Hillsborough County Sheriff Chad Chronister is selling his South Tampa waterfront compound for $15.5 million (2024)

ByColin Wolfon Fri, Mar 31, 2023 at 1:54 pm

Hillsborough County Sheriff Chad Chronister is selling his South Tampa waterfront compound for $15.5 million (1)

Photo via Zillow

A sprawling waterfront estate owned by Hillsborough County Sheriff Chad Chronister and wife Nikki DeBartolo is now for sale in South Tampa.

The9,332-square-foothome was purchased by the couple in 2010 for $5,150,000, andsits on two waterfront lots.

According to the listing, the three-story mansion comes with six bedrooms and eight bathrooms, as well as two kitchens, a wine cellar, an elevator, a gym, a dog park, a four-car garage, pool, media room, library,an "entertainment dock" and a "pristine yacht facility."

The current asking price is $15,499,00,which would be more than any home sold in the Tampa Bay area over the last year. As of now, only Derek Jeter's Davis Islands estate has sold for more, at $22.5 million back in 2021.

A few things worth noting in the listing photos included a framed version of the "One Kiss Changed Everything" story, which was first published in the St. Petersburg Times in 2005, and documents the couple's courtship and eventual marriage. Notably, there's also a banner hanging in Chad's gym with the phrase "Be a bad ass with a good ass."

Before it was even completed in 2003, the Sunset Park behemoth estate was the subject of controversy, and was referred to as a "Titanic" and one of South Tampa's first "McMansions" in a 2002 St. Petersburg Times article titled "Neighborhood Monsters."

"It is called a McMansion, a monster house, a house that looms over the neighborhood," said the St. Petersburg Times. "Some say it is the American dream to own such a home. Others say it is what is wrong with supersized America."

Chronister, a registered Republican who's been Hillsborough County's sheriff since 2017, married NikkiDeBartolo back in 2010. Her father is billionaire Eddie DeBartolo Jr., the former San Francisco 49ers owner who famously pleaded guilty in a 1998 corruption case but waslater pardoned by former president Donald Trump.

The home's listing agent is Toni Everett, with the Toni Everett Company.


  • Chad Chronister,
  • HCSO,
  • Hillsborough County Sheriff,
  • NikkiDeBartolo,
  • Eddie DeBartolo Jr,
  • Tampa Bay real estate,
  • South Tampa homes for sale,
  • Florida mansions

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Hillsborough County Sheriff Chad Chronister is selling his South Tampa waterfront compound for $15.5 million (3)

Photo via Zillow

Hillsborough County Sheriff Chad Chronister is selling his South Tampa waterfront compound for $15.5 million (4)

Photo via Zillow

Hillsborough County Sheriff Chad Chronister is selling his South Tampa waterfront compound for $15.5 million (5)

Photo via Zillow

Hillsborough County Sheriff Chad Chronister is selling his South Tampa waterfront compound for $15.5 million (6)

Photo via Zillow

Hillsborough County Sheriff Chad Chronister is selling his South Tampa waterfront compound for $15.5 million (7)

Photo via Zillow

Hillsborough County Sheriff Chad Chronister is selling his South Tampa waterfront compound for $15.5 million (9)

Photo via Zillow

Hillsborough County Sheriff Chad Chronister is selling his South Tampa waterfront compound for $15.5 million (10)

Photo via Zillow

Hillsborough County Sheriff Chad Chronister is selling his South Tampa waterfront compound for $15.5 million (11)

Photo via Zillow

Hillsborough County Sheriff Chad Chronister is selling his South Tampa waterfront compound for $15.5 million (12)

Photo via Zillow

Hillsborough County Sheriff Chad Chronister is selling his South Tampa waterfront compound for $15.5 million (13)

Photo via Zillow

Hillsborough County Sheriff Chad Chronister is selling his South Tampa waterfront compound for $15.5 million (14)

Photo via Zillow

Hillsborough County Sheriff Chad Chronister is selling his South Tampa waterfront compound for $15.5 million (15)

Photo via Zillow

Hillsborough County Sheriff Chad Chronister is selling his South Tampa waterfront compound for $15.5 million (16)

Photo via Zillow

Hillsborough County Sheriff Chad Chronister is selling his South Tampa waterfront compound for $15.5 million (17)

Photo via Zillow

Hillsborough County Sheriff Chad Chronister is selling his South Tampa waterfront compound for $15.5 million (18)

Photo via Zillow

Hillsborough County Sheriff Chad Chronister is selling his South Tampa waterfront compound for $15.5 million (19)

Photo via Zillow

Hillsborough County Sheriff Chad Chronister is selling his South Tampa waterfront compound for $15.5 million (20)

Photo via Zillow

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Hillsborough County Sheriff Chad Chronister is selling his South Tampa waterfront compound for $15.5 million (2024)


Hillsborough County Sheriff Chad Chronister is selling his South Tampa waterfront compound for $15.5 million? ›

Hillsborough County Sheriff Chad Chronister is selling his South Tampa waterfront compound for $15.5 million. A sprawling waterfront estate owned by Hillsborough County Sheriff Chad Chronister and wife Nikki DeBartolo is now for sale in South Tampa.

Who is Chad Chronister's wife? ›

Sheriff Chronister is married to Nikki DeBartolo, has two sons, and credits his success to their love, sacrifice and support.

Did Chad Chronister sell his house? ›

The house sold for $6.5 million, according to property records. Information on the sale price of the adjacent lot was not available this week. Chronister said, after commissions, he and his wife netted $14 million on the sales.

Who was Hillsborough County Sheriff before Chronister? ›

Chronister was appointed by Gov. Rick Scott (R) to replace outgoing sheriff David Gee (R) in 2017.

Who is the current sheriff in Hillsborough County? ›

Chad Chronister, Sheriff

It's our duty to make Hillsborough County, Florida a safer place.

What is Grady Judd's salary? ›

Judd is paid $149,402 per year.

Who is Chad Bianco's wife? ›

Sheriff Bianco is married with four adult children, and four grandchildren. He and his wife, Denise, live in the Woodcrest area of Riverside.

What is Hillsborough County Sheriff ranked? ›

HCSO ranked 61st in sworn law enforcement personnel to service population ratio with 1.24 deputies per 1,000 residents. The HCSO Communications Bureau handled 933,973 calls for service, with 1,093,783 units dispatched to service calls in 2019.

How many helicopters does Hillsborough County have? ›

Hillsborough County Sheriff's Office
Police Boats5
22 more rows

Who is the head of Hillsborough County? ›

County Administrator Bonnie M. Wise

The Administrator is the County's chief executive officer. Hillsborough County's current County Administrator is Bonnie M. Wise.

Who is the commissioner of Hillsborough County Florida? ›

County commissioners
Hillsborough County Board of Commissioners District 1Harry Cohen
Hillsborough County Board of Commissioners District 2Ken Hagan
Hillsborough County Board of Commissioners District 3Gwen Myers
Hillsborough County Board of Commissioners District 4Michael Owen
3 more rows

Who represents Hillsborough County in Congress? ›

Meet Kathy Castor

She was elected in 2006 and represents Florida's 14th Congressional district, which includes Tampa and parts of Hillsborough County.

When was Orient Road Jail built? ›

The Orient Road Jail, which has about 1,700 beds, opened in 1990 to ease Hillsborough's prisoner overcrowding.

Who is Lisa DeBartolo married to? ›

Family is everything to Lisa DeBartolo. Not just her husband Don, sons Milo and Jasper, and their two dogs, but also her extended family — the community of Tampa Bay. While calling Nashville home, Lisa's unwavering dedication to Tampa Bay remains.

What does the DeBartolo family own? ›

His sister, Denise DeBartolo York, took controlling ownership of the 49ers in 2001; her family runs the team today. DeBartolo now runs his Florida-based property development and investment firm and owns shares in publicly-traded Simon Property Group.

Who is the current Pasco County sheriff? ›

Chris Nocco

Who is the chief of police in Hillsborough County? ›

The sheriff is the chief law enforcement officer of the county. The current sheriff is Chad Chronister.


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