The Philadelphia Inquirer from Philadelphia, Pennsylvania (2024)

1 THE PHILADELPHIA INQUIRER FRIDAY MOENlG, APRIL 12, 1901 PIANOS AND ORGANS LEGAL NOTICES PERSONAL the Cramps for li Xw York sn4 Culfdi Mail S'eamshlp Company, turned from ber trial trip last The yecsei made remarkable sifred In coming up the bay aud river, as was evinced from xtutc incuts Unshed from the reporting stations. She left fit da-ware P.reakwiifer at 1.5o P. M. and pa Reedv Island at 4. lij I.

and Marcus H.sik at 5.55 P. M. PINEAPPLE FLEET READY To SAIL. April II. -The first of the fleet of Cbi ix-ako Kcbsmers will leave Baltimore n.i-i week for the Bahamas, to return with plnc-apph s.

for which that group of Islands 1 famous. Already thirty-two sailing vessels have lx-en chartered to carry the fruit, and thousands of dozens of pineapples will bring their fragrance to Baltimore in next TJwycr. James and Katharine A. Curric. I Entwise.

Rieliard and Margaret V. Johnson. I'innholui. Axal C. au'l Maria M.

Ospfors. Ftskes. isiar. and Ijnisa tiutler. Fox.

Walter and Emily P. Johnson. Griffith, Harry and Elizabeth F. Smith. H-dmcr.

Adolph. and Angela M. S. Ixiuo. Hcln, Rolf-rt.

and Emma Seifert. William aud Pauline M. Search. Hiller. aud Kate ounell.

Moopes. Alhan and Lillle V. lioerel. Johfisftii. and Viola WashirtsrtoD.

Kelly. John and Gvorsria E. Marnl. Eneene. and Emma Haines.

iipallon. John and Bertha Schmld. l. ti-ie, and Emili.i Matto. Euecne and Eva F.

Flood. M'-Candler. John, and Jennie Melas. William, and Eliza I uesf ei ticck. Mf-iluta, John, and Minoca Juczuekl.

Morrell, and Catharine W. Smith. William and Sophia W. Russell. Sharp.

ISen.iamin and Mary Graham. Summers. Patrick, and Maeaie Qvtinu. RIIl'BA RT. At Florence.

N. April 8, 19ol, Isaiah, sou of Sammd and Mary J. Rbu-bart. aged 29 years. Funeral from the residence of bis parents.

Florence. on Sunday. April 14, at 1 o'clock. Cedar Hill Cemetery, near Florence. RIGI.ER.

On April 11. 1901. Mary widow of ilenrj' Rlgler, in ber 79th year. Funeral services on Monday. April 15, at 2 o'clock, at 4725 Pcnn street.

Frankford. Interment private. RITCHIE. on April lo, lool. John son of the late James ami Julia Ritchie.

Funeral on Monday morning, at 7 o'clock, from 2428 South Fairliill street. If-low Ritner. Solemn requiem mass at the Church of tne Assumption. Interment at Cathedral Cemetery. On April 10, 1901.

Harry son ot George J. and Lizzie Robinson in bis th year. Funeral services at 171s avenue, on Saturday afternoon. Vpril 13 1901. at 2 o'clock.

Union Council. Xo. 9 Jr' O. U. A.

invited. Interment private, in Odd Fellows' Cemetery. ROSS. On April In. 190I, Annie II.

Ross y.ife of the late William W. Ross aged 68 years. Funeral from 122 North Sixteenth street on Saturda.v. at 2 o'clock. SAXDEX.

On April 11, 1901. Frank Sanden aged oO years. 1-uueral on Monday afternoon at 1 o'clock, from 47 Emily street. Iutermeut at American Mechanics Cemetery. SCHAI'EK On April 11.1 ur tt- Str.

VIgsnaes (Nor.i. Jcbannesen, for Sama via Gihara. Imports at Philadelphia PORT ANTONIO. Etc. Norwegian steamer America 18.3ISI bunches bananas and 1 box hats.

United Fruit Co. BATOl'M. via New York British steamer Moor-by 12.450 bales licorice root. E. J.

Lavluo Co. Exports From Philadelphia GLASGOW. British steamer Outarian (corrected manifest April 4 10.249 sacks flour, lbs. hna wheat, in bulk, 1S.0O0; 85.714 bus com. iu bulk, 135 bids lub oil.

0750. gallons. J880 240 bids lub oil. J2.000 gallons. H53.4n; 794 sacks corn flour.

2779; 625 sacks starch. $3062. 5J; 100 ton lard, 143 pkgs handles, 2185 pieces oak lumber, 2741 pieces elm lumber. 1500 bundles maple flooring. $772.75 630 crates veneer.

$2520; 1593 bales hay, $1619.55: boxes hammers. 1 case flexible tubing. $16.32: 13 cases candy, SM35: 3 cases supplies, $609. 19 249 bead cattle. $22,410: 5UO bead sheep.

$1795; 515 bags feed. $303.50: 40 bead borses. $0000; 50 tea $800; 100 bids paraffine scale wax. S1200 2 bbls currier's blacking. $72: loco b'jls syrup.

$5165. Over carried i-argo icturu-ed on steamer, 3 bundles blankets. GENOA. Italian steamer Pinin 3706 tons Eureka btiuminous coal, 510.191.50. SLIGO.

British steamer Evelyn (corrected April 81124.650 bus corn, in bulk and bags. $61,000 6050 plain bags. $347.50. LEITII. British steamer Tenby (corrected manifest April 10) 59,066 bus wheat.

In bulk, 151. 4O0 bushels corn, iu bulk and bags, $74,000. Interment at New Ca- thefjial Cemetery. April 0. Ifjol.

Gcorcn I-onard Fny. as'il 79 years. Fnncral services on Iri-day afternoon, at '1 o'clock, at southwest corner Eighteenth and Berks, streets. Interment private. GALLAGHER.

On April 10. Elizabeth, daughter of Daniel and Catherine Gallagher, of th parish of InisUerl. County Donegal. Ireland, aged years. Due notice of the funeral will Dti juvcu from 2o2.j Mauton street.

GASK ILL. At N. 011 April 0. PHil, Carrie beiovf-d infant daughter of Marv John T. Gaskiil, aged in nths.

Funeral from the residence of her grandfather. Daniel R. I'arr, in Blenheim. N. 011 Friday afternoon, at 2 o'clock.

Services at the house-. Interment at Turuerville. N. .1. GORGAS.

Suddenly, at his late resideuce. N. E. corner Sixteenth and Susquehanna a'-cnue. on April 11.

HHil. Edmund J. Gorgas, in his S2d j-ear. Due notice of the funeral will be given. GOSC1L On April 10.

1001. John, husband of Louisa Gofeh, aged 65 years and 8 months. The relatives and friends of the family, also congregation of Corinthian Avenue Pn sbyterian Church and Pjthagoras Lodge, No. 120. K.

of P. are respectfully invited to attend the funeral, fin Sunday, at 2 o'clock, from bis late residence. 853 North Taylor street. Services at Corinthian Avenue Presbyterian Church, 3 P. Interment at Mt.

Vernon Cemeterv. GRADY. On April 8. 1001. Mrs.

Ellen Grady. widow of the late John Grady. Funeral Friday morning, at 8 o'clock, from Northwest corner Thirty-fifth and Sunuyside avenue. Falls of Sehtijikilf. High requiem mass at St.

Bridget's Church. The Leauue of the Sacred Heart and the Altar Swty of St. Bridget's Church invited. Interment at St. Charles' Cemetery, Kellyville.

GREEN. On Aoril 10. 1001. Margaret he-loved wife of James Green and daughter of Mary and the late Patrick McGrath. Funeral Saturday morning at 8.30 o'clock.

from her mother's residence. 1511 Ellsworth street. The U'HSne of the Sacred Heart of St. Teresa's church is invited. Solemn requiem mass at St.

Teresa's Church. Interment at Holy Cross Cemetery. liilb 1 SCH On April 10. 1001. Anna daughter of Joseph and Anna Maria Gmetsch, aged 37 years.

Funeral ou Monday morning, at o'clock, ii.jni tier parents' residence, mar Ambler, Pa. Requiem mass at St. Auihony Church. Ambler, at 10 o'clock. Carriages will meet 8 A.

M. train from Reading Teiminal, at Ambler Station. HALL-. On April 11. 1001.

Caroline wife of William W. Hall, iu the 54th year of her age. Funeral services on Sunday afternoon, at 3 o'clock, at 307 Joyce street. The members of the Fast Allegheny Baptist Church are invited. Interment at German Luiheran Cemetery.

HANco*ck. ---On April 10. 1001. at Hedding. N.

George Hanco*ck, aged 60 years. Funeral on Saturday morning, at 10 o'clock, from the residence of his son-in-law, Isaac Shrove. Mals-Purv. Hedding. N.

also, at 2 o'clock P. from the residence of his son. E. C. Hanco*ck.

227 Pearl street. Trenton. N. J. Interment at Greenwood Cemetery.

Trenton, N. J. HARDING. In Bristol. Bucks county, Fourth month Oth.

1001. Isaac U. Harding, aged 04 years. Funeral Sixth day. Fourth mouth 12th.

at Richboro Oujeterv Chapel, at 3 o'clock I M. Carriages will be at Churchville Station to" meet train leaving Reading' Terminal at 1.28 M. IIARLEY. On April 1. Edwin Harlcy.

aged 40 i years. The reinaius may be viewed on Saturday evening at 3 ciock. ai i-vki i eu. -u. street." Services oil Sunday, at 1.30 o'clock, at Keiiilwortb, Chester county, Pa.

HVYF.S. On Anril Id. HMU. James, son of Nicholas J. and s'arah A.

Hayes, aged 3 years and 7 months. Funeral on Saturday afternoon, at 1 o'ciock. from southeast orner Broad street and Erie aveaue. Interment at Holy Cross Cemetery. April 0.

1001. Maggie Heaney, daughter of the late James and Mary Heaney. of Ballvbamleu Farmer. County Antrim, North i ot Ireland. Funeral services at loos r-uswortn lo.

sueei, ou rri'ia. 1. private. Please omit flowers. HI LAND.

Sudden I v. on April 10. 1011. Johu William inland, aged 40 years. The relatives aud friends id the family, also employes of James Barker.

Second and Somerset, are respectfully invited to attend the funeral services, on Sunday afternoon, at tbe hour of 2 o'clock, at his late residence. No. 2843 North Second street. Interment private. HILLEY.

On April 11. 10O1. Mary, infant daughter of William and Eib-n Hilhy. aged 4 months. Funeral on Saturday afternoon, at 2 o'clock, from 373i North Fifth 'Street.

Iutermeut at New Cathedral Cemetery. HIRST. On April 10. 1001. Joseph Hirst.

Fiiiiei-nl on Saturday afternoon at 2 o'clock. from 204O North Front street. Interment at P.elvue em. teiy. The Loom Fixers' Association is invited.

I IIP. Y. On April 5. 1001. Mary, the wifo of the late Irby.

aged 46 years. Euneral ou Friday, at 3- o'clock, from 4330 North Eighteenth street. Xicetowu. Interment at St. ie-pheiis' Cemetery Gcrmantown.

JANUSZKIEWTCZ. On April 8. 1001, August, liusbaud of Fredericka Januszkiewicz. aged 62 jears. Funeral on Friday afternoon, at 1 o'clock from 510 Winton street.

Services at St. Johannes Church. Wharton above Fifth street. Interment at Fernwood Cemetery. JONES.

On April 0. 1001. Joseph J. Jones. The relatives and friends of tbe family are re-speotfullv invited to attend the fum ral services.

Saturday afternoon at 2 o'clock, al bis late residence. Lawnton avenue. Oak Lane. Interment private at Xortbwood Cemeti ty. i.r.Li-i-.i Suduciuj.

Apul O. Edward Keilev. aged 54 years. Funeral ou Fridaj-, at 7.30 o'clock, from 3020 I otman street, lacony. High mass at St.

Leo's Church at o'clock precisely. Intermi nt at St. Denis' Church Yard. KRAMER On April 8. loot.

Marie, daughter of George and Katie granddaughter of John and Virginia Iex. aged 7 years and 3 months. Funeral on Friday afternoon, at 1 o'clock, from her grandparent s' residence, si 7 North Ninth street. Interment at Fernwood Cemetery. LEKTISENRING.

On April it. 1P01. Elva Anna May. daughter of Louis and Sophia I'icb-seuring. aged 5 years and 3 months.

Funeral on Sunilaj- afternoon, at 3 o'clock, from 350f Keiisinutou avenue. Sunday school scholars of Third Moravian church invited. Interment at Bel i.e Cemetery. L1DDY. On April 10.

1001. Catharine, ife cf John Liddy. Funeral on Saturday morniug, April 13. from 2022 Titan street. High mans of ri qulem St.

Charles' Church, at 10 o'clock precisely. Interment lit the New Cathedral Cf mete ry. LINDSAY. on Tuesday. April O.lOnl.

Charles Rowland Lindsay, aged .0 jears. Funeral services, at his late residence, Melrose, on Frldav, the 12th at 2 o'clock precisely. Interment private. Train leaves Rending Terminal Station for Me'rose at 1 "4 o'c'oo'- 1'. Me ANDREWS.

April 0. 1001, Mary, wife of Thomas MeAndrews. Fuucral on Monday tnornlng at f.30 o'clock, from the residence of 1 her husband. 1018 North Forty-seventh street. West Philadelphia.

Solouiu requiem mass al Our Mother of Sorrow Cburch at 10 o'clock. The Sacred Heart Society t.f Our Mother of S.01-rows Church are iuvlted. MoIN'i oStl. On April 10. pri.

Mc-Tntosh. youngest son of Samuel and Rebecca Mcintosh, aged 2 months? Funeral on Saturday afternoon at 4 o'clock, from 20o0 Uraasbuck street. Interment private. McGILL. On April 10.

1901. Bernard, son of Bernard and Ellen McGill, aged lo months. Funeral ou Friday, at 1 o'clock, from 3oltj North Second 6treet. Interment at New Cathedral Cemetery. McKEOWN.

On the Oth Mary widow of George McKeonn. Funeral services Friday afternoon, at 2 o'clock, at 2631 Thomisou street. Interment private. MeCAI GHEY. On April 11.

1001. John, beloved husband of Mary MeCaughey. Funeral on Monday morning at 8.3o o'clock, from his late residence. 1520 South Tenth street. High mass of requiem at Annunciation Church.

Interment at Holy Cress Cemetery. The officers and Directors of the Sarstield Building -and Loan As-sooiation. Division 47. A. 1 and Annunciation and St.

Aloysius Beneficial Societies are invited. AiECLEARY. On April 10, 19ol. Lottie dn tighter ot Walter and Lottie Medea rj-, aged 17 dajs. Funeral services on Friday, at 2 o'clock P.

at residence, rear 1327 Karl street. Interment at Palmer Cemeterv. MEREDITH. on April s. lOol.

Samuel son of the late William and Elizabeth Meredith, iu bis 57th yeir. Funeral on Friday, at 2 o'clock, from the residence of bis brtther-in-la w. Mr. Daniel Fink, Emerald street. Schuyler Post.

No. 51. G. A. and employes of P.

It. R. Companj- are invited. To to Frauklin Vault. Interment private.

II.L1 KEN. On April 9. lOol. James Mil-ford Milliken. aged 51 years.

Fnneial services on Friday, at 2 o'clock, at bis late residence. 210 Cveon lane. Mauay link. Interment strictly private. On April 0.

10O1. Fred. Davis, son of Harry and Emma 10 years. I nncral services ..11 Friday a fteriiuou. at the.

hour of 2 o'clock precise. at his parents- residence, 2443 North Sixth Ktreet. Interment private. XEWUX. Suddenly at Bryn Mawr.

on April 10. 1001, Charles son of tbe late James M. aud Sophia A. Newlin. aged 43 veais.

FitPi ral services at the Bryu Mawr A. M. E. Church, this (Fridavl afternoon, at 2.30 o'clock. Interment at Radnor M.

E. Cemeteiy. NORCROSS. On April 7, 10O1, Susan Nor-cross. aged 76 years.

Funeral on Fridaj-. April II Services in New Freedom M. P. Church, near Tanslwiro, N. at 12 o'clock noon.

Take 8 o'clock train foot of Chestnut street wharf for Williamstown Junction. ODENATIL On April 1001. John son of Theodore R. and the late Mary Emma Odenath and grandson of James aud Rebecca Metts. ageij 3 years and months.

Funeral on Friday afternoon, at 1 o'clock, from 2344 South Carlisle street. Interment Fernwood Cemeterj-. PATRICK. At Salem, N. ou April 10.

loot. Samuel Patrick, in his 70th year. Funeral from Xo. 8 Seventh street. Salem.

N. ou Saturda.v afternoon, the 13th instant, at 2 o'clock. Services ar residence. Interment at East View I'euieterv. Salem.

N. J. PF.RCEY. On April 10. 190I.

Annie Marie. daughter of William and Margaret Perec y. aged 2 years and 4 mouths. Fuiifr-il on Friday afternoon at 2 o'clock, from b-r parents' rest- oeDce. 1.1.

rjeiievue street. auu Franklin streets. Interment at Mount Moriab Coruolerv. 1 E. At Mt.

Holly, on April 10. 1001, Sarah, widow of the late William Pierce, aged 78 jears. Funeral on Saturda.v. April 13. at 1 o'clock, from 3 Madison street.

Interment ot Pembevtnn i-aptist Cemetery. PORTENAR. On April 9. 'lOol. Hyruan Pov-teuar, aged 62 years.

Funeral on Friday at 2 o'clock precisely, from his late residence'. 1835 South Eighth street. Cremeux Lodge. I. O.

B. Hebrew Mutual B. Star of Bethlehem Iyodgc. K. of and L.

No. 100. are invited. Kindly omit tlowers. V'ljii-.

1 i.iu,.. uu, 11 on April 10, 1901. Letitia C. Pyle. idoxv of Htimth-rey Pyle.

in her S2d year. Funeral on Friday morning. April 12. from the residence of her nephew. Thomas Blest.

20o King street. Wilmington. Interim nt -it Beth I. hem Buvj-icg Ground ci tintv at 10 'clock. tL' IGLEY.

On April 8. 1S.mi1. Either, widow of Patrick Q'ligley. airea 58 ars. Funeral on Friday moriiipg.

at 7. -to o'clock, from the residence of her son-in-law (Mr. Michael Lou. him. No.

071 Holly street. Mats at St Agatha's Cbnreii. at 0 A. M. Interment at Holy Cross Cemetery.

Ojl INN. Snddenly. on April 9. 1901. George w.

Ouinn, husband of Mary Ouino. nee 1 eager. aged 50 years. 4 months and 7 dajs. Funeral on Saturday afternoou.

April 13, 1901. at 3 o'clock, from 331 Sycamore street. Camden. N. J.

Sioux Tribe. No. 25. Improved Order of Red Men invited. Interment at Evergreen Ctraetery.

RAGGIO. On April 11. Rose Raggio. wife of tbe late Anthony Raggi.j. aged s2 years.

Due notice will he sivt-u 1S43V South Broad street. RAY SON. On April 10. Frieda, wife of Alexander M. Rayson.

and daughter of Stephen and Catharine Lorsr. aged 28 years. Funeral services Snuday. April 14. at 1 o'clock, from br late residence, 1510 I'arrisU street.

Interment private. North Judson sfre.t. at I.IM! TKI PA KT.V KRS.H11. Notice is hen brto. agreeably of Assembly of niniji.

approved 1'T ttiut the subscribers to tin- provisions of tho Act the Commonwealth of pennsyl-tho w-iity-tj! st of Slarrii. "An Vet relative Limited supplements thereto, Limited Partnership, and iicrshlps." and the ii.iw entered lino lo roby cert iiy: 1. Tin- ft the firm under which sai.l Limit. Partreish'n i t-. conducted I JAMES ELL CMMl'AXY.

2. The general nature of the business intended to be is tu- manufacture, purrhase. Importation and sale of eulil auil silverware, watches, joxyirr. and other precious stones, objects of art. paintings and fancy goods generally within tbe State Pennsylvania.

Tin- names of the funeral partners are J. Albert Caldwell, residing at 1531 Pine street, in the City nt Philadelphia: Hugh B. Hous-ton. residing at Walnut street, in th- City t.f Philadcp.hla: Frederic Shaw, residing at 4oo Wuliojr Lan-- CiTiuantwn. iu tin- City of Phila.l-lpi.iai.

and James Rib-y. lesiding at 394o Chestnut street, in the City of Philadelphia. The name of the si-eeial partner is Joseph II. Brazier, residing at IS03 11m: street, in the Pin- of Philadeluhia. the i partner to the common stock is Two thousand dollars in -ti.

Iron dav of April. and la to terminate he Tbli-iy-tiri't dav of Maren. lfxC AI-BKliT I'AIJiWKLL. Hf'iH 15. IKF.iiF.KIi" MIAV.

JAMES IlILEY. Getteial Pai'tuei. JOSEPH II. DKAZIKK. Speeial PartDer.

liISXlU'TinX OF PARTNKP.SHIP. Philadelphia. April 1. lfti'l. Notiec is tiven that the i.aituership firn.

of James K. t'aldwcll and t'otnpauy on the Thirty-tirst day of March. PX'l. I.y J. AI.HF.RT CAI.rtWFI.l..

II. P.H AZIF.U, HOtST'iN. i- siiaw. K1LKY. IS HKREBY "gIVKX THAT AN AP-plieation id made to the lievernor the Staff- or rvnnsylyania.

on Monday. April 'Jth. Iiy Edmund liurnwron. i.i-d;-- i W'hlte. kiehard J.

Milliard. Samiifcl U. Kv.TO-I xiood and Andrew Pdair. undfr lb" Aft of A-, setnl.iv i ihf of Pennsyly-irila. "An Aft to I'rovide for the tion and Regulation of rtatn I f.rpmaf imi-.

April 1.4. iinu me suiipie.i.ei...-. for tho i-taorter of in.f-n.led corpora -tiff to' he caiied "FKANKU P. 1 St I' IT foM-1-W'Y" I he character and object of which is tin- uianufact nt-ina and selling of orni-kert, f-akeei. r.isetitt.

bread, pies and similar article; r.f of evi-iT des-ription. anfl these pur i.os. to have, rnissess and enjoy all the ights. benefits and unvilec-s of th- said Act As- and its siipi.if nients. WALTON PKNNKW1LI, Solicitor.

IX THF MATTER OF THE PETITION OF Louis R. Mactile. an insolvent. To all credi tors of petitioner notice is nerenj, jtiveu that a jietitioii of Uiuis It. Ma-kiu has been filed iu the Court of Common Pleas No.

4 of Philadelphia eof.ti.y as of Decei-jher Term, No. praviug the said court for the benefit of the insolvent laws of this Cuinuiou-I wealth, and for a discharge thereunder. The said court has lKe.1 Monday. April 2'J. at o'clock A.

as the time for the hear-' iuar of said petition, in the room of eaid f-fjurt. on the icurtu c-sir. iiy tiau. i FRED TAYLOR PI SEY, Attorney for Petitioner.

April 2. 1901. IX THlTcOFRT OF COMMON' PLEAS NO. 1. for the County of Philadelphia.

June lcrtti, Xo. In re assigned Estate of Williams fc liner. Liuiited. Notice is hereby given that the account of William R. Price.

Assiguce for the benefit of reditors of Willia'us Ulmer. Limited, has been tiled in the office of the Prorhonotatv of said Cotirf. and that the said Account will lrf-all. by tin- saiil Court on Saturday. April U7tli.

1901. unless causn be shown to the i-on- "arr' PKXXEWTI.L BRIGHT. Attorneys for Assignee. ESTATE OF GEORGE A. H1GHT, DECEASED letters, testamentary on the slmve estate having been grant, to the undersigned all ix-ison Indebted to the said estate ale ruiuested to make payment, and those claims to 1 ifsent the same without delay-to CLARA V.

HIGHT. West Y'oik street; Or to her Attorneys HAS. F. HIN Kl.F. C.

ANDRADE. SIH Girard Building ESTATE TIN SEXTSEN. DECEASEdT Letters of administration on the above estate having been granted to the undersigned, all persons indebted to the said estate are requested to make payment, and those having claims to present the same, with delay, to AXTANAS a. JOCIS. 704-7fi S.

Second M- to bl attorney. LIAS II. WIIITK. West End Building. 1-.

STAT OF MARY N. ACHl'FF. DECEAS-cd Letters of administration on the estate having been granted to the undersigned, all persons indebted to the said estate are to requested to make payment, ana tnose nav-clalms to present the same without delay. ALBERT QUIGLEY. 4S21 Franklin street.

CARPET CLEANING THK Oil VKFR CITY when attached, tn rarnft cleaning, slauils for all 1 he word Implies. When you patronize Hem you are protected as to ink. service and auainst any loss. When you are in need of their services, postal, "phone 944 or call. Third, above Poplar is their address, or plaiu Philadelphia: we will lf there.

ACME COMPANY We are at 'he same place the year around, public are invited to see our process of cleaning, nap raised, colors brighten- ed money retunded, if uot satisfactory. 10 years experience; hauling free: all parts I'bila. Acme- Front, Girard ave. 1 The Knickerbocker Ninth Bel. Girard ave.

All work Hauling free. Phone, or send STANDARD COMPANY By f-nr system of flfnaing carpet carpets are cleaned from all moths. 1 1 rawed, hauling tree, all parts city. 2121 North Seventeenth si.

2C YARD Franklin Carpet Cleanim; Franklin St. Hauling free; work guaranteed: moths removed: 10 years experience, cieaoeii and laid. 00. yard. YARD Central 22d and Berks.

Haul-in" free. Moths removed. Insurance. Cleaner carpet than you have ever seen. Cleaned nnd laid.

5c. "NO RIPPING" Mills. 22d and unit hauled 'At'. E'airmount Carpet Cleaning Race; cleaned. nlr--d.

iusure I yard. Moths remove. work guaranteed; cleaned and laid, 'Pbooe. 7 1 ARRET CLEANING Front and Cumberland. Satisfaction guaranteed or no Charlie.

removeu. ut-autru fieiiiiruie- removed. Iv. Itaul-d aud insured free. OLD RELIABLE PEXN East Girard and Co-kinds: lowest prices: lumlua avenues; all cents per yard; livery: called for, destroy all moths; quick de- bauled and insured tree.

AUTOMATIC. 37 North Proud Compressed air svs eni: no otber like it: the easiest, aud lust for loug hie ot carpets; 2tJ.o foot floor space. Est. 1S78. Pbone.

2C. YARD West Kni 380H Lancaster avenue. Hauling free; work suaranteed; cleaned aud laid. Tic. yard.

2C. YAUD South End 163.1 Reed. Work satisfa'-torv ir no charge. Moths removed. Hauling free.

Cleaned aud laid. 4c. yard. 2C. PER YARD.

Bou Storage. Hauling free st. Moving by padded Carpet Cleaning and 10 lo North oodstock vans or wagous. PROGRESSIVE CARPET Cleaning Works. 2028 North Tenth: satisfaction guaranteed; no rippinK or shrinking; 3 cents: hauling free.

FNERI'IilSE TArPET LEAnTntJ WORKS. 21st and Jefferson ata. Hauling free; Insurance. 'Pbone. r.C CARPETS CTJiANED (cleanJ.

aud laid. Peuusvlvaula ijti North Broad. Hauling free, all parts. 'Phone 2-2S-8TiD: CARPETS CLEANED ON THF FLOOR. WALLACE.

31 SOUTH SE ENTEENTH ST. Cariiets cleaned by compressed air. 3c. yard. 2c7yXr.D Banner Carpet Cleaning Works, 40.3 Willow, rormerly btrtJ uroao.

unuims nun Btorage free. Work guaranteed. STAR patronized downtown industry; i haullug free. 12th la-low Mifflin. CARPETS TAKEN up.

)stsl. Cochran. 2107 altered, relaid. Send West Norrls. 2C- A UD Hub, 600 N.

storage free. Broad. Hauling ami PROPOSALS TREASl RY DEPARTMENT. Office of the Commissioner of Internal Revenue. Washington, D.

April S. ltil. Sealed proposals for fut tiish*tig paiier. 10 be used for internal revenue stamp, tor the tjseul year ending June 3u. line, will be recejjed at this office from manufacturers of paper only, until the loth day of May.

loni. at 1 o'clock P. M. Full information on the subject will If given, or transmitted by mail in circular form, upon application, ty this oflicc. ProiH.sals should le addressed to the Commissioner of Internal Revenue." and marked.

"ProiKsals for internal revenue stamp paper." The Commissioner reserves the right to reject any and all J. W. YF.RKES. Commissioner. PROPOSALS FOR CONDEMNED ORDNANCE material.

Watervliet Arsenal. Watervllet. X. April 8. inf'l.

Sealevl proinisnls. in duplicate, will le received until In A. M. May S. lOol.

for purchase of condemn, ordnance nnd ord-nam-e stores, including pn-j ctihs. so. ail ariui. harnes-. pu ts of harness, scrap iron, l.nckl- s.

rings, scrap leather, etc. Ca-alogi-es on application to Cot. i FART FT. Com'g. MACHINERY AND TOOLS FOR SALE One screw-cutting lathe, 2tS-inch swing; one large grind-tone, circular saw and frame.

W. 11. H. Hevdrick. 121 Bethlehem pike.

Chestnut Hill. FOR SALE Dynamo for electro plating. Washington avenue. 1126 PRINTING loi.O POSTAL CARDS. including -vinting, lot hill heads, cards or envelopes.

gum stickers. Jl.oO. Fink Sou. South Fourth street. 10'Hj CARDS.

427 Noith billheads Ibltii. etc 1.20. Kair Co. I I LOOK OUT FOR BURGLARS! You about ui i tir vour summer plans. WliV V.

i-RkV AIJOUT YOUR HOUSE MRING iOUR RHia! ility. Rt'punitility anI Truslwurthiiuss amkrh-ax i.jsthht telegraph COMPANY'S XR oR rKKMANKNT PI RoLAK XLAKMS -i-n installed at uioiier-! In in for over J'-nr. For Cirth-r information apply KXKCL-'l 1 I OFFH CHESTNUT STUICKT. I' HICK ro tll treat all hit t- Oavs ahschii. TDK SICK.

I n.iis call wiirtln the 1 fii i' t.i fj'-mori-tra'f lua-ni'tlr ra till1 tiU In- 1 I) liT rt our Tbrrf in pfi.t i ilv ro rliart" "if any Wind. inuot Mi-nd cfri of luoui us. Von f-vi-n von warn to. No roatr or u-: i.a thii atiii't ur dloay' 1m i i-j: 1 KiNini 71. 4-i hours of 11 and OI" IRN' K.

iy our -w ni. fall Walnut th M. 2 and P. M. AMKKICA.N "U.MiK Ur.

SHERWOOD, 130 N. 10th St. UKaXAR ATK: 11 wars' csn. Stiff. ui r'-n iio-nt fit a'! is'hhs of vromf'ii.

iks ki in dnk hav; Nil KK: tHiaro hdi) nursinir. Ifriiir. 1J to I'n-f aiivii-r-: i.trirlv fos j.j. LADIES! rK. LAMArrs monthi.v KliLIKVKM AT ANY A'lK.

Married or hinslf i-iifli liiitf froiii ir-t' L'n'ari'li sT truri vi iri-wr i-all or urito. 1 fisiilVK. S.M-'K ITtKAT.MKNT Ml K.Ol.l'RKS. Uuiv I.AMK'S il-Kl'. i.V-"p N.

lltli st. I'll. has lironcbt liHpliini'-s To thousands of anxloiM nomen: n.v-r had a luilmi'; lone 'sf f-n a lelii-ved lu to fl it-: tio palu. ilanti our int. for' noe iln mail or of linrhfully i iady atr- ui aMi.

The li' iIt 4J Nor'h Kh-yi'irh sIh-pc. lit and 8f-rnd hapd as low 2.oi rid are. lirn top mkT; at th- loadiiix nn tnii lll Snit and i. KnRLAMI. -vnint-s till HAVE CRKPIT of Phiiadpl PMa 1 ou fan ope! an ur iint through me i and jiay wt.fklr: ilrv cooils S.

It. it .1. Mnjr. furiiltnrf hl-K rnnt H. Hi.

f.W.MKT. Sl'ITI T. V. ST. SIO Kssri.

LI.Y TRKATKD. Si- ial H'tfiiMnn pin to th" trfatniont of no hods, or rjtr4. 1 frfc; o'fiio lnvirs. f) ti daily. 1 'I II LA ItKI.Pl 1 1 A Oi.NTAI.

I H.KK il 1ST-I lff' StirtiiL- Garden st. Th nta' dl -pr-nMry 1 i perf of every kind of a work. Mjreifal as of all kinds also treated. LEGAL APVH IT -CONSLLT ATIONS OX fi-rj-; divorces ohfained promptly ail legal i ii -jour publicity ii-i r.iitffl. Aodi'f ss image suits for iDjurUn I j.

P.o.t I i JOSEPHS. Iss. pi i ts. g. ot ih ian.

Snnsoni: o-, cts. 14-karat, I t-pectaol. s. 'i i.yes inc. i ifical Hen inserted.

IT, FRONT 40c. bushel, yellow turtiins. nn- i.ins. pic. and Kc.

ba.k.-t; Inrge white potato a. bushel: free ('all. sec goods, or j.ostal. Germa ntown ave. 1.MJIES CALL ON MRS.

liL'TZ. MIDWIFE. 7T) X. Pest in confinement Jn-f-ints private troubles; physician in t-i ml strictly con! terms moderate. 1.

AMIES EMENGOI.IM-: WILL GIVE RELIEF. ir iiioiK-y refund--)): per lsittle. Call or I'li'e; ladv altndanf. Swiss Medical 207 'Market street. Camden.


no PER WEEK. ESTNI'T ST. LADIES. OUR MONTHLY REGULATOR gives positive refill's: safe; highly d. SI.

bit. EMMET. 7tb and Arcn lefts. STANDARD DETECTIVE BUREAU. Mam office, I Uj Filbert st.

open all lit. P.ian. h. 1212 Ailanti Atlantic City. I Hot I MAN.

PI I ESS LAIRVOYANT. IU names of her i of the one you niarry and th" name in Franklin st. I IT MRS. I I. RICH, grulu; i jre in eonf.

20 3 :7 North I- ifth. ted midwife. 1:1 is' cxp. 1 gives best home. 1 HEREBY GIVE XoTTCE THAT I WILL NOT be responsibly tor aiiv debts unless contracted I myself.

CHARLES BROWN. SS AG PFC! AI.IsT. SWEDISH MOVE-a-eiit; lbs tor's rifei el cc. CH AS. YUNG.

Nictb 12th Street. MRS. KHXLER I'tigs for 5oc. for short time. and Busjnes gives N.

otb. I.M'IKS- DOCTOR LFRAN o'S PERIODICAL c'omtiounil for laved irregular or suppressed i riods. never fails. at druggists. DIVORCES OBTAINED without terms: advice five.

I'. publicitv: easy O. Box 2010. I.AH'IKIl WILL GI ADVICE AND auce free. 21S.

Inpilrer of tic. ASSIST- CM -TI MONEY lib FOR DIAMONDS AND 1 lie hestimi street. Id Id. 1 fun il Gi iLD WE o. j.

anr toi m. MOST FOR OLD 1 lo'. I'hestnut I AlmcDupont V.c:" r.tu. Ladies only, I XT EST STYLE Xeiji.aucr. I.r, DRESS: SUITS TO Hie cor.

0th Cherry. rrLR AT ALToONAIs VERY M- IU RE at WTLKES- No. 2. Till; i tnporta LI. No.

I. Bane ELITE tor you. DIVORCE. EVtDKNC female detectives; 1 UPl.D: MALE VXD P. Box Phi la.

BUYER OU II. KOFI', OI. CLOT HF.s Rain! ridge SEND st. POSTAL, I mn CLE iiiliaiiine xxix Paris. I I ine T.

MR street. AM. AST-oI Aiblr-ss CI.0THIX1;. G'UID I. II.

Priitoi. RICES PAID, una st. LADIES SANITARIUM' in conlin. iiictir in iv. I'lllST-i LASS.


MATTINGS. Mat-tiugs tor cheap, at Mc.Vroy Wholesale House. LU Walnut street. 40O roils of mattings. 111 Japanese ami China, at half price, iu forty liflerent patf-rns: boiel.

boarding houses and take notice. Will out sell less than a roil. I til! SALE. A rirst-class old. well established I Jennie! tc daily and weekly paper iu a 1 in population count.

1 sent town of Pennsylva- is doing 11 jenny usimss of nearly and is on of the t-t chances 'in' the State; terms leasotiable. For further particulars address 0 Impiiier ofhee. loll SAI.E--I.ar5e luiri-or for dressmaker, chairs, r. cker lounge, table, matting, ingiain carpets, oil cooking stovL. tahhs.

two iron ads. p'llow: tic.l clothes, pictures, di-hi s. uionsiN. and many other articles, ver.v clieip. for two dajs onlv ol X.

F'iftb st. DRAWING CASE. Dunphy level, cheap City Ha IT. drawers. English T.

Ctsljorne. 4H I 'I piV SALL-A tine st wtu North babv coach, nearly new; for 5-1S if sold at cricc. Ap-st. CONFECTIONERY nd bakery. and York.

with or without properly, on account of td.k-re rare chance t. good cuke baker. P.AR AND STORK to order. Jowi-j Utcct. S2S FOR payable m.intl ly, 1.11.

t. li and on band or 1147 made North outfit, costing if desired. 40 w. 2 "HA I 1TNTURES. goi.d reason isoliahb- ofTer refused.

liivi for Tliilt-llih stie PRIX A IE RF SUM X- F. X. fth New giains. 30.. up: Brtu-scls room, stair, cariiets, sacrlfjced prices.

I PRIG I FT PIANO. fine walnut chamber suit, slo.oo; oak folding bed. J10. 1320 Ridge avenue. 1 OK SAI.E-oricc.

si. Pool table, in first class condition: Apidy Harrv G. XX'nods. niLes f-oru Camii u. I or SALF.

Red plush parlor suite, five pieces, a'aiut Ifdstcad. niatiress. spring: parties in out of town. 0 North Pith st. DINING ROOM SUIT, cherry, for.

sale ers. s71. Inoiiiiir branch i-ftice. 1 liamoii-I st no deal-17th and iR mall office. It-top Reoni a nd 1 II'; furniture Arch et.

I I it! SAI.K A ladies' Nonh Ei; s.lit.iire lit 1 st. diamond riiiL ILV ER 'heap. VALVE trombone; 1 lnfjuln 1- tice good condition: ull -tor. RG SALE Hi.

-I'lli-i iture. two wagons. liearbom. one hnefc- 221s Coluipbia ave. ni as hot.

1 wilt soda fountain: half one tore. 2o-8 Girard ave. sliuffeiniard ro. ui tor Mil cheap. OIL! re.

'11L and 31. Ill.Kili I OR SALE -Hall, N. Giats st. stair, pallor carpet. 'U) RE1 RIGFRATOR.

feet. Frankford Ilolmes-hurg. Apply 8il8 lo.m IK'W. -WHEELER P34 Girard XVILSON. av.

No. 12, good as A LARGE LOT street. OF NECKWEAR. 10 Mar- i.XRREU SHOP for sub-. 2: '40 Spring Garden st.

if sold at oucc. MILK route for sale cheap. wti. Inquirer branch. 33d and Cumberland.

SODA FOUNTAINS. new Green'a, 1 -US Vine st. and second-hand. SIN-i'IFCF P.RIA)R SUIT. gOJd 204' NiebrlBS t.

order, $3. DORSE AND flRT for l. 2217 Orianna st. 'STATE OF HANNAH A. STETSON.

TE- Letters ii'- m.i.-nt.-irv on the ai. ve siaie having 1.1 tla' iiTnIeisijin. d. II IU to t.e- M. stcd to make pn and liose lelav.

1 N. to i res wiiii.ait -RoDXFY Moris 1 or I is uoortif- Ml LP K. roi iER KiO VV.t Efjd Tiut RuiMltw i i i I I ARE YOU A PIANO BUYER DOYOU WANT A BARGAIN WE CAN SURELYSUITYOU We bavo the larcest ooili-etion nnd sei-ond-haiid pianos in the which are ninny rar-- harcaius. littlo -i(y. nuKiu ON'Ki: 4u I PKiOHTS.

Th. Is a i.artial list: St tfinway. hicki riim. Stock. Imt.

Har.l-i Ials. man. Mat hnshek. l'ischfr. Hallet I base.

lielir lleury Sons. P.aus. Kranich A Bitch. Mi Iter. Vos- I.lir!wi.

Whw- lix-k aud a dozen oiher dirlereiit mak Id I'l'ItliJIITS 1ini I PKIOins 1 CPIlKiHTS 175 to $14 to to SJJ.i PIANOS TO KENT OR SALE ON EASY PAYMENTS. WEBER. MATHl'SHEK. JACOU BROS, and other popular makes iu Mock. Write for eafulojTues if New Pianos, als.j a complete list of all tlx- used pianos, wiih prices and terms.

OEO. R. FLEMING. t'HESTNl'T ST. FORCED SALE TOaT 4 UPRIGHT PIANOS Ju.t rfccived from parties forced to for cash.

If you are thinking of a I'iano take advantage of a cbaaco tu secure a rare bargain. S350 Upright Piano only S7o 8473 Upri2ht $100 50O Upright 8125 S700 Cabinet Grand Upright 8175 Finest Pianos made ROSEWOOD, OAK. MA-PoOANY and BEAPTIILVLY FIGURED WAI.N I. ollcrcd at less than half the price- id exi-iisivc stoivs. Why throw nioney awayV Do not pay prices.

Saye uifinev at thy old reliable place. Open till P. M. WALKER'S PIANO PARLORS S36 NORTH SIXTH STREET FOR THE HIGHEST GRADE PIANO MADE: for a weli-mado piano; for a medium grade piano; for a cheap piano, for any and nil makes of pianos aud orsaiis, for cash fir lime, call at the wr.rer;oms of th-- Cunningham Piauo Company, llt'u Chestnut street. WILL SELL hit magnificent upright piano to the one off -ling the most, on account of tuov-Ina.

Call evenings. P24 West Lehigh ave. SK-VERY ELEGANT Cbickering piano, forced sale necessary. Apply soon. Jo4.s North street.

PIANOS, dlately. $1.0 21 PER WEEK: I. Iiiriuiivr offje delivered imuie- SQI ARE PIAXoS. S'. monthly.

o3f -North Eighth s-t. Scherzer's, for elegant upright piauo. North Elzhth. Scher- PIAXo. cost find.

PJ17 N. maker 7th. pertect MUST sell, cheap, elegant uptight cabinet 1 piano: nearly new. 1441 N. tlth.

WANTED Ft RVITrRK WANTED Don't sell vonr furniture, earrjets. pianos, antiques, entire households without our cash offer; positively highest prices paid: goods removed immediately night or day: business confidential. Call, write, cltv or country. New York Furniture 1022 Ger-mantown avenue. DON'T SELL, furniture, carpets, pianos, antiques, entire household without my cash offer, hit-best prices paid, goods removed iramc- dlately.

day. night, city, country. Cal. write. ieiepnone ah eommuiueaiions receive prompt attention.

O'Kennard, cftiee 1H25 Thompson. DON'T SPILL your furniture without our casa oiler: positively highest prices paid for furniture, antiques, part or entire households my specialty; write or call, day or night; goods removed promptly. Columbia f'urnit tiro store. 312 N. 2.1 st.

WE ARE IX A POSITION to pay highest cash prices for second-hand furniture, carpets, bed-flings and household fmsls of every description. Send postal or call, North Broad street, pboue 2-2X-4S D. 1THMT' carpets, riianoa. antiques wanted: entire houses iKinght for bichest prices; don't sell until you get my cash ffer. EJuliug.

S. K. Cor. Seventh and spring Garden. Pianos Bought from Families Cash paid at WALKER'S.

S3fj X. SIXTH ST. HIGHEST PRICES PAID, furniture, carpets. feather b-xls. eutire households purchased.

1748 Vineyard. GEN 'C A ST CI.7 I I hats stjes Iionght: hignest prices paid: tbe only man pays best prices: send postal. Lovitz. 1434 South st. I PAY the highest cash prices for furniture.

carpets, eutire houses. Mi-Hale, lt31 Lawrence street. A It Furn i i ure. bouses: highest cash. carpets, pianos: entire Phillippl.

S23 Race. WANTED-Old feather beds: highest paid: send postal, till N. Hanco*ck. prices WANTED Fur nit lpe. pianos, cash.

1.12'J Ridge avenue. carpets for spot COLORED load. MAN. two wagons, moves furniture 17if Olive st. CASH FOR ALL KINDS of office and household goods.

Aoplv 2S2. furniture Inn. ojf. EDUCATIONAL MUSICAL APOLLO SCHOOL OF MUSIC. Maud din.

Guitar, Botilo. Violin. Zither. SPRING OPENING. PUN" ALL SUMMER.


27 S. lltb st. F. RONDINELLA, voice culture; late of Italy; Italian method; piano lessons. 1323 Spring Garden.

SIGHT STNGING. pits' lnroe. 5ih-. voice c-nlture. Jessnnn at pn-H 74.

Inquirer office. THOMAS M. Fuller Bld. TURVEY. Toice coltnre, Ttoiln IO S.

18th. Send for circular STORAGE DIAMOND STORAGE age. money to loan: estimates given. I'ii2 town avenue. WAREHOUSES Stor-wngous to hire; written Diamond, llp-3 Germau- IIAULING FREE Incompat able Storage office Thompson.

Teh-phone 2-2JI-15 packing, shipping, moving; city, country; lowest rates. CENTRAL STORAGE. 321.23-2o North Eighth. Cash advances. Padded vans; estimates free; goods insured.

'Phone 8-91-X. HAULING FREE Girard Storage Company. PIS Olrurd avenue. 'Phone 2-21I-H4 A. COAL ANO WOOD Walter T.

Bradley Company All of standard grades of coal lar prices; prompt delivery assur-d. Pea Coal a spccialt.y. XX'c recommend 1 rushed co*ke as an ei-onomicsi fuel at popn-Uainily Ra iney's Sluing li s. and Summer Months. per load are tne people who at our own Cost atd jiersonal solicitation and advrtis- expense.

hv ing. lnrronucea crusbed oke to the consumers of Philadelphia. We solicit a continuance of your patronage. Special prices named to Foundries and Mantifaetureres. Your Inquiry will receive prompt attention.

Car load lots a cialty. Main Office and Yard, Ninth street low Girard avenue, Philadelphia. COPARTNERSHIP NOTICES NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT WIL-liam Kerr and John A. McCuen. trading under tbe firm name of Kerr McCuen, have this day aud year.

April 8. 1001. dissolved partuersnip. Jiuiam Kerr still contiunes to carry ou business at the old shop, 1S32 Nan-; dain st. William Kerr, successor to Kerr McCuen.

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE partnership lately existing between Anton Fnchs and Arista D. Warfleld. under the linn of Fut A- una nll by nnitiial -nsenf. DIVIDEND NOTICES chootxxv ntvi.iTot in imu. PvOAD COMPANY.

April 3. liVjt. The Board of Directors have this day declared a semi-annual dividend of 2'2 per cent. per shan on tbe preferred stock am! a ot per cent, (f 1.00 p. snarei on the commou stock of this eompa'jy.

out of the earnings of the last six months of the fiscal j-ear. Payable April 1001, tu stockholders as registered on the nooks or tne conjpanv at toe close of business April 13. lf01. Cheeks will be mailed. J.

PARKE HOOD. Secretary. MUSICAL WANTED LEADIXG Otiirer iffice. SOPRANO. I 31, In- Jayne's RHr lER.

Alterative is a SURE BLOOD A trial will convince you. PU- The "choking spells" of Whopping Cough soon disappear xvbeD treated with Jayne's "Expec-toran t. MARRIAGE IJOENSES ISSUED Aliantio. Antonio, aud Maria J. Desirio.

Harsuglia. Ferdinand and Mary C. Gorroley. Bauman. Christian, aud Louisa Man-rer.

Caracoio. liuiseppe and Antonio di Adamo. Carvoue. Vineenzo. and armlnella Tannizzee.

Cerbo. Antonio, and Lucrczis ijiliht-rti. Collier. Clarence aud Mabel M. Ogelsbv.

Counecll. William and Sarah E. Cross. Curry. Harry, and Lijzle Keer.

Davis. William and J. Maxwell. Dc Boy. Albert, and Lottie Zener.

Dslaucy, James, aud Elizabeth Lionnelly- CASH s. I I S7 3 FTn rendition: LADY gia I Weiss. George and Jennie M. Rauden-bush. MARRIED SHEAR YOST.

At the parsocaee of the Elmer M. E. Church. N. by the Rev.

J. L. snrties, on April Mr. John Shear to Mis Roee Y'ost, both of Richland, N. J.

OFFICIAL DEATH KETTJRNS Appended are the official returns of deaths made yesterday to the registration office of the Board of Health. City Hail. They include the names. ajr-'S. dates, places of death or late residence of "those dead.

The asterisk (M indicates that death was due to a disease officially classed as contagious. Allison. Margaretta. "ft. 9.

4220 Walnut. Augustine. Roht. IS. 10.

SSOtj Reno. Booth. Mary 44. 10. 7i' W.

Cumberland st. Bvrne, Ann 37. 0, etio Calumet, ciine, Fred. 11. 3340 Waterloo.

Cohen. Abraham M-. 72. lo. 218 Vine.

Copeland. Martha. 1:8, S. Kern. Dare.

Jennie 24. 3144 N. Rosevvo.jJ. Doak. Andrew.

70. Pi19 S. 17tb. I'aulkuer, Sella. 21.

S. Germautown ave. I eeiv. Helen. 3.

lsinj N. Judson. Gorman. Annie. p.

115 Susquehanna, (iraiiv. Elleit. S. Sunuyside ave. Jravcs.

S. 2Sit N. Lelthgow. Harvev Matrgie. HO.

ft. 1.H18 Fillsworth. Huston'. 42. 0.

24.S3 N. fth. Josepb. til. p.

Launtoa nliov Oak lane. -'Kaufmann. Goo. I. (5.

11. 1S4S Judsou. Keiiev. Ed. 54, i.

::020 Cottman. Keilev. 35. 11PU S. Bancroft.

Kin Bertha. t4. 11, 241S ClifTord. Magonigle. Margaret, S.

1712 Rittenhouse. Helen. It'. 10. Pine.

Bernard. lo. 3'10 N. 2d. Percy.

Marie. 2. 10. 72t Beloue. Portener.

Hynian, (12, 0. S. Stli. Robinson. Ilv.

10. 171S W. Susciuehanna. Kobiusou, John. 4.

11. 1.VJ N. Croskry. Rogers. Alice L.

2. 0, "411 Germautown avC. Rose. Anna. 6.S.

10. 122 N. lOtli. Rudolph. 00.

8. 1S43 CallowhiU. Simon. Zera B. 34.

1S12 Berks. S'ster St. Charles, nee Elizabeth Hay. 63. 11, 2005 Christian.

Walter, 71. 10. 1610 N. LJoyer. Vrd.

Emma. 73, 10. Newrown. Delaware eo. Wilson.

Martha. 61. 135 S. 22d. Wooi ell.

Amanda. 9. mhiij Main. Zaugara. :2.

lij. P'aila. Hosti. DIED ASH. On Anvil 10ol.

Floren R. Tfr of Samuel VX and Susie M. Ash. uged 11 luouths and 0 days. Funeral services on F'i; day ai'teruocri.

at 2 o'clock, at her pan nt-' risidence. t47 Wiiliard slrcet. Camueu, X. J. Interment privat-3.

AUGUSTINE. On April 10. li'ol Rolrcrr sen of Lewis M. and Elizabeth J. Augustine, in his P.nh year.

Funeral on Saturday morning, at 8.30 o'clock, from his parents' residence 3806 Reno street. West Philadelphia, requiem mass at St. Agatha's Church nieut at Holy Cross Ceniftcry. Solemn Inter- P.ARINGTOX. At Fairview.

8. lfajl. Robert W. Babington. in Funeral from his late residence.

Friday afternoon. April 12. at on April his Slst year. Fairview. on .30 clock.

without further notice. Carriages will be at Riverside Station to meet trains P-aying Market street ferry. Philadelphia, at 12 noon and IJurlington 12.ol P. M. Interment at Fairview.

BALLING ER. Suddenly. Thursday. April 11, 10(11. F.

A. Ralliuger. Due notice of the funeral will be given from bis late residence, 222 North Thirteenth street. BAUM. On April 0.

pioi. Clarence young-esi son of Anaora M. and the late J. E. Bautu.

aged 28 years and month. Funeral services at 2100 Se.lglov avenue, on Friday, at 10 o'clock. Interment strictly private. BI 'HOFF. On April lo.

1001. wld of the late Peter Bichoff. Urn in XX'uertentierg. Geriunny. aged yeais.

Funeral on Saturday nftetuiKin. at 1 o'cl k. from niece's Mrs. Harry Havt.vigi sideuce. comer and streets.

Five Points. Iutermeut at I 'f ilar Hill Cemetery. BLACK. -On April F.01. Katie, beloved daughter of James and Nora Black and granddaughter of Thomas and Catharine Black and Thomas and Ellen Burk.

aged 8 years. Funeral on Saturday afternoon, at 2 o'clock, from her parents' ri si jence. Rid-e avenue. Interment at Ctos-- Cemetery. ROOTFI.

on April 10. 1901. Mary wife of George L. Booth, aged 44 years. The relatives and friends of family aie respectfully to attend lie tnneral.

on Saturday morning at S.30 o'clock, at husband's resid-'nee. West CtiuilieiJaud street. Servic-s at Su Ed ward s. hurca. Interment private On April F.J"T.

Emma, wifcf Joseph Hunger (nee hnieri. aginl 3o reajn. I t.neral services on Friday evclliug. at 8 cluck, at her late residence. North irknev street.

Olive Castle. Xo. 18. Ladles of K. of are invited.

Interment at Allentown. Pa. Traiu leaves Ninth street and Columbia avenue sia-tion Saturday morning, at 0 o'ebx-k. BRICK. Suddenly, oil April iTail, Robert Price.

Funeral on Saturday afternoon, at 2 o'clock, fro bis late residence. 2120 Christ 'an Rtr-et. Ivanl.i.e I-o-lge. No. 440.

F. and A. is invited. Iutermeut. at Vri.wood BROuM.

-011 April 10. 1'JOl. at Mt. Holly. N.

Barzillai lti-oom. Funeral on Satuday, April 13. 10il. at 2 o'cl. 1 -k, from the residence- of Ids brother.

G. Walter Bi m. at Vineen- towu. N. J.

lut -rmciit at the Bapti-t Ci nn-tc-T. P.RoWN. In Norrisiowii. on April lo. 1'tol Elizabeth Biown.

in tier With year F11 pet-ill services at her lite home. 0 street, on I ridav morning. 12th inst. st Elm 1 1 o'clock. Interment private.

BRUST. Ou April 8. lOol. Aunic. dMii-diter of Conrad and Elizabeth Brust.

aged years. Funeral on Friday, at 2 o'clock, from fcf-r parents residence, 21J North Oarien srrer-T. Jrnuaiieipuia. I aiioiui-m hi ,,17.1. Cemeterv.

Hazleton papers please copy. BYRNE. On April 0. 1.001. Annio wife of James Byrne nnd daughter of Joseph and Jane Dovle.

aged 37 years. Funeral en Friday morning." at 0 o'clock, from lliU'l Calumet street (formerly street 1, Falls of Schuylkill. Solemn "requiem mass at St. Bridget's Church. V.

Sodality Icagtie of the Sacred Heart nnd Altar Society of St. Bridget's Church invited. Interment at St. John's Cemetery, Kindly omit flowers. ABE.

On April 11. IDol. Christiana, widow of the late Jesse Cabc. aged 72 years. Funeral on Sunday.

April 14. at 1 P. from her late residence. In Middlotown township. Pa.

Iu-terruent at Bcecbwood Cemetery. CARTER. On April Wlllimu C. Carter, ton of Charles and Mary Carter, aced 2' years. Relatives and friends are nsp ct-lUlly invited to meet at the hom*o of bis parents, at Tullytown.

on Saturday. April l-'-. nt 1 o'clock. Funeral services will held at the M. E.

Chinch, at 2 o'clock. CHAIN. In Norristown. on April 5. 1001.

Iyjuisa B. Chain, widow of Beniaruin E. Chain, in the 7sth year her ate. The relatives and friends of tbe family will be welcome at her late residence. 011 Friday, nt 3 P.

M. Services in St. John's Church at 4 I'. M. Interment private.

CRAWFORD. On April 10. 1001. at Doanes-bnrg. N.

Jennie daughter of Rev. James B. Crawford. Funeral st rvb es on Satiuday. April 13.

at 2 o'clock, at 2t18 Bvardywiue street. Interment at Mount Moriab Cemetery. CRAWFORD. Ou Ap'-R 11. 10nl.

Maraiet Crawford, at lolO West Cniulierland street. Due notice of the funeral wi'l le given. DARK. On April 0. 1001.

Jennie Dare, wife of Albeit G. Dare, and daughter of Joseph and Johanna Schneider, aged 24 years. Funeral on Friday afternoon at 2 o'clock, from her late residence. No. 3144 Rosewood street.

Interment p.ivate at Glen wood Cemetery. DE PTNENTL. On April 1o. 1IM1. Lilly, daughter of Fred and Lilly De Pirn-nil.

aged 5 years and 4 months. Funeral on Friday at 3 o'clock, from the resi.lfnco of her parents. 1227 Hansom 'street. Forty-ninth and Woodland avenue. In terment at I era wood Cemetery.

DOAK. On April 10. 1001. Andrew Doak, aged 70 years. Funeral services on Friday.

12th at 2 o'clock, at tbe residence of ids brother. Mr. I)Biiel Doak. Xo. 1510 South Seventeenth street.

Interment private at Mount Moriab Cemetery. DOXOIIUGH On April 11. 10ol. William J-. son of William J.

and Amanda in his 3d vear. Funeral ou Monday. 15th at 2 o'clock, from IOO Brown street. Interment at St. Johu's M.

Es Church Vault. -On April 8, Louiza. wife of Matbcw J. Donovan and daughter of Adolph and Bridget Duinmel. in her 22(1 year.

Funeral on Friday morning, from ber late residence, 21ti7 Dover street. Twenty-ninth and Susquehanna avenue, at 8.30 o'clock. Solemn requiem mass at St. Elizabeth's Church. Interment at Cathedral Cemetery.

DUNBAR. On April 1001, Anna C. widow of the late John T. Dunbar, aged f8 years. Funeral from 1332 Lombard street, on Friday afternoon, at 1 o'clock.

Services at Wesley Church. Fifteenth and Lombard streets, at 2 o'clock. All organizations of which she was a mcrabr-r are invited. Interment at Olive Cf nieter.v. L'UFFIELD.

bis resi.len-e. in Princeton, N. on Aoril P. John T. Dur'ti.

Id. D. LL. in fho. 70th of his age.

Funeral from Marouand Princeton L'ui-versitv. on Saturday. April 13. at 3 p. M.

DUNPHY. On April lo, ltMil. Anna, daughter of John and Margaret Dunphy. ujsVfi tj months. Funeral ou Friday afternoon, at 2 o'clock, from her parents' residence.

LV17 South Fiftieth street. Vn st Philadelphia. Interment at Holy Cross Cemetery. EARLY. On Wednesday.

April 10. P1. Mary Aim Lipincoit Early, widow William Eaily. aged 04 years. I mora! services at her residence.

North Sixth street, on Saturday, April 13." at 2 1. M. pr-eiseiy. Int-imcnt pil-vate. ECCXESTON.

On April S. 1001. John Eoclos-toG, husband of Mary Eccleston, aged 52 years. Funeral on Saturday afternoon, at 2 clock, from 2710 East Thompson street. Interment private.

FAIRES. On April 9. IPOI. Iu bis 80th Rev.

John Wj lie Faires. D. D. Funeral services will be held in tbe First Presbyterian Church (Washington Square), on Friday. April 12 at 2 P.

M. Friends of the family, former teachers and pupils of the Classical Institute, members of the Alunui Society of the I'nivcr-sitv of Pennsylvania, also the Presbyf-ry of Philadelphia, are invited. Interment private. FLYNN. On April lo.

at Bris.01. John, son ot Fatrlck and Celia Flyun. aged 7 months. Funeral on riday. April 12.

at 2 o'clock, r-m her parents risidence. Spruce street. Bristol. Pa. FLYNN.

On Anril IO. 1901. Edward, son of Patrick J. and Catharine FlynD. Funeral on Saturday afternoou.

April 17, at 1.3o o'clock, from W'est Felton street. Interment Holy Cross Cemetery. FORCE. Snddenly. on April 10, 1001.

Newberry B. Force, aged 51 years. Funeral on Sundav afternoon. April 14. at 1 o'clock, from 136 Morris street.

Interment Mt. Moriab Cemetery. FOX. On April 10. 1001.

Charles R. son of Ella Mar and the late Charles R. Fox. in his 4rb year. Funeral services 011 Saturda.vl at 2 o'clock precisely, at the rcsid'-nee of his grandparents.

1752 North Dover street. FREE LEY. On -April 0. 10O1. Helen, daughter of Mary and tbe late Jehu F-i-ew-y, aged 3 ear.

Funeral on Friday n. at 2 o'clock, froiu the residence of her tuothei, lbvii STEAMERS' SCHEDULE TO ARRIVE. Name. Sola ik f. t-Vtlantic tOranje Prince.

Gorbea Clrca'n Prince M. tHilltaru fMadellne Manhattan tKlek tPennmauor 1 Hanover Martelio TLivonlan Arcblmede 1' Aureole Phoenicia Amsterdam 1 1m Campine. Taurlc Astoria vEast Polut La Lorraine. Kenslngtou Campania Barbarossa Canadla Mesaha Minneapolis tTaucarvllle Vaderland Patricia Staatendam Oceanic Crown Waesland Switzerland From. Loudon Forms i Shield Bilbao Liverpool Naples Amsterdam ICosa rio Venice Sunderland I Suod 'rland London ITiull I Liverpool I Genoa Shields Boulogne I Rotterdam I Shields Liverpool i Movlllo 1, London liHavre I Liverpool i Bremen I Rotterdam I Iniilou i Londou I Tyne I Cherbourg Plymouth liltotterdam I London I tiuoonstowu 1 Ixniiien 1 1 Jueenstown 1 Antwerp For.

IPbllarU il-hilada PhlluiU Pbtlada IPhilad N. Yin iPhllada Philad Pblloli 'PhlUda Pbilada IN. York iphlladH iN. York iPhllada N. York N.

York IPhllada X. York X. York Phllini In. York 'X. YotW X.

Yor'c X. York Phlla.U IN. Yoik York Philad.i N. York York York T'btladit N. York Phllada Pbilada TO DEPART.

Date of Name. British Pretoria Hohenzollera Servla Maultou Rbynland Georgian Ohio Eagle vl'lanet Venus. tPennmauor Majestic VV'esteroland tlliordis M. Minghettl. Deutsohrand La Lorraine.

Citta di Torino Massilia Tartar Prince. Amsterdam Vaderland K. M. Theresta Phoenicia V.atnpaDia Minneapolis Astoria I'hiladelphian Martelio tHilltarn 'Isithonia Luhu St. Louis Kenslngtou Oceanic Britannia Barbarosss L'Aquitaine Staatendam Alter For.

From York Apr. 131 Apr. IV Apr. 13 A or. 13i Antwerp Hamburg Naples.

Genoa. Liverpool London Liverpool Hull lyotidon Bristol Rotterdam LlTerpool Antwerp Leltb Xante. Genoa N. York N. York 13 York PhlladJ X.

York X. York PbllHfla Apr. i.i Apr. 13i Apr. 13 Apr.

13' Apr. 13 Apr. 13 Am-. 17, Pbils.1i I'b 1 1 ad i N. York IN.

Yoot IPhlla.ia Vr.ft Apr. 17 A nr. 17 Apr. 17 Apr. is Ar.r.

18 Hamburg York Havre or Apr. 181 oli I I XI Apr. 18 A IU. 18 Apr. 20 Apr.

20 Apr. 20 A nr. 20 Naples. Mar ies. X.

York Xv.eres Voi-U Rotterdam Southampton Bremen Hamburg I.lverMJol Iondon Lindou Glasgow Liverpool Hull A mst'-rrlam Hamburg Bremen I-ondoii Southampton ADtwerp Liv frnool X. York X. York X. York Yorl; Apr. 20 IN.

York Apr. 20 Apr. 2o Apr. 20 Apr. 20 A or.

V'o X. York Yoik i'X. York York York Philaibi Pbilada N. York iPhllada IN. York IN.

York Apr. 2u Apr. 22 Apr. 23 Anr. 23 Apr.

211 Apr. 24 Apr. 24 Apr. 25 Apr. 25 Apr.

25 Apr. 27 r.t- York Naples. York Hremen Havre Rotterdam Naples, Genoa Hamburg Ll erpfMiI London Rotterdam Hull London Liverpool Havre 'Glasgow N. Yerk 1N. York IN.

York N. York-iN. York 'Philadu Pliilada 'Philada Toil. IX. Yoi N.

York N. York N. York Patricia Crown Point tCanadia Colorado Marquette Umbria L-i Gasoogue Anchorla I Apr. 27 Apr. 27 tApr.

27 i Apr. 27 Apr. 27 Upr. 27 'Apr. 27 27 'Apr.

27 Vessels marked () carry the mails. tDo not carry passengers. FOREIGN MAILS Closing at Philadelphia Postoffice for Week Ending April FRIDAY At 6 A. for Mexho. pet S.

S. Seneca. Tin Tampion (when specially SATURDAY-At 4 A. for Italy, per S. S.

Hohenzollern. via Naples (when specially addressed): at 4 A. lor Europe, per S. S. Servla, via Quenestown: at 4 P.

for Denmark, per S. S. Island (when specially addressed): at. 4 A. for Newfoundland, per S.

S. Silvia: st 4 A. for Porto Rico, per S. S. Ponce, via Sao Juan; at 4 A.

for Venc-luela and Curacoa. per S. S. Maracalbo (Savan-illa and Carthagena. when sis-clally addressed); at 4 A.

51.. for St. Vincent. Barbados and Demerara. per S.

S. Glitra; at 6 A. 51.. for Cuba, per S. S.

Morro Castle. vi Havana (when specially addressed); at 6 A. for Fortune Island. Jamaica, Savaullla. Carthagena and Greytown.

per S. S. Allegheny (Costa Rica, when specially addressed) nt A. L. for Argentine Republic.

Uruguay, and Paraguay, per 5. o. Harmonldea; at 9 A. for Turk's Island and Dominican Republic, per S. S.

Nef York: at 2.3o P. tor Great Brituln and 1-. laud, per S. S. Rhynland, via OJeii soeclnlly addressed).

SUNDAY At 3 A. for, N. per steamer from Sliaml. Fla. PARCELS POST.

rarce.s-Post mails tor Germany, close st 1 1. 51.. April 10. per S. S.

Augusta Victoria, vis Hamburg, and April 12. per S. S. Pretoria, Ja Hainbuis. DAILY.

Mexican 6.30 A. 9.30 A. 11 30 A. 3.3o P.

L. 6 P. 51. 9 .30 l. M.

foreign registered mail. 6 P. 51. Mails for China. Japan.

Hawaii aud Antrali. via Vancouyer. 0.3O A. M. and 9.30 P.

51. Malls via New Orleans, 6 P. M. and 11 P. 51.

Slails for the Philippine Isiauds. 0.30 A. M. and 0.30 P. 31.

Mnilj via Sun Francisco, 0.30 A. 51. and 9.50 F. 51. Stalls for Newfoundland, via North Sydney.

4 P. SI. Slails for St. rierrt-SIiquclou, t1i Boston. I'.

SI. Slails for Cuba, by tail to Port Tampa. Sunday at A. 51.. Wtdnesday and Friday, 10.45 A.

SI. Stalls for Cuba, by rail to Miami. tlos hero Tuesday and Saturday. 6.30 A. 51.

TRANSPACIFIC 51 AIIVS. ETC. Slails for China and Japan, per S. S. Emprep of Japan (registered mull when sis-clally addressed) close at Vancouver April 15, 1901.

Stalls for Tahiti and Slarguesas Islands, per S. S. Australia, close at San Francisco, April 15, 1901. Slails for China and Japan and the Pbllippini Islands, per S. S.

China. lose at Sau Frauds. -o. April 17. 1901.

Stalls lor Australia lexc pt est Australia, wbicb. is forfardi-d via Europe). New Zcalaml. Fiji. Samoa and Hawaii, per S.

S. Sciiiurn, close al Sau Francisco. April 18. 19o. Malls for China.

Japau and Philippine Island, per S. S. Duke of ife, cIosl at Tiicouia, April 24. loot. Mails for Hawaii.

China, Japan and the Philippine Islands, S. S. Doric, close, at Sail Francisco. April 25. Stalls for Hawaii, per S.

S. Mariposa, closy dally. Sau Francisco. April 29. 1901.

Slails for China. Japau und Philippine Islands, per S. S. Tosa Maru (reglsterod mall njui-t marked via Seattle), close at Seattle, Wath April 29. 1901.

Stalls for Australia (except XV'cst Australia and New Zealandi. and Fiji Islauds. per S. 8. Aoraugl, close at Vancouver.

B. C. Slay 3, 1101. EDUCATORS TO VISIT THE UNIVERSITY Institutions to Send Representatives to Look After Scholarships A il consequence of the xvlilili have been recently rstaOMsliiol In the college depart met) of rlie. Unix rslty of Pennsylvania for Kfmlents in the High Schools In tbo xxe-stem part of the a nomlxT of prominent educator from 11tt--Imrg ami the vicinity will pay a visit to this city to-rlaj' lu order to becoiiic c.

qualnted witlj tbo facilities; and reK.tri-S of the University. The party, consisting of about fifteen io-ptriictors, will ho boH'ioil by Professor frablio, of Shadj'side Academy; Professor Sfttell. of Pittsburg; Academy, and Wood, of Pittsburg High School. They will arrive tbls morning and a com ru it tie consisting of Ir. TV.

Campbell Posey. Hon. TV. W. Potter, Sir.

Ilnscltlne Smith, Mr. Charles L. McKeelian and Mr. H. L.mssaf Ceyelin xvlll escort tbem thronsU the I'nlvers-lty grounds, visiting the vari-oug departments-.

Tbls afternoou they will be given a luncheon at tbe Houston Obit) l.y several members of tho faculty and alumni. The party will attend tbo performance of the Mask and Wig Club this evening and to-morrow will pay another visit to tbe University. In tbe afternoon they will take a trip on the Schuylkill lu the launeb. Ben Franklin and wilt watb the maneuvers of the 'Varsity crews. The visitor will leave for their hom*os to-morrow even-Irs.

The spring moving season is on. Search through The Inquirer's Real Estate for Rent columns before making your final decision. daughter of the late Henry'and Sarab Sehafe'r" Funeral on Saturday afternoon, at 1 o'. i. i from 1318 South loui-th street, corner irn i street.

Interment private at Mt. Vernou Cc. eiery. S.CHAFFER. Ou April lo.

lOol. Charlotte C. wife of John Schafter. aged 50 years. Funeral services on Sundav afternoon, at 2 o'clock at 1816 Gillir.g'aam street, Frankford.

Interment private. SCOI-TELD. On April lo. 1901. George IT.

Seotield. aged 60 years. Funeral services in Friday evening, at 8 o'clock, at bis late residence. 400 West School lau. Geiruantown.

The employes of Adams Expiess Company are invited. Interment private at Greeuwoud Cemetery, x. y. SCOTT. Ou April 0, 1901.

Marv E. Scott, daughter of the late Reuben and Mary A. Haines. Funeral services at her late residence. Berlin.

N. Friday evening, at 8 o'clock. Services aud Interment at South laurel Hill Cemetery, Philadelphia, on Saturda.v at 12 o'clock. Relatives aud friends of the family ave invited to attend. SEMON.

On April 1001. Zera Semon. aged 53 years. Funeral s'lvioes on Fridaj-. atlO o'clock precisely, at the residence of Mr.

Mortis Rosenberg. 716 Franklin street. Interment private. Kindly omit flowers. SHADE.

On April 11. 1901. Mary wife of Samuel M. Shade. Funeral services ou Monday afternoou.

at 2 o'clock, at 528 Berks street. Interment private. SHAY. On April 0. 1901.

Maria, daughter of Lawrence and Mary Shay, aged 3 4 months i.nd 8 days. Funeral on Friday, at 3 o'ciock. from the residence of her tit*. 4'4 Ashmead street. Germautown.

Interment at Holv Sepuhhre Cemetery SIVEL. On April 11. 1O01. Margaret McAllister, wife of Willam Sivel, formerly of Glasgow, Scotland, aged 60 years. Funeral on Sunday afternoon, at 2 o'ciock, from 33o7 Hone street.

Interment private, at Greenwood K. of P. Cemetery. Glasgow, Scotland, juipers please copy. SMYTH.

On April 11. Tail. William O. Smyth, son of Louise and VX'tlliam D. O.

Smyth and grandson of Mary F. and the late Robert J. Smytb. aged 7 months. Funeral on.Sundaj-afterno n.

at 1 o'clock, from lull Siegel street. Interment at Woodlands Cemeterv. STEWART. On April 8. 19(1, William husband of Elizabeth D.

Stewart I nee Hetzelli, aged 58 years. Funeral services on Friday afternoon, at 1 o'clock, at 205 Richmond street. A. C. Hartner Club invited.

Interment private, at Mt Peace Cemetery. SWEEXEY. Suddenly, on April 9. 1901. Patrick, beloved husband of Isabella Sweeney.

Funeral on Saturday morning, at 8.30 clock, fiom 2914 Salmon street. Solemn requiem mass at the Church of the Nativity, at 10 o'clock. Interment at New Cathedral Cemeterv. VANDEC April lrt. lOol.

Norman, son of Theodore and Iattra Vandegrlft. Ucl 2 months. Funeral on Sunday. 14th at 1 o'clock from 2724 East A'legheny avenue. Interment at Mount Peace Cemetery.

WALSH. On Monday. Aoril 8. 1901. Maurice, husband of Hannah Walsh.

Funeral on Friday morning, at 8.30 o'clock, from bis late residence. No. 6023 Haverford avenue. Solemn requiem mass at Our Lady of the Rosary Church, at 10 o'clock. Interment at Hol.v Cross Cemetery.

WALTER. Ou April 10, 1001. Charles Walter, aged 71 vears. Funeral on Friday. April 12, 1001, o'clock, from 16lo Dover street.

Interment at North Cedar Hill Cemetery. WARD. On April 9. 1901. Emma Ward.

Funeral on Fridav morning, at lo o'clock, from the residence of William Dunly. Newton. Delaware county. P.i. Iutermcnt private, at Centra! Laurel Hill Cemetery.

WEDF.MYER. At his late residence. 702 Can-trell street, on April 11. 1901. Henry.

looved husband of Catherine Wedemyer. a uative of Getting. Germany, aged 72 years. Funeral ou Sunday afternoon at 1.30 o'clock, at the resilience of his w. Hennan Wagner, 103J Wolf street.

luterment private at Fernwood Cemetery. XVILSON'. Suddenly, ou April 9. 1901. Maltha, widow of the late Edward Wilson.

Funeral on Fridav afternoon, at 2 o'clock, from 1635 South Twenty-second street. Interment at North Cedar Hill Cemetery. WOR ELL. On April 9. 19'1.

Amanda, widow of Robert Worrell, in her 80th year. Funeral on Friday afternoon, nt 1 o'clock, from her late hone-. No. S0OO Miiu street. Chestnut 3X111-Intermetit private.

Kindly omit flowers. YOUNG. Ou April 9. lool. Maria wife of Charles M.

Young, aged G7 years. Funeral on Saturday evening, at 8 clock, at 642 West Cumberland street. lo proceed to uansnaie. Pa on Suudaj- morning, on train leaving Reading Terminal, at 8.32 A. M.

Services and interment at Plane Mennonite Meeting House. IN MEMORIAM BLACKMANN. In loving reuiembiance of our ar son Charles, who died Aoril 12. 1802. Nine years has fled and sti'l I miss him: Friends may think tbe wound has healed, lint they little know tbe sorrow That within my heart concealed: And while he lies iu peaceful sleep His sacred memory I i-ball always keep.

MOTHER. CEMETERY LOTS SOMERTON HILLS CEMETERY-PRIVATE station on grounds. Bound Brook Division Reading R. R-. 30 minutes from Terminal; lots all sizes nnd no extra charge for care of lots; free transportation to lot viewers.

Citv Oftice. 201 Stephen Girard Bid. Port of Philadelphia, April 12. P. M.

Sun rises High water Philadelphia Breakwater Ixjxv water Philadelphia Breakwater 5.23 A. 51. Sets. .6.37 7.34 A. M.

2.10 A. M. .7.54 P. .2 30 P. M.

M. M. M. 17 A. A.

M. .2.47 .9.35 Arrived Yesterday AMERICA. Norwegian steamer. Exjenfh, Tort Antonio, fruit. United Fruit Co.

THORDIS. Norwegian steamer. WUhclmsen, Irfdth. ballast. Cosmopolitan Line.

INDIAN, steamer. Snow, Boston, Geo. C. Eckhardf. ANTHONY GROVES.

steamer. Fowler, Baltimore, F. S. Groves. GOLDSBORO.

steamer. French. New York, Wm. P. Clyde Co.

WILLIAMSPORT. steamer. Godfrey. Boston. ballast, with barge PRESTON.

O. II. nager- mr.n. MARY ADELAIDE RANDALL, schooner. New London, ballast.

Charles T. M-cee Co. EMELIE F. BIRDPALL. schooner.

Lamson, New York, ballast, II. D. May Co. CUMBERLAXD. schooner, Liftlejobti.

New-York, ballast. H. D. May Co. HERCULES.

from Plymouth: SHAWMOXT and THOMASTOX. from Boston, barges (in tow tug Catawissat. O. H. Hagerman.

KOHINOOR, from Lynn; GIRARD and KAL-MIV from Boston, barges fin tow tug Ta-maquai. O. H. Hagerman. NORA and DAVIDSON, bargrs.

from Providence tin tow tu? R. C. Vein, master. Cleared Yesterday riNIN. Italian steamer.

Guano. Genoa, L. Ru-hellt. MAJOR BARRETT, steamer. Willetts.

Boston, Barrett Mfs. Co. EAGLET, steamer. Warren, New York. Wm.

P. Clyde Co. ANTHONY GROVES. steamer. Fowler.

Baltimore. F. S. Groves. BERKS, steamer.

Hatch. Lynn, with barge SUFFOLK, from Boston. O. H. Hagerman.

THE JOSEPHINE, schooner, Charleston. J. Stetson Jt Co. LOTTIE BEARD, schooner. Slocuni, New Bedford.

J. L. Nicholson. Delaware Bay and River News BREAKWATER. April 11.

Passed up, Uew steamer Esperanza ion trial trip. 1.50 P. M. Pafsed out. steamers Nederlaud Pbila-Gelphla for Autwerp: Montana iBr.l, Philadelphia for London August Korff (Ger.t.

Philadelphia for Flushing; Mokta (Br.i. Philadelphia for Marseilles: Urania iRussian'i. Philadelphia for Port Antonio; Major Barrett, Philadelphia for Boston; Yemassee, Philadelphia for Richmond; ship Bangalore. Philadelphia for Nagasaki; schooners Nimbus, Philadelphia for Santiago; Heleu W. Martin, Philadelphia for Portland: tug Navigator, with barges New York.

Philadelphia for Boston; Felix and Florida dence. Wind. X. Philadelphia for 18 miles; hazy; barometer. 29.94.

CAPE MAY. Passed In. steamer Goldslioro. from New York for Philadelphia. 6.30 A.

schooner Mary A. Raudall. from New London for Philadelphia, in tow tog J. McCanlley. 8 A.

M. tugs Tamaqua. ith barges Kalinia. Kohinoor and Girard. for Philadelphia.

A. IJ. C. Veil, with barges Nora and Davidson, for Philadelphia, 10.50 A. M.

REEDY ISLAND. Passed down, steamers Mexicano fosVera Cruz via Galveston; Berks, for Lynn, with barge Suffolk, for Boa-ton; tugs Sea King, with two barges. NEW CASTLE. Passed down, tug Owen Brady, with barsje. MARCUS HOOK.

April 11. Steamer Vigsnaea for Sama via Gibara, passed down 5.03 P. M. REEDY ISLAND. April 11.

New steamer Es-pcranza. from trial trip, passed up 4.46 P. M. BREAKWATER- April 11. X.

W. 22 miles: hazy: barometer 29.92. Passed out, steamer Mexicano. Philadelphia for Vera Cruz via Galveston. MARCUS HOOK.

A it! I 11. Passe.1 down. schooner "Lottie Beard, for Xew Bedford. REEDY ISLAND, April 11. Taeatid down MARITIME NEWS OTHER PORTS Arrived CHARLESTON.

April 1 1 Mary S. Bradshaw, from Philadelphia. NAGASAKI. April 5. Ship John A.

Briggs.from Philadelphia. SAVANNAH. April 11. Schooner Joseph W. Brooks, from Philadelphia.

HAVANA. April 11. Schooner Maud Palmer, from Philadelphia liu 20 daysl. FORT DE FRANCE. April 11.

-Steamer Urd. from Philadelphia, at 6 A. M. PORTLAND. April lo.

Schooner Henry O. Barrett, from Philadelphia. NORFOLK. April 11. Schooner Augustus Welt, from Philadelphia.

FERNAXDIXA. April James D. Dewcll, from Philadelphia. GLOUCESTER, April 10. Schooner Everett Webster, from Philadelphia tor Camden.

Mo. HYANNLS. April 10. Scboouer Dufneld, from Philadelphia: schooner James from Philadelphia for Gloucester. PLYMOUTH.

April 0. Schooner Richard S. Learning, from Philadelphia. Sailed LONDON. 11.

Steamers Crown Point and Maryland, for Philadelphia. ANTWERP. April 1 1. Steamff Switzerland, for Philadelphia, at 6 P. M.

RICHMOND. April 11. Steamer Gulf Stream, for Philadelphia. QUEENSTOWN. April 11.

Steamer Waeland. from Liverpool for Philadelphia. PORT AXTONTO. April 11. Steamer Leon, for Philadelphia, at 1 P.

M. April 0. Steamer Buccaneer, for Philadelphia. ALGOA BAY. April 3.

Ship Morning Light. for Philadelphia. BOOTH HA April 10. Schooner Sullivan Saw- iu, for Philadelphia. ST.

VINCENT. C. April 10. Marie Suzanne, for Philadelphia. HALIFAX.

April 11. Steamer Livonian. from Glasgow and Liverpool for Philadelphia. Cleared HALIFAX, April 10. Steamer Livonian.

from Glasgow and Liverpool for Philadelphia. NEW YCJRK. April 11. Steamer St. DtiDbtan, for Philadelphia.

PORTLAND. April 10. Schooner John F. Randall, for Philadelphia. April 10.

Schooner Charles W. Church, for Philadelphia. April 11. Scboou-ers Paraguay and Athalie. for Philadelphia.

JACKSONVILLE. April 1 1. Schooner A. B. Sherman, for Philadelphia.

Passed FIRE ISLAND. April 11 Steamer Maverick, from Philadelphia for Boston, at 1.50 P. str Spartan, from Philadelphia for Providence, at 12 noon: str. Norman, from Providence, aud Fall livcr. for Philadelphia, at 9 A.

str. Saxou. from Philadelphia, for Providence and Fall River, at 12 noon. In Port JHOGO. March 15.

Ship Tlllic E. Starbuck, from Philadelphia. A Zl" A March 25. Bark Shetland, for north of Ilatteras (to sail 26tbt. ROCKPORT.

April 9. Schr. James J. Hansen. for Phliad-lphia.

Spoken CTRCASSIN PRINCE. British steamer, from Liverpool via Cueenstnwn. for Philadelphia, April latltud- 47. longitude 34. Anchored OFF L.

C. BASS RIVER, April 10. Schrs. William Walker. Alice M.

Colburu. and Bradford French, from Philadelphia for Boston. FREIGHTS AND CHARTERS MYRTLEDEXE, British steamer. Philadelphia to Cork, for orders. quarters grain.

2 shillings 6 pence, option Cork direct, 2 shillings ti pence, prompt. SAI.FORDIA. British steamer. Philadelphia lo Japan. cases petroleum, 31 to 32 cents, lis to port.

May 5 to 25. A FT A British steamer, 2179 (ens. Bilbao to Philadelphia or Baltimore, ore. TRUNK BY. Britsih steamer, 160 tons.

Daiquiri to Philadelphia, ore. LEONORA. Dutch steamer. New Orb avis or Galv stop to United Klugdom or Continent. 16,000 quaiters 2 shillings 10'j ponce, April.

MIAMI. American steamer. 2292 tons. four months in tbe Lake Superior trade. SAMARA.

British steamer, 17DO tous. New York to Havre or Dunkirk, general cargo, 8 shillings 9 pence, one port, or 9 shilliugs if to hot 11 ports. April. LOVSTAKKEX. Noiwezian steamer, 2002 tons, six months tu tho Balti; trade after present contracts expire.

ANNIE SMITH. British Island to Gaspeo, salt. bark. 240 tons. Turk's thence to Rio Janeiro, tish.

LILLIAN. Aniericau bark. 587 tons. Tnsket Wedge to Buenos AyTes. Rosario.

$12. lumber, $11, option AFRICA. British l.ark. 679 tons. Bear River to Buenos Ayres.

lumber. $11. option Rosario, $12. ORA. British brls.

198 tons. Fonee to north of Cnpo Ilatteras, molasses, $2.50. J. R. TKEL.

American schooner, 849 tons. Norfolk to Havana, coal. MARIE PIERSON. American schooner. Philadelphia to Richmond.

450 tons coal. 60 cents. EMELIE E. BIRDSALL. American schooner, Philadelphia to I'rovldenee, 75 tons coal.

L. NEWTON. American scanner, 320 ions. st. Petersburg, to Irvhifctori, dry cypress.

$5. ANNIE B. MITCHELL. American sobonor. 410 tons.

Fcrnanillna to Jersey Cltj-. lumlier. and Hackensack River, towage. GEORGE M. GRANT.

American scboouer. 114 t'ins. New York to New Orleans. genf.rat cargo. STEPHEN BENNETT.

American schooner, tons. Soni'-s Sound to New York, paving CATAWAMTEAK. American schooner. 141 Ions. New York, via XVHralngton.

-N- C. to Haiti, general cargo, thence to norlh of Cope Hatteras. logwood. EVOLUTION. British schooner, 173 topa, Fajardo.

p. to north of Cape. Hatteras, molasses. $2.50. MARITIME NOTES SUSTAINED CONSIDERABLE DAMAGE.

Lon-don. April 11. British str. Veiango, Blance. from Baltimore for Rotterdam, pushed Scllly and signalled encountered very heavy v.

eat her and sustained considerable damage. CAR FLOAT WITH 17 CARS SUNK. Norfolk. April IE New York. I'liilade phla and Nor folk Railway float, with 17 loaded cars, to-day at Pier.

Damn-ge probably uot great, as the cars are only partially eank very sub- merged. CAR FLOAT AND SCHOONER COT LIDE. Norfolk. April 11. Chesapeake ard Ohio Railroad barge Hltton.

towing company car float, collided in bnrhor and damaged schooner Harry Messer about $1X and schooner Maggie about 3oo. STEAMER AND BARGS IN New York. April 11. British fteamer Clax-erbill. for Rangoon, anchored off Liberty Island last night, dragged Into barge Weft Point (light) aud steamer had after nil, steering jrear, damaged.

STEAMER AND SCHOONER COLLIDE. New York. April 11. The sfbooner Willie L. Newton, for Key West, dragged from anchorage off North Liberty Island and fouled the British steamer Claverhill.

carrying away schoon er stars ana rigging ot lirinooro. DELAYED BY AN ACCIDENT AT dou. April 1 1. German steamer Pennsylvania, from New York for Hamburg, arrived at Plymouth and reports was delayed through his'j pressure cylinder being cracked or out of order; also reports bavin? passed an Atlantic transport steamer (no date) In lat. 42.

long. 44, with two blades of propeller broken. SPOKEN" IN A LEAKY CONDITION. London. April 11.

Tbe Italian bark Natale Lupo, from Palma for Fernandlnn. was spoken April 1. lat. 20 long. 54 in leaky condition.

NEW SIGNAL LETTERS letters were assigned to tbe following merchant vessels cf the United States by the Bureau of Navigation. Treasury Department, during tbe week ending April 6. 1901: N. rteamship EneraDza, 4702 tons cross, of New York: I', sloop yacht Bonlto. tons KTOfls.

of New York; S. schooner Susie B. Dantzler. 229 tons grrss. of Sbields-lioro.

T. steamship Mot. or. 2301 tons cross, of Toledo. RETURNED FROM HER, TRIAL new steel screw eteamer built by.

The Philadelphia Inquirer from Philadelphia, Pennsylvania (2024)


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Name: Frankie Dare

Birthday: 2000-01-27

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Introduction: My name is Frankie Dare, I am a funny, beautiful, proud, fair, pleasant, cheerful, enthusiastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.