NWR Transmitter Propagation (2024)

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Transmitter Status

NormalNWR Transmitter Propagation (1)
DegradedNWR Transmitter Propagation (2)
Out of ServiceNWR Transmitter Propagation (3)
Areas Receiving
Alert Tones

NWR Transmitter Propagation (4)
Coverage Area

Geolocation to get your browser location

(if you grant

";var Topo = L.tileLayer( 'https://server.arcgisonline.com/ArcGIS/rest/services/World_Topo_Map/MapServer/tile/{z}/{y}/{x}', { maxZoom: 12 });var Roads = L.tileLayer( 'https://korona.geog.uni-heidelberg.de/tiles/roads/x={x}&y={y}&z={z}', { maxZoom: 12 });var Streets = L.tileLayer( 'https://{s}.tile.openstreetmap.org/{z}/{x}/{y}.png', { maxZoom: 12 });var Satellite = L.tileLayer( 'https://server.arcgisonline.com/ArcGIS/rest/services/World_Imagery/MapServer/tile/{z}/{y}/{x}', { maxZoom: 12 });var Stamen_Terrain = L.tileLayer('https://tiles.stadiamaps.com/tiles/stamen_terrain/{z}/{x}/{y}{r}.{ext}', {maxZoom: 12,ext: 'png'});var StamenFeatures = L.tileLayer( 'https://stamen-tiles-{s}.a.ssl.fastly.net/toposm-features/{z}/{x}/{y}.{ext}', { subdomains: 'abcd', minZoom: 0, maxZoom: 12, ext: 'png', bounds: [ [22, -132], [51, -56] ], opacity: 0.9, });map = new L.Map('map', { layers: [Topo], center: new L.LatLng(38.192778, -97.187778), zoom: 4, // Tell the map to use a loading control loadingControl: true, fullscreenControl: { pseudoFullscreen: true }});map.createPane('labels');map.getPane('labels').style.zIndex = 503;L.control.scale({ metric: false}).addTo(map);document.getElementById("information").innerHTML = info_string;function show_info() { var x = document.getElementById("information"); if (x.style.display === "none") { x.style.display = "block"; } else { x.style.display = "none"; }}// get the counties a transmitter is alertingfunction get_counties(xmittr) { for (x = 0; x <= CALLSIGN.length - 1; x++) { if (CALLSIGN[x] === xmittr) { // shade counties here var fips = SAME[x]; // Modify this line to get the full fips code... deal with leading zero too if necessary. fips = fips.substring(0, 6); fips_array.push(fips); continue; } }}// get the lat lon for a transmitterfunction get_latlon(xmittr) { for (y = 0; y <= CALLSIGN.length - 1; y++) { if (xmittr == CALLSIGN[y]) { lat = LAT[y]; lon = LON[y]; } } // set map center // map.setView(new L.LatLng(lat, lon), 9);}// Get the Site from the URLfunction getQueryVariable(variable) { var query = window.location.search.substring(1); var vars = query.split("&"); var ARGS = window.location.search.substring(1).toLowerCase().replace('?', ''); if (ARGS) { var args = ARGS.split('='); var site = ''; var SITE = ''; var chunk = args; if (chunk[0] == 'site' && chunk[1].length >= '5' && chunk[1].length <='7') { SITE = chunk[1].toUpperCase(); } else { alert( 'Something is wrong!\n Valid arguments are "State" followed by a valid site station callsign identifier\nExample:\nhttps://www.weather.gov/nwr/sites?site=WXJ33' ); window.location.href = 'https://www.weather.gov/nwr/maps'; } } return SITE;}function getStatus(xmittr) { for (x = 0; x <= CALLSIGN.length - 1; x++) { if (xmittr === CALLSIGN[x]) { var tmp = STATUS[x]; break; } } return tmp;}function getStateName(state_abrv) { for (i = 0; i <= ST.length - 1; i++) { var tmp_state = ST[i]; if (tmp_state === state_abrv) { state_tmp = SITESTATE[i]; break; } } statename = states[state_abrv]; return statename;}function markers(lat, lon, fips, name, xmittr) { console.log(fips + " " + name + " " + xmittr); skip = "false"; for (x = 0; x <= xmit.length - 1; x++) { var tmp_xmit = xmit[x]; var tmp_same = same[x]; if ((tmp_xmit == xmittr) && (fips == tmp_same)) { skip = "true"; break; } } var lz = fips.substring(0, 1); if (skip == "true") { console.log(fips + " " + name + " <-- Don't Display this label"); document.getElementById("zero_shown").innerHTML = "
Label not shown:
" + fips + "
"; } else { if (lz == "0") { var same_string = "

"; same_string += "
" + fips + "

"; } else { var same_string = "

"; same_string += "
" + fips + "

"; sameLayer.on("add", function() { lbox.addTo(map); var x = document.getElementById("zero_shown"); if (x.style.display === "none") { x.style.display = "block"; } }); sameLayer.on("remove", function() { map.removeControl(lbox); var x = document.getElementById("zero_shown"); if (x.style.display === "block") { x.style.display = "none"; } }); } var myIcon = L.divIcon({ iconSize: [0, 0], html: same_string, iconAnchor: [20, 15] }); var tmp_marker = L.marker([lat, lon], { icon: myIcon, title: "Click for more information" }); var text_string = "

"; text_string += ""; text_string += "
"; text_string += "County: " + name + "
SAME CODE:" + fips + "

"; tmp_marker.bindPopup(text_string).addTo(sameLayer); tmp_marker.on('click', function(ev) { ev.target.openPopup(); }); }}var xmittr = getQueryVariable("site");var status = getStatus(xmittr);// update the legend with the callsign and statusvar legend_string = "

";legend_string += "
Operating Status
for " + xmittr + "
" + status + "

";Legend.innerHTML = legend_string;var green = "#33FF33";var orange = "#FFB833";var red = "#FF3333";var fill = green;if (status == "DEGRADED") { fill = orange;}if (status == "OUT OF SERVICE") { fill = red;}var shpfile = new L.Shapefile('/source/nwr/hires/' + xmittr + ".zip", { style: function(feature) { return { color: "Black", opacity: 0.4, weight: 1, fillColor: fill, fillOpacity: 0.65 } }});shpfile.addTo(map);// Custom Stripesvar stripes = new L.StripePattern({ angle: 40, color: "Green", weight: 2.1});stripes.addTo(map);var stripes2 = new L.StripePattern({ angle: 40, color: "DarkGreen", weight: 4.1, opacity: 1.0});stripes2.addTo(map);get_counties(xmittr);var sameLayer = new L.layerGroup();var labelLayer = new L.layerGroup();var uscounties = new L.layerGroup();map.createPane('county_labels');map.getPane('county_labels').style.zIndex = 502;map.createPane('pca_labels0');map.getPane('pca_labels0').style.zIndex = 508;map.createPane('pca_labels1');map.getPane('pca_labels1').style.zIndex = 509;var state_borders = new L.Shapefile('/source/nwr/states.zip', { style: function(feature) { return { color: "Black", opacity: 0.9, weight: 2.4, fillColor: "White", fillOpacity: 0.1 } }});var highlightStyle = { color: '#2262CC', weight: 3, opacity: 0.6, fillOpacity: 0.4, fillColor: 'Gray'};var defaultStyle = { color: "#5b85fc", opacity: 0.7, weight: 0.7, fillColor: "White", fillOpacity: 0.1,}var shpfile1 = new L.Shapefile('/source/nwr/Counties5.zip', { style: function(feature) { return { color: "#5b85fc", opacity: 0.7, weight: 0.7, fillColor: "White", fillOpacity: 0.1, pane: 'county_labels' } }, onEachFeature: function(feature, layer) { var string = "

County: " + feature.properties.NAME + ", "; string += feature.properties.STATE_NAME + "
"; var fips = feature.properties.FIPS; if (fips.length <= 5) { fips = "0" + fips; } string += "SAME CODE: " + fips + "

"; layer.on('mouseover', function() { document.getElementById("counties").innerHTML = string; layer.setStyle(highlightStyle); }); layer.on('mouseout', function() { document.getElementById("counties").innerHTML = "Mouse over counties to
view county name and SAME code"; layer.setStyle(defaultStyle); }); }});shpfile1.addTo(uscounties);map.on('layeradd', function(event) { if (event.layer == uscounties) { document.getElementById("counties").style.display = "block"; }});map.on('layerremove', function(event) { if (event.layer == uscounties) { // do your events. document.getElementById("counties").innerHTML = "Mouse over counties to
view county name and SAME code"; //layers var overlayLayers = control.getActiveOverlayLayers() for (var overlayId in overlayLayers) { if (overlayLayers[overlayId].name == "Alerting Area") { document.getElementById("counties").style.display = "block"; } else { document.getElementById("counties").style.display = "none"; } if (overlayLayers[overlayId].name == "SAME Labels") { document.getElementById("counties").style.display = "block"; } } }});uscounties.addTo(map);uscounties.setZIndex(502);var clat = ""var clon = "";var cnam = "";var cfip = "";var highlightStyle2 = { color: "Green", opacity: 1.0, weight: 3.5, fillPattern: stripes2};var defaultStyle2 = { color: "Green", opacity: 1.0, weight: 1.5, fillPattern: stripes}for (x = 0; x <= fips_array.length - 1; x++) { // LOAD COUNTY ALERTING AREA SHAPE FILES if (fips_array[x] == "904021") { document.getElementById("note").innerHTML = "NOTE: The coverage area for Southeast Pinal (904021) is not shown on the map."; } var pca_val = fips_array[x].charAt(0); if (pca_val == "0") { var cntyfile1 = new L.Shapefile('/source/nwr/pca/' + fips_array[x] + '.zip', { style: function(feature) { return { color: "Green", opacity: 1.0, weight: 1.7, fillPattern: stripes, pane: 'pca_labels0' } }, onEachFeature: function(feature, layer) { var fips = feature.properties.AREA_FIPS; var string = "

County: " + feature .properties.NWR_NAME + ", "; string += getStateName(feature.properties.STATE) + "
"; string += "SAME CODE: " + feature.properties .AREA_FIPS + "

"; layer.on('mouseover', function() { document.getElementById("counties") .innerHTML = string; layer.setStyle(highlightStyle2); }); layer.on('mouseout', function() { document.getElementById("counties") .innerHTML = "Mouse over counties to
view county name and SAME code"; layer.setStyle(defaultStyle2); }); clat = feature.properties.LAT; clon = feature.properties.LON; cnam = feature.properties.NWR_NAME; cfip = feature.properties.AREA_FIPS; markers(clat, clon, cfip, cnam, xmittr); } }); cntyfile1.addTo(labelLayer); } else { if(pca_show == 0){ pca_show = 1; console.log("This site uses PCA"); document.getElementById("pca_message").style.display = "block"; var pca_message_string = "This transmitter utilizes Partial County Alerting to allow users to receive more localized alerts for their location.
More details about Partial County Alerting."; document.getElementById("pca_message").innerHTML = pca_message_string; } var cntyfile2 = new L.Shapefile('/source/nwr/pca/' + fips_array[x] + '.zip', { style: function(feature) { return { color: "Green", opacity: 1.0, weight: 1.7, fillPattern: stripes, pane: 'pca_labels1' } }, onEachFeature: function(feature, layer) { var fips = feature.properties.AREA_FIPS; var pca = ""; pca_val = fips.charAt(0); switch (pca_val) { case '1': pca = "Northwest"; break; case '2': pca = "Northern"; break; case '3': pca = "Northeast"; break; case '4': pca = "Western"; break; case '5': pca = "Central"; break; case '6': pca = "East"; break; case '7': pca = "Southwest"; break; case '8': pca = "Southern"; break; case '9': pca = "Southeast"; break; case '0': pca = ""; break; } var string = "

County: " + feature.properties.NWR_NAME + ", "; string += getStateName(feature.properties.STATE) + "
"; string += "SAME CODE: " + feature.properties.AREA_FIPS + "

"; layer.on('mouseover', function() { document.getElementById("counties").innerHTML = string; layer.setStyle(highlightStyle2); }); layer.on('mouseout', function() { document.getElementById("counties").innerHTML = "Mouse over counties to
view county name and SAME code"; layer.setStyle(defaultStyle2); }); clat = feature.properties.LAT; clon = feature.properties.LON; cnam = feature.properties.NWR_NAME; cfip = feature.properties.AREA_FIPS; // console.log(cnam + " " + cfip); markers(clat, clon, cfip, cnam, xmittr); } }); cntyfile2.addTo(labelLayer); }}map.on('layeradd', function(event) { if (event.layer == labelLayer) { document.getElementById("counties").style.display = "block"; var x = document.getElementById("zero_shown"); if (x.style.display === "none") { x.style.display = "block"; } }});map.on('layerremove', function(event) { if (event.layer == labelLayer) { // do your events. document.getElementById("counties").innerHTML = "Mouse over counties to
view county name and SAME code"; //layers var overlayLayers = control.getActiveOverlayLayers() for (var overlayId in overlayLayers) { if (overlayLayers[overlayId].name == "Counties") { document.getElementById("counties").style.display = "block"; } else { document.getElementById("counties").style.display = "none"; } if (overlayLayers[overlayId].name == "SAME Labels") { document.getElementById("counties").style.display = "block"; } } var x = document.getElementById("zero_shown"); if (x.style.display === "block") { x.style.display = "none"; } }});var controlbounds_shpfile = window.setInterval(function() { if (shpfile.getBounds().isValid() == true) { map.fitBounds(shpfile.getBounds()); window.clearInterval(controlbounds_shpfile); }}, 500);get_latlon(xmittr);get_freq(xmittr);var basemaps = { "TopoMap": Topo, "Streets": Streets, "Satellite": Satellite, "Terrain": Stamen_Terrain,};var overlayMap = { "Propagation": shpfile, "Counties": uscounties, "Alerting Area": labelLayer, "SAME Labels": sameLayer, "Features": StamenFeatures};var control = L.control.activeLayers(basemaps, overlayMap, { collapsed: false});control.addTo(map);map.on('click', function(e) { console.log("Lat, Lon : " + e.latlng.lat + ", " + e.latlng.lng);});var lbox = L.control({ position: 'bottomright'});// Alerting ArealabelLayer.addTo(map);labelLayer.setZIndex(505);lbox.onAdd = function(map) { this._div = L.DomUtil.create('div', 'lbox'); this.update(); return this._div;};lbox.update = function() { var text = '

'; text += ''; text += '
Partial County Alerting(1-9)XXXXX
Entire County Alerting0XXXXX

'; this._div.innerHTML = text;};function get_freq(xmittr) { var county_names = []; var thisstate; var string; var string2; var string3; var state; if (xmittr == "WNG675") { string3 = "

"; string3 += "Note: Wade Hampton County is now named Kusilvak."; string3 += "

"; } else { string3 = ""; } if (xmittr == "KZZ53") { string3 = "

"; string3 += "Note: Barrow, AK is now Utqiagvik, AK."; string3 += "

"; } else { string3 = ""; } for (i = 0; i <= CALLSIGN.length - 1; i++) { if (CALLSIGN[i] === xmittr) { var xmittr_freq = FREQ[i]; string2 = "

" string2 += "

"; string2 += ""; string2 += ""; string2 += ""; site_name = SITENAME[i]; thisstate = SITESTATE[i]; thisstate = states[thisstate]; string2 += ""; string2 += ""; if ((STATUS[i] == "OUT OF SERVICE") || (STATUS[i] == "DEGRADED")) { string2 += ""; } else { string2 += ""; } var wfo_tmp = WFO[i].split('|'); string2 += ""; string2 += "
Transmitter Details
Station ID" + xmittr + "
Station Name" + SITENAME[i] + "
Frequency" + FREQ[i] + "
State" + thisstate + "
Station Location" + SITELOC[i] + ", " + SITESTATE[i] + "
Operating Status" + STATUS[i] + "
Operating Status" + STATUS[i] + "
Weather Forecast Office" + wfo_tmp[0] + "&nbsp" + wfo_tmp[1] + "

"; string1 = "

"; string1 += ""; string1 += ""; string1 += ""; string1 += ""; string1 += ""; if ((STATUS[i] == "OUT OF SERVICE") || (STATUS[i] == "DEGRADED")) { string1 += ""; } else { string1 += ""; } string1 += "
" + xmittr + " Transmitter Details
Station ID" + xmittr + "
Station Name" + SITENAME[i] + "
Frequency" + FREQ[i] + "
State" + thisstate + "
Station Location" + SITELOC[i] + ", " + SITESTATE[i] + "
Operating Status" + STATUS[i] + "
Operating Status" + STATUS[i] + "

"; string1 += "
"; break; } } var popup = L.popup() .setLatLng(lat, lng) .setContent(string1); shpfile.bindPopup(popup); var pca_on = 0; var pca = ""; // get data for xmitter for (xx = 0; xx <= CALLSIGN.length - 1; xx++) { if (CALLSIGN[xx] == xmittr) { var same_tmpB = SAME[xx]; var pca_val = same_tmpB.charAt(0); switch (pca_val) { case '1': pca = "Northwest"; pca_on++; break; case '2': pca = "North"; pca_on++; break; case '3': pca = "Northeast"; pca_on++; break; case '4': pca = "West"; pca_on++; break; case '5': pca = "Central"; pca_on++; break; case '6': pca = "East"; pca_on++; break; case '7': pca = "Southwest"; pca_on++; break; case '8': pca = "South"; pca_on++; break; case '9': pca = "Southeast"; pca_on++; break; case '0': pca = "ALL"; break; } } REMARKS[xx] = pca; } for (xx = 0; xx <= CALLSIGN.length - 1; xx++) { if (CALLSIGN[xx] == xmittr) { var same_tmpB = SAME[xx]; var pca_val = same_tmpB.charAt(0); if ((pca_val == 0) && (pca_on > 0)) { REMARKS[xx] = "Entire"; } } } tmp = document.getElementById("detail"); string2 += "

"; string2 += ""; string2 += ""; string2 += ""; for (i = 0; i <= CALLSIGN.length - 1; i++) { if (CALLSIGN[i] === xmittr) { string2 += ""; } } string2 += "
" + xmittr + " Areas Receiving Alert Tones
CountyStateSAME Location CodePartial County Description
" + COUNTY[i] + "" + STATE[i] + "" + SAME[i] + "" + REMARKS[i] + "

"; tmp.innerHTML += string3; tmp.innerHTML += string2; document.getElementById("nwr").innerHTML = ""; document.getElementById("nwr").innerHTML += "

"; var prev_location = document.referrer; var str_end = prev_location.split("/"); var length = str_end.length; var loc = str_end[length - 1]; var est = { "eState": [{ "lcase": "newyork", "state": "New York" }, { "lcase": "newjersey", "state": "New Jersey" }, { "lcase": "newmexico", "state": "New Mexico" }, { "lcase": "americansomoa", "state": "American Somoa" }, { "lcase": "newhampshire", "state": "New Hampshire" }, { "lcase": "northdakota", "state": "North Dakota" }, { "lcase": "southdakota", "state": "South Dakota" }, { "lcase": "puertorico", "state": "Puerto Rico" }, { "lcase": "rhodeisland", "state": "Rhode Island" }, { "lcase": "virginislands", "state": "Virgin Islands" }, { "lcase": "districofcolumbia", "state": "Distric of Columbia" } ] };}var element = document.getElementById('head1');element.style.background = fill;element = document.getElementById('head2');element.style.background = fill;// shpfile1.addTo(map);state_borders.addTo(map);

NWR Transmitter Propagation (2024)


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Article information

Author: Pres. Carey Rath

Last Updated:

Views: 6632

Rating: 4 / 5 (61 voted)

Reviews: 84% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Pres. Carey Rath

Birthday: 1997-03-06

Address: 14955 Ledner Trail, East Rodrickfort, NE 85127-8369

Phone: +18682428114917

Job: National Technology Representative

Hobby: Sand art, Drama, Web surfing, Cycling, Brazilian jiu-jitsu, Leather crafting, Creative writing

Introduction: My name is Pres. Carey Rath, I am a faithful, funny, vast, joyous, lively, brave, glamorous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.