iiio River. eonnect. rv st Ca. i i packet and j.

5s for l.oua saU Lafr Ths pass, streamsr U.P.BCHBNOK. L. Carter, Diek Barns, e' rk. PAt UitDAY, July Si, at I P. tt.ft yon board, or ts J' i c.

w., gJ4ravlerst HEW ORLWljraj AJVD OUACHITA PXTXB JH ITr i) HXAl MJU.U PACAUrr, res err Wi fFaT VY. 1 TT. Le 2 itJR JAO ilTi L.ras H.HANNABLANKS. On place et the JShn U.

Hanna.) f. A. Blanas, sr, a ios Hn Ha is, slsst. p. A.

BLAK A3, prssldsst. I8t Gravlsr Carlln A Lxitiun. G. P. Lord UsV PeaAe, W.

Adams, ii Oonnect wise, asaii boat jter sea sad tributaries. a4 HEW ORLKANS AND OUACHITA RIVER, TSAnsrua i Ai iun uuarAn I 1 STATES MAIL. PACKET. Lfeares svery SATURDAY, at ft P. M.

sT and landln gs on Black aad Ouachita Jkirera riie st JLtAKA. (TnrAaoeoi la. Hasna BlankaJ Ben Corn well, master. Capt. F.

A. Jlaars, Prssuient. No. 132 Orssar Carlia A Brltton, O. P.

Work Lord A ste Peaks, R. W. Adama, aganta. N. Conneos wita.

mall boat for Asasndtrisutsris. mys tt INDBPENDENT' TRENTON AND HON. i ROE WESJKLY PAP8KNGER PACKET, ii ft rmw ka FOR TRSNTON, MONROE. IV fOolnmbia, Barrisonbnra and au lnndinga on OnaehitS and Blank Rtvers The nsw, splendid pssasnger atasaesr CORONA. i in place of St.

Johrt.) X. P. Delahsussays, msster. L. B.

Tarlston. ePk, wiu msvs as aoovs, poaitivaiy. jror coigns or psssags spply on bsa ooa9 mt to WJlU. O. Ul'k.

in no wrarjar street. JHCK A. WiYNS, 108 Oommon stmatv JNO. JANnTST, 108 Oommon street. Has eloss sonnsetions with boat for a tributaries.

Bayou D'Axbonhs, Bayou Bsrtkado mew and Salins River. Connecting with ths steamer DOVE for OsnW den. Ark. i mvS8 BPBTNO AND SUMMBLR ARRANGSMENTi rrrto 'a. wsskly satur i Tdavnackst EARTjE, 1 T.

Sweeney, magteT. win leave srrsryfUtTURD A Y4or Csmden.Ohami pagnolle. El Dorado, Mors, Alabama XAad ng, Monroe and Trenton and an way landlnge on Ouachita and Black close connection and giving through bills ot lading for all ths tributaries. Agents ttso, D. Hits, Joaa A.

Wsyne, Jno. Janney. jror inrtaer uuornuRion sppiy v. J. W.

CARLTON. Superintendent, BAYOU aAaaaVwA BAYOTX SARA BE MI WEEKLY Bw A rBTaSA tf a tl as A sT I'ZT a7f blATTa MAIL PACKET. BAYOU MARA, WkTX too. Hermitage, Part Kadson.Lo. deal' fetors, LstoaRoo, PlasnsW since landings The as ttti isr di 'rtn nlaoaof tlielu.

J. (IaV jrassssvei MONDAY sad FRIDAY, at I PTtT a or trsi tit a on ooara, sr CAKLia A 1 iriO.t, 110 Gravter st, JOBJi JAfiT, Uncommon stretti Jyfl a BEMa WI XLY BAYOU SAP UUITE MAIL PAOAT. LAUitA la place of ths JshaW. Canaan, Jsha H. Mesaopsad Jn S.

rkL Lsarsa New Oriole kTUT ii u)AY ana batukdat. as r. a. POR BAYOU SARA, RATON JV Ronjaaaatf jsadlSga, Clinton and WoedvCl frelrhts reach their assnnsr'es raaay ssa air muin Geo. p.

xits, Jan A. ayns, lso. Jsnssy, Ajrsnis. r. av Rest reserves the if tetassaaiaa tags, sad ssrstsss tstre tr 'ht sr lasses lars far aU laar'ass that aad tia atay oeautad tafoi yyi aapwaawsna1syaa1sBeaWBa TRI WEEKLY TO BEN TURSAUD AND WAY LANBINGS1r Lesve Nsw Orleans svery TUESDAY.

THURSDAY and SATURDAY, St 11 A. X. The a bio. passenger i Y. TX Harper, mastsr, t.o.

Berssam. eterkv will laare aa above, rstnmlng down ths eosst svery Wednesday, Friday aad Sunday in day. light. For freight or passage apply en board. Qm? v.

.5, MJL xl, iisVJi vt iv wbw wifc sSwwNadsvwasrwar'St VMw'WeVWBSWsWABVi WHITE STAB LINE. mUUJt HEW ORLEANS, COAST, ft, PAUEMQiE num. aw The pi meager rrt'iTt J. A. Oomsw tf.

Oee. Weo rtsrk. laarss svery MONDAY St I P. M. Sad trmlDAY at 11 A.

mJ, iwmm a as eoast ta day UrhtWEDlTBaDAYa and SUNDAYS. frsliht er ai on aCMlw! la Oontt ttrssk Atfsrktmjthe landing at aa timet ts reosrve nwfni, YlfJKsSfS2ICai A MAIL SATURDAY v. VUJXllilUBi. HkTOSrA usthi hmib ssaau Ths AUL.

O. QAY, i. tin place of tht is si atcoss. i T.P.Lsstbssrarmaster, J. W.

atnte. ttsrk, eonnaoting at vlcksburg with Parlsot Line tor au point am xssoo, ouiaower, user vrses: ana. Tniianainnni sna sncrvor uat osireeadst. lous. JOHN JANNEY.

Agent. lod Common strsst. P. 8. Win give through a ilia of lading to Trenton, Monroe, and aU points oa ths Vioka bnrg.


Leaves erery TUESDAY, at IP.M. a. FOR WASHINGTON, OPjvLOU sss, Port Barre, BT tTUIs and aU landings ss the esast. Atebatalaya Rivsr and Ttainif nniisfiisai 11n llghtdrati passenger stwamer H. H.

JSo? Jbtn. elerk. or trslght or sseaags spply on board, sr as R. W. Adams, Cariin A Briucnand Geo.

D. Hits. Agents. ol7 tf HARRISON'S DYSPEPSIA SPECIFIC A certain Cure for Dyspepsia, In digestion. Headache, Constipation, Bilious, nan, and all Dlaeaee of Ltrer and Stom.

aoh. One bottls wul convinc yon of it priceless mine ss ss Innrorator. It is recommended by 6or. L. A.

Wilts, Adam Thomson, Ashbef Orssa aad many others whs havs used tt. DERMACU RA Ths aovsislgM OURS tor all SKIN DISEASES Cats, Burns, Old Sorea, PUes, Chafes. Chaps, Pimples, Corns. Bunions, Stings, Itch, Ringworm, etc No family should bs without a bOtfaA lor immediate uss. Pries toe.

HARRISON'S COUGH SPPCTFlC Is the most pleasant and safe CURS tor Coughs, Col da, Bronchitis, stnma, Croup, Whooping Congk, a)4 aU Throat and Lrm Diseases. The teste 1 good, and the Ousel hknmagio. TRY IT AT ON OS. HARRI90NTS SMULSION, PBOn. PHORIZED 000 LIVKR OIL AND SOLUBLE PLCinuri.OI LIME I a perfect food by antnuon building up ths nervous system, and overcoming Scrotnlous humor and Consumptive srmptoma.

It Is the most sleraat and euioient preparation mada, eonWning 60 per sent, st us pi purest Ood uvsr OIL tabis slilidxea take ll yet 1 very palatal pranu'seimsd enly by WM. OL KARRI. BOf, Ph. Chemut, coraer of Maaain aad ahsila sttssts. J.

HART CO. Louisiana fls It Is. S60 pages. devoted chiefly to a deaerlptisn of the Topography and Material Resources of tns State, by DAN'L DENNETT. Price 60 eents, by mall 60 cents.

For sals at HANSELIS, 39 Camp street Nsw Orleans. La, Fit tt aaSwaSawa'saSsr'wVsrasrWa est crrrs. run Bituuiv j. riirv. and au riiwr stors It oranrsvspori SILVER ci rY M.

Le ea WEDNESDAY. Ju l't an Paet. i R. a i. bui i Jia A ik ik.

.1 be Lr tl eae m. to artiM. CIS M. V. J0iGE.ICwp ttkiNS I.

OOm. IJTT. rntaecy, SlCTanilrla, PUeviUs, Iiiii man's Rarbln'a. aad ad war I nn aim connect) with Liny it tnskavar TtANTmFl. In "place of Jesae K.

Bell, Hen Kay. maeter, J. O. McCheaney, clerk. (shsre fes dia niHinn Hv.

rardin goads eoa jn 1 by UiJ iouhi bw4 ir' es. Leaves every MONDAY at 5 P. and FBI DAY at 11A.M. j. fm FOB.

BAYOET LAFOURCHE, Xr3 JDonAklaoarlUe, and aU Coast land. .1 irgs TftsAl passenger pecaat P. A. Charles, master, M. H.

Landry, elerk, wul leave aa above. Returning down ths eoast every Wednesday sad dsyllght. For frlht or psssags spnlr on boag. 'gjt 7t.it7 105 Decatur; near St. Loul street.

1 P. Sv Will take freight for, point on the bayou between Thlbodaax and Locxport, with the privilsgs of reahlppiDg at Thlbodaax on ths hatboat Beils Laura. Wllitaks freight for any point en tus coast to DonaldaonvUliv and wtfl ataend to the bsyom bslaass otths. Bells of ths Jel4 6m UPPER COAST TO 'DON Lssres every TUBSDAY. at 11 A.

M. and THURSDAY and SATURDAY, at It f' FOB DONALDSON VILLE. Ar 7Couegs Pdnt, and all intermediate a store and pi an tat Vm landings Ths aswstds wnsel stswasss OP TUB COAST, I J. P. Auoota, mastsr.

Edw, Nloolie, elerk. Issvs ss above, returning down tns ooaat In daUight WEDNESDAY, FRIDAY and BUHUAY. For taslght or passage seply on ManL to ni a. i oil '8 ly lOt Dseator atrast. iINDJKPENDNT DONALDSON VILLH AND i LAFOURCajS Hifatl WAlUlliT rAUJLKI.

Laare svery MONDAYssd THURSDAY, si I FOR' IaAUBSL VALLEY The Lr1 aaspssragrpae i Blaaohard, mstfter. J. P. McAOrsy aad O. J.

sfleYfct. will lesvs aa abovs. matin ir au eoast For freight ernssaage apply on board or to i w. at. saAATnutiBS, Munatoi ewee.

nssiaents wiui a tea rear lieao st Tbi'tev dans tor points bsiss Lockport andths Oat OttV Ftl tf TcixB AXD THE ATCTLAP AIJlYATf' TKCHE AND THB ATOHAFALAYA. rT a FOR BT. MARTIiiVILLS. I1 Nw Iberls. Jeanera, Praokiin.

St tmtTerins.TPstterosvi., tt4 4 InVrrroedlatie landli an Bayss lo s4 Atoharaia's PUver i new prmsse fwtaci joim m. T.R. Mnciran maater. T. K.

Voor' PISTK taa nnr 27. St M. pogtrsight or paeme appiy on seAro, sr ss fer 'N fv ixi "ndg avrest. OaLLI AlJl l'Oi't. rale tf llOGrwvtsr FOB LOIipOIIjipECTs The 100 Al stsamitiTp AZayAXX.

(E331 i 1 4 r) ospt. Wataoav whSdkwmsarrnsi er about July 10, And wm be folio wsd by ths LOO Al stsaisshiy vn ALiTlXQXiXS (204 tans,) whlok wfflsaasa about July 1L Thrsngk bills of aadJlssscdfrom aB prnats lathe United States and te an points ta the North ot Europe. First elss Tor trslght tr passage ROSS A CLAYTON. Agents, 7 ts Carondelet street. LXTTsrcca.

1 1 nAiiiiixan LiiTii. ARCxilTYOT, 4' CHRYSOLITE, OOMMANDFSa DlSCOVERhval, i. governor, inventor. marinerT MERCHANT. iTATSMAN, COGNAO, CODNCHLLOR, EXPLORER.

HISTOaiAif. LEGISLAlOJa, auwiaiva, 0RAT03. WARRIOR. wQl aall ea er about July 32, 1881, treat hsr wharf. sppostts Jaksna lrW.8m MOOSE AOS.

BialMlit. ib aaatam. ii7 mow wri FOR LIVERPOOL. v. Ths 100 Al steamship 7 atwWs.) vspt.

nsse, wm ssa as abovwon sr bo9t the Inly. For freight sonlv 1 Spply to OH PON A BELL, jy 43 Carondelet street. EUROPEAN; 7 AWC110B LINE. 1 ImfTX. UNITED STATES MAIL STEAK, 'xt sAl weekly to and from 11 AEW YORK, GLASGOW.

i. LONDON, BARROW, DUBLIN and LONDONDERRY. Steamers bunt expressly tor ths AUantlo est Vice and nnexoalled In their passenger accommodations and appointment. Pasaengsrs forwarded at lowest rate to or from any seaport or R. R.

station in Great Rrir Ireland, Ger many, France, Italy. eden. Denmark, Ac For Book of Inform rlrin rates. tc apply ts HENDERSON BROTH E.RS, New York; to CHAPMAN A MULVKY care of WM. MEHLE, or FORSTALLTrOSS A CLAYTON, S5 Carondelet street, or THOS.

AhTDEBSON. No. 8 1 Commnroiat Place. Nsw Orleans. tayg ska i STATE LINSNEW YOSK TO GLASGOW, FAST AND LONDONDKKRT.

M. lUUKSUAY. New itium era, and moat excellent accommodations, but no increase In rate. First Cabin, SB0 to 75, ao cording te location Kxenrslon tickets, alio to Second Cabin amVishlpa), ererythlng furnished, atO Excursion tickets, t75. Steer age, outward, aad prepaid ticket from EUROPE at lowest rate.

Passengers booked through to PARIS, and ths OONTINENT vis this line, and either of ths Channel Routes. AUSTIN BALDWIN A General Agents, Broadway, New York. A. K. MILLER A Agents, 81 Carondalei street.

1 A. POUBNISR, 1st irarlsr atreec, nthls tf New Orleans. ALLAN LINE ROYAL MAIL STEAMSHIPS. tpfm BALTIMORE AND LIVERPOOL, ria Halifax, N. and BU Johns, N.

every alternate TUESDAY Qnebeo and Llvsrpssl every SAl'U RD AY. This route preaent an precedents! sdvantages to Umrlstii, enabling taean to flew the magnlhcent acensry of ths Lower St. IiSwrenosTTls addition, ths diatsaes from Quebec to Liverpool 1 500 mUes shorter, sod st ths reduced distance 1000 miles at inland navigation, redoeing ths actual ocean vwyaaw ts minimum of five days. Extra ene from GLASGOW, GAL, WAT, OUEENSrpWN nnd LONDONDERRY direct to BOSTON. For psssags and tnf rmatlrrn synly to F.

li. GOEDKV, or A. K. MILLER A Ae a New leans, Ia, or mm TLi.VB AACDEN O. P.

A SOT Broadway, Lw York; 201 Washington street, .1 asSsst) 107 South Fifth street, Phila. dolpfciV my2Q gnaeod CSTTBAL A2IXRIOA. OTTS PINFtB LINE. CARRY Lx xi mI UBKED STATES MAIL Thel Iron steamer tV Plasatt, commander. Port Cot tea, Trui.

ia Xlta sod all the Bay lalanda. rrs nse tlvely for the ports on 8A1C AY. Jre 11, Ml AM, from ths WkArf, Jaesson Squsre, For freight er asgs, havu srior aocomrnoAa' 01.HI 3 taj I rtd and US Folios sa. N. B.

lhs i vU run In eonneetlot with our regular seaooners for the soon trrr' iiiGiimj. rrxsa. aOaOAITB LOUTS IAN A Aim tv. RtTTiROtn AND "'ZXT COMP' FOB OALV fS 1 XI Je 111 ran a 4 1 U.4k INDIA Ste rs lo ffs Morgan Caty oa M0S2A FOR CORPUS teamers iav Korran. Cntr i tiaT esal as.

at Osvsstssi with steamer 7 rOsiTes'Js. Iron i O. TTARTtta' will asU from Morgan city i i i ii stghtAwErswninmitsssii gaf ax rt grata, which ts at speoud r. Tlurongn itUa lading 1tra.4 tsUB ma EonMan ftl Tun Lmrkl i 1 Ir and ttreaa NerUvwn sndS. s.B sad all solat uit to mm I.

aia A. i. R. IA rim. JLTI sstias, or vis GCsnd H.

W. B. aa Freights lor Uonaalee, HaUettarUia. i jstc. reoeived via Honstoa er Unere.

i Lighterag So Oorpna ChrlaU (if say) tl sail exponas of aonilniiat airaoo Wany) at rlxk etr 'JiTeight for JKhs sbovs point t' tths depot of Merrsn'a Louisiana Railroad, fart of Laiaystts atrast, da, i. I Ticket sad staterooms sstit*tuat at agents cites, or at the tsrry au i 1" morning of departnra, Throngh tickets wta be lasned from 'tothsprinclpalnointasatbeHeostona. i KmbTmui mom Anaermar.ional 1 Northern Railroad, (Texas and Peovio i H.ssd S. A. R.

R. sad GniL a B.R. A WJUTHBT OO rr wmyt Aa.m sm 'i x. mm MEW. YORML arSei atarwMSsWarvysr, MOXbSAZTS LA.

AND TEXAS R. p. uv wuvwwi iron fHall I')iin thlslins LONE STAR, ALOrFPS, SEN WHITNNT. CHALMSTli Ths rteamship 1 Ni winssBrrem TUKsuAY. Jury la, CM.

INSURANCE TO NEW YORK "ifi'r Freight for the sbors port reooirea depot of Morgan' Louisiana On Trs I tootsf LalsrsttsstTost, For freight ar'y to CHAR. ATVf HITNEY A OTX. jfn. sul7 tl sor, Naiohe and li THB CROMWELL LINE," IOB NEW. YORK PstOT.

To sail on WEDNESDAY, July 30, A.Ii, Thisuaeutosnpassuel 'HSWDRLEAZrV Thestaesmhlp i.iu YJOIJISIANA, A c. a EV. Oagas, tsarta wCl leave her wharf, foot of Touloass strask' i LJSURANC3 BY TTTIS LINE, PE2 i.rwTMrj i.i i fctserege Prelrbt for Llvsi proL Brsmon, an taHsa by this lins, and Cusagh bill stl given for tiis same. For fmlxiit or paaaa'S r'y ALFD MOUIT PS tt 41 Csretae' te 1 i HAYAKA ASD sTLCE4 JrUK WA RRINGTON, PENS A COLA, fFJ JUU9 AMftdSfliL. .,1 COLA, FA, ttesmsMt 1X AiitXTI3," j.

o. Hnlss, wUl lesvs hr wharf. New Banin, foot sf i ty Street, on WEDNESDAY. July to, si a i i ''Thrsugkblllaot lading and i all point Chattahoochee Blrer, Lrs i roeos, JackaonnUe, Tampa and Key West, 1 sor freight or psaaige apply to B. B.

POST A STY, 1 80 ly r. fi md YS2A i'' VERA CRUZ, VIA AO DAB CIATAU07 Tampios and "laxpsn connect' 4 steamers tor Frsntra, CAinpsiwtA 1 new LarrAS and Nsw irsrk, i 1 Ihs tah's win leave em tram her wharf, oppoalt Jacksva gtuAra, saI every tree weks ther. EXCURSION AT 1 RATAa. sr tre'fct srpa epi 1.W. Ybiuj Oft 8Q ly tt Ow't st ee.


t.f i ma Lloyd W14 rosums their Rt mi ipm next Lui. v4.n.. FmBrmsa rromN.Orfata 14 shout aoout Theae steamers touch outward at Marra Havass, and smtoatr hoaa trip as Sonthamprom Prless of Passage From Bremen, Southampton or Havre to vana or Nsw Orleans Cabin, Alfro bteava BOO. i From New Orleans to Southampton, Earrs, Bremen Cabin, SlfrO Btowage, t. From New Orleans ts Harana Oabln, i Steerage, Clilkiren nnder tn years, halt price; sheets Under one year, N.

Our agent for Texas, Mr. J. WaVs ta Houston, la antnorlaed ts iseu Meerag order at ths following through reseat From Bremen to (ajTMim i fl From Brawoa to I m1taiol i Ths com pas reserve the right te chf i Teste of too steam era, their advertised wiW departure aad tne price psaaagA Paaaags tickets from Bremen, Southair or Hsrrs ts Nsw Orleans; also trow New York sad the sbors European porttf by ths undersigned. .4 For further ply ts ED. P.

sTuOAHkytttd Jalt'81 ly i TJNITEp STATES MAIL 8TEAKZ3 NEW OAMGhlA, SUMMER ARRANGEMENT, Commonomg May 188L I.M End on from tbe corner of Canal awl Lswiaburg, Madlaonvule Old LanJint Tuesdsv, Prissy sad Saturday, lor Mao. AerUle, Lewiabnrg and MadisoarUie, extending BatnrdAra trip to Old Land ing SXCURSIONS: for MandsviUs and Ola Lab ding a. Bnn1avB.ior ManderUle and Old Landin 7 A. Wednesdaya, for MaodsrUls andtta aMVTtVll ls 1 a ap 4mm Sunday, Msdiaon direcir BJ rUKNINGt Lesves Madison rule. Mondar a Wednss davA 1 hnraOT and Haturtiara aia sataroays Tneadaya andTrVg ji Wedaeeday sod Leaves 01a imiing.

din Snnasy aurnTsa ns Fare each wm, SL recursion Dayvr a bsck, Si. Ckluns, hA nries. Fretsht rcrrd eiy, at Caaal street BtaUon, near Bread srst. W. COYLB.

n7 tf 1 aJ Caroaa prn wt tr. rra, aasxi sad Oceaa 1 mmr Vr v.t.ii. I i. cTd A Clf will loare 1 on srrial Woblle pa er TUESDAY, CZ aw ll" on arrival si 1 cr NESDAV 1 M. Frelfitr at tejarv KaTiUa, lt fcir4stre A Stock rM I crtors a Barra bi sweet rmwi a Strev.

M. train, TON k.irs r. o. xt..

The Times-Picayune from New Orleans, Louisiana (2024)


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Author: Pres. Lawanda Wiegand

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Author information

Name: Pres. Lawanda Wiegand

Birthday: 1993-01-10

Address: Suite 391 6963 Ullrich Shore, Bellefort, WI 01350-7893

Phone: +6806610432415

Job: Dynamic Manufacturing Assistant

Hobby: amateur radio, Taekwondo, Wood carving, Parkour, Skateboarding, Running, Rafting

Introduction: My name is Pres. Lawanda Wiegand, I am a inquisitive, helpful, glamorous, cheerful, open, clever, innocent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.