Helix Ascent: Ironclad Faith (2024)


  • 1 Information
    • 1.1 Summary
    • 1.2 Feedback?
    • 1.3 Questions?
    • 1.4 Next Phase
  • 2 Volume One: The Months Later
    • 2.1 Chapter 1: Check In
    • 2.2 Chapter 2: Silencing
    • 2.3 Chapter 3: Justified
    • 2.4 Chapter 4: Honesty
    • 2.5 Chapter 5: I’m Sorry
    • 2.6 Chapter 6: Wasn’t this here?
    • 2.7 Chapter 7: Who, What, and even Where are you?
    • 2.8 Chapter 8: Detective Work!
    • 2.9 Chapter 9: Is That Me?
    • 2.10 Chapter 10: I Don’t Know
    • 2.11 Chapter 11: Who Would Know.
    • 2.12 Chapter 12: Arrival



In the year 1983, there has been an increasing amount of people who have strangely been born with abilities. To counter this potential threat there was a goal to create individuals with the same capabilities which occurred in 2006 when the first man made powered individual was created under Helix Genetics. This man would be known as Helix-Man as the symbol of the people in Flightbury and the rest of the world and as the brand for Helix Genetics. Many would come and go including the man himself but there would be one who seemed to lack the dedication and care to do his job until he was given a opportunity to rekindle his passion from a old time friend. This is a continuation of that story, basically months later when everything has been changing, the world evolves, Outlander and his friends grow as a team and grow stronger since Helix Ascent: Lost One. There is someone causing a ruckus, causing fear and worry in the eyes of Outlander's mentor, Sword Maiden. There is somebody who wants to change the world, but importantly wants to finish a job left forgotten. And then there is a look alike, a man who can be lead to the path of good or the path of chaos, and it is up to Outlander to make sure, their power will not be used for absolute destruction.

Basically it takes place in my own verse where many characters in this wiki coexists. While I didn't mean to exclude, it's easier for me to focus on my characters then needing to improvise for the thousands of other pages that exist (Almost 6000). I apologize if it looks like I am branding Outlander to be some sort of main character of Helix Ascent but in reality his stories and journey as a character is just like many characters in this community just a fraction of what's out there, which I believe is important when comes to world building. Also, I will not be accepting any help with writing my story unless it is feedback or ideas, but I will not let any changes or edits occur in this page that isn't mine. Also, I will not need to be separating the chapters by tabbers anymore since I can keep this one under 50 chapters but of course I don't write a lot, I write what is necessary.


I love receiving feedback because I want to improve as a writer while I also want to make sure the story makes sense, it's readable, and that it isn't just entirely "Fan Service" or boring. I also tend to write these stories during school, while on my phone, or when I have time on the weekends or late at night, so it also means that my mind or health will not be the greatest at all times so mistakes will tend to slide or continuity errors could occur so please tell me when I made mistakes.


If you have any questions or concerns just message me on my message wall I'll probably check out at some point. Whether it is about the story, plot, or if you're even interested of possibly adding your own character (new or existing). If you have any questions like how characters like yours play into the story then please ask away. For example, a question like the time it takes place, which is 5 months after Helix Ascent: Lost One.

Next Phase[]

I'll be continuing on after this one with inclusions of more characters and expansions across my existing characters. If you've read my recent pages I have been hinting on this page for quite a while as a reveal for 2024. Eventually, I will get to where Tokyo Invasion starts and continue on from where it ends.

Volume One: The Months Later[]

Chapter 1: Check In[]

“Can you not use my toothbrush? We literally have different colors it ain’t hard to tell”, there seems to be some conflict between Outlander and Mylene. “Wait a second, I’m the one misplacing the toothbrushes in the bathroom? If anything it could have been Mr. Mariachi”, Mylene says. “Hey don’t look at me, I don’t even have to brush my teeth, just kidding. I was just kidding I know my teeth can still be cleaned even when I have died”, Mr. Mariachi tries to defend himself, just to accidentally expose himself as he rests on the couch while playing on his guitar. “You’re gonna have to get that checked out. Anyways, where would it go? There are only three of us in this building so what could it be at? “, Outlander pondered. “I think I will go have some fun. And maybe come back very late”, Mr. Mariachi says as he leaves his Guitar and gets up. “Not before you get those teeth checked out, I am saying you got to find a dentist, who knows what could happen”, Outlander says. “Alright, it has been ages but since I don’t have teeth, does it really matter?”, Mr. Mariachi asked. “Good point, I suppose you never had bad breath either. You know what you don’t need to brush your teeth, that’s quite impressive”, Outlander compliments him. “Can I go visit Victoria? She didn’t visit last night”, Mylene asks him. “She’s got to work real hard to keep that business going, and that includes our help. Sorry, we shouldn’t bother her and just wait for when she’s available to visit”, Outlander says to Mylene, who isn’t happy to hear that. “Can I at least go out?”, Mylene says. “For what? And if you are then where is your dampening bracelet?”, Outlander asks the important questions as he gets suspicious of her strange behavior. Mylene gets nervous and decides to put it on as she neutralizes her powers at the moment, but it was clear she was hiding something as she immediately covers one of her cheeks. “What happened? You were hurt?”, Mr. Mariachi wondered. “No, that's no wound. Your tooth aches”, Outlander says. “You…yeah it hurts. I really don’t wanna get into a dentist appointment”, Mylene says. “Maybe if your brush didn’t go missing a lot, I get it but they’re the only ones who could actually help out. Since Mr. Mariachi is going out, you might as well go with him. He can take you out”, Outlander suggests as Mr. Mariachi gives a slight hint of not wanting this, before being his usual positive self. “Alright, we can get this over with”, Mr. Mariachi says as he leaves the apartment with Mylene. As they walked, they began talking as Mylene begged him not to take him, and that there has to be another way. “He’s looking out for you, Mylene. If there is an easier way then I would be glad to help”, Mr. Mariachi says, as he himself is not enthusiastic about this little adventure. “Could you take a look? It can’t be that bad right?”, Mylene says as she opens her mouth. “If it hurts then it got to hurt badly, but yeah I will take a look and…what the heck is that”, he saw a tooth that was practically gonna shatter. “You're gonna have that thing yanked out”, Mr. Mariachi noted. “I suppose I can do it for you to get this over with. But you got to tell your father… I mean Outlander that we went to the dentist”, he says as he pulls out his swords, a kid would have watched the two as he screamed and ran away. “Fair reaction, don’t you think?”, Mylene says as she watches the kid run off, she would then notice a black shadowy line of string wrap around her aching tooth as she was suddenly pulled. “This will just take a few moments, hold on!”, Mr. Mariachi swung her around as she eventually flew off and he would reel in her tooth. “Check again now, it should feel better”, Mr. Mariachi says as she uses her dampening bracelet, as she returns with no powers as she feels her face, “No way, it actually worked”. Mr. Mariachi laughed and said to her, “Can’t tell when you’re an ink woman, so why not stay like one? You get to avoid eating, sleeping, drinking, and even having to brush your teeth”, he asks. “Oh but those are some of the joys of life you know? Or at least you knew that?”, Mylene said. “I suppose I do miss a meal or two, maybe I could get something even if I don’t feel hungry or really can’t feel hunger”, Mr. Mariachi says. “So Mcdonnies?”, Mylene asks. Mr. Mariachi nodded as they walked off since it was pretty close from where they were standing. “Let’s take it home, I wouldn’t wanna deal with villains for lunch”, Mr. Mariachi says, chuckling. They would enter the building a few hours later, with a feeling of something being off, as if somebody has been in their apartment. What could it possibly be? Especially when it was locked so no one could just enter the apartment. “It was locked, and the couch looks like it was just sat on fairly recent”, Mr. Mariachi says. “Are we haunted! I knew it, we shouldn’t have taken this place, this abandoned run down place!”, Mylene says terrified. They would hear some foot steps from somewhere, though they were unsure. “You’re a ghost too. Can you communicate with whatever that is!”, Mylene says to him. “No it’s no ghost, I don’t sense any spiritual or paranormal activity going on”, Mr. Mariachi says.

Chapter 2: Silencing[]

Outlander would walk around, in a forest, for something important, or rather someone. Energy Blades would come from the sky attempting to stab Outlander as he runs through the forest, using his Geomancy to view the energy blades coming down to run through while avoiding them until he arrived at the top of a hill. “Well, I can only say you did a great job. Otherwise, you would have still been down there dead”, Sword Maiden would say, a Helix Guardian who has decided to bestow her knowledge of an ability the two share known as Geomancy. “But you really expect that at this point?”, Outlander says. “No, you are pretty good. You definitely have gotten better since the past 5 months since we started this”, Sword Maiden says as she sits down. “Is there anything you would like to do now? It won’t be long until your Geomancy will improve by simply being in a situation that allows you to want to become stronger”, Sword Maiden asks. “It really has been that long since then. I want to be stronger now, so does it mean it will just get better?”, Outlander asks her. “There is a difference between wanting and needing, and only your body will know that for sure. In situations where you need to be better, not in situations where you easily can overpower your opponent”, she would tell him. “I understand. I would like to practice in combat”, Outlander says as she gets up standing there as two energy swords formed from both sides. “I have something special prepared for this time, then if you can do it then I have a request for you”, she says as Outlander jumps backwards as he dodges the two swords that came in an instant, then he felt something but he didn’t know where it was coming, so he laid on the floor then rolled across the floor as energy swords came flying down and stabbing the floor where he was. Outlander jumped back up as he sensed a sword swinging horizontally and stood as he ducked down then quickly moved his upper body to the left and dodged a flying energy sword that passed through his neck to then formed an earth wall in front of him, which he would quickly move to the other side as two energy blades attempted to stab him from each side. “And we’re done. Good work Outlander-“, as she said that she would summon a few energy swords towards him, hiding their presence with her Geomancy, as he simply stood there believing that they weren’t meant to hit them. “I expected you to see them, but to know that there is nothing to worry about, I am impressed by your dedication and improving mastery”, Sword Maiden says as she touches his shoulder to let him know the training is actually done. “Now about what I did, we can see exponentially well without our vision , allow our movement to be hidden, and more secrets in the future for you. What I did was allow my swords to hide their presence, allowing them to be something alarming but not knowing what it is or how they're gonna attack which is something that can only be noticed with Geomancy. Let this be an opportunity to land a sudden strike with no worries, obviously if you really wanna get the jump on your opponent then you need to hide it mentally and visually”, Sword Maiden explained as a energy sword floated beside Outlander’s shoulder, it was sudden. “And here I thought I was getting the hang of it. Were you teasing me?”, He asks as he walks away from the energy sword. “There is nothing wrong with congratulating your progress, Outlander. Now then, I can tell you my request”, Sword Maiden reassured him and is gonna reveal a request she had. “You had your fair share of rogue Helix Guardians, but somebody is hiding something important. A Helix Guardian known as the Habit has been at it with their need to keep everything under control. It seems whatever he is trying to hide from us has been making him worried enough to use his powers to manipulate our habits and ways of thinking. He won’t suspect a thing from you, but please try to find a way to get an answer out of him for whatever this threat is. I do not have any defenses against his abilities and I would only make it worse with threats and other things”, Sword Maiden explained. “I will go with a friend of mine to see what we can do”, Outlander referred to Mr. Mariachi as he plans to take him to see what they could possibly do about this Helix Guardian’s behavior. “I hope you can see that he will spill the word on whatever is on his mind, freaking him out”, Sword Maiden says as she walks off. “Not flying off?”, Outlander asks. “No, I have a lot to think about, and walking will help with that. I’ll see you tomorrow again for more training and hopefully some answers”, Sword Maiden says as she is gone. Outlander would continue to practice his Geomancy through meditation, he will begin when he has an idea in mind.

Chapter 3: Justified[]

At Helix Genetics, the building and headquarters for their employees and Helix Guardians, a few Helix Guardians would continue their onslaught against their own with an intention to save them. “Feel free to do whatever you want to them, they don’t understand the impact you have and the work we’re doing. Just do whatever you want to them, they should be thankful for it”, a supportive Guardian known as Luster would hype up the damages done by the Habit. “Maybe next time, we can use less force? Not like I would stop you or anything”, another Helix Guardian known Ghost-Support would say as he plays on his tablet underneath his white cape. “Everything will be just fine if they all just keep out of it, and then I can just keep it going until the threat decides to avoid us…”, The Habit says. Outlander and Mr. Mariachi would arrive in the scene checking out on the three, wondering what’s with the Helix Guardians walking out of the building like nothing happened. “Just a little argument, but it has been dealt with”, Ghost-Support would explain. “Dealt with as in the argument ended on a positive note right?”, Mr. Mariachi asked. “Don’t question him, just trust him alright!”, he gets yelled at by Luster, who is quite passive aggressive about this situation. “Now I get what you mean, maybe I am fine with just hanging out with you guys”, Mr. Mariachi says whispering to Outlander. “Listen I can go around pretending to give a f*ck about anyone who was in this room but really I am here to just let you know that we got to know what’s going on, as a request from Sword Maiden”, Outlander says. “That’s Outlander, who helped save the city from those shadows. He could have a chance at handling this”, Ghost-Support would say to the Habit. “No one should be able to hold responsibilities like that”, he’d reply as he walks away to avoid any more conflict. “Come back dude. We don’t have time for that. We can’t just avoid the problem”, Outlander says. “That’s exactly what we’re gonna do, just move on and find some shadow apocalypses to defeat”, Luster says. “So when are we getting that information?”, Mr. Mariachi asks out loud to Outlander as Luster gets angry for being avoided. “Listen when I’m talking!”, she says as she makes a barrier wall, pushing them into a wall. Outlander would grab onto it, pushing it forward just enough to not be knocked back but he is pushing as hard as he can, while Mr. Mariachi dashes forward as he turns into a shadow going under the barrier and reforming behind Luster, holding a sword by her neck. “We are done right? Just call it off”, Mr. Mariachi attempted to get her to stop her barrier wall. “How do I know you’re gonna do it, and it’s not a threat?”, Luster claims he is bluffing. “Now you two, I won’t do anything whatsoever to help but I will say that you two are not yourselves! While it could be true that maybe-“, Ghost-Support attempts to reason with the two before being alarmed by Mr. Mariachi, who held both swords on her neck, as a shadowy aura formed around these swords. “Now let us pass, or else my buddy is gonna cut her down. She is the one who started it”, Outlander says. “I never expected that from him. When did you start acting like a jerk, you-“, Ghost-Support tried speaking before being cut off by Outlander. “We just got sh*t to do, we don’t have time to live in this dumb fantasy where we can just keep secrets. We are Helix Guardians, whatever it is there are a bunch of us. Our job is to make the city peaceful, but all we’re gonna do if you continue this way is just pile up all these issues until one day you snap”, Outlander says to them. “Stop your barrier wall, Luster. He’s right, even though we don't know what it is”, Ghost-Support says as he turns to Luster. She would give in and give up as Outlander was able to keep the wall from hitting him into a wall. “Thank you, we have nothing against you. I don’t even know you guys really, so please help us. You guys are the only ones who could make some sense out of him, and make him spill the beans of what even happened”, Outlander says. “It’s just that he doesn't want people to get hurt. For us to get hurt”, Luster says. “What could it possibly be? As much as it pains to say it but we should find out”, Ghost-Support says. “How does this guy use his power again? I wouldn’t want it to affect us”, Mr. Mariachi says. “Don’t get touched, that’s practically all there is to it”, Ghost-Support explains. “I will send some messages to you so you can communicate with them in a manner that might help calm them out, you know to calm him?”, Ghost-Support one of his abilities as a Helix Guardian. “Alright, I hope that there is a way to find what I am looking for”, Outlander says. “Could I ask why? Why did the Sword Maiden have you do it?”, Ghost-Support asked. “That I do not know. I wonder as well”, Outlander says as he and Mr. Mariachi pursue Habit. Ghost Support would try testing his ability, yet for some reason he was unable to communicate with them, with his powers.

Chapter 4: Honesty[]

The Habit was on the third floor, now just walking around with fear and confusion. “You’re not going to hold responsibility for all of us. Tell us what is going on, if not for us then for the Sword Maiden, a friend of yours”, Outlander says as he appears alongside Mr. Mariachi. “Sword Maiden and I go way back but we’re definitely not friends”, the Habit says with a lot of hatred for her, “and this is not something you wanna deal with”, he added. “A strong opponent for me to slit their throat perhaps”, Mr. Mariachi said, cackling as he awaited an answer. “It’s not your business. Why do you know her? She knows what’s going on doesn’t she?”, the Habit starts freaking out now, it was clear that you didn’t want to get any closer without caution. “Why would she know…but then again why would she ask? Wait, she said that you were hiding a threat from us, maybe she is trying to help, but because how you are, you won’t let anyone get the opportunity if you cannot!”, Outlander says. “As Helix Guardians, we decided that we’re gonna be ridiculed, attacked, and even possibly killed by those who are against us, villains, or just by somebody. We are aware of the dangers of our own existence, so why is this threat such a big deal that what I said doesn’t apply?”, Outlander asks. “That’s just bullsh*t, we have lives too. Maybe you have been a bit too nosy, Outlander. Since the shadow incident, you can’t just suddenly get yourself involved”, the Habit says as he jumps in the air and dives down to touch Outlander. Mr. Mariachi pushes him out of the way, and attempts to slash the Habit, before realizing that it was an illusion. Outlander touches the ground as he makes an earth barrier around Mr. Mariachi as the Habit touches the barrier made of rocks when he intends to touch him. Slashes would cut through the rock barrier, as it shattered and knocked rocks all over the ground and Mr. Mariachi would swing his swords to cut down the Habit. The Habit dodged and ran off before being suddenly warped by Outlander, who coated his arm in harden. “Why can't I use my power? Was it because of that black arm if yours?”, the Habit asks. “What is it? Why are you hiding something if it is dangerous?”, Outlander asks him instead of answering his questions. “Alright, I am gonna tell you, but you shouldn’t pursue them”, the Habit says. “You know Switcheroo right? How he and his master were attacked by a mysterious figure that created an energy that can disintegrate anything it touches. That person might be here again, and if we just ignore it then he will go away eventually”, The Habit says. “That was practically ages ago, how do we know that person is actually here? Don’t tell me Switcheroo is the one who found them again”, Outlander said. “We did, he was so sure of it that he told me to back off. So I let him finish it, but when I expected him to win, he was gone and all I saw was this figure again. I ran, and I think he’s gone”, the Habit explains that he tells the story of his and a Helix Guardian named Switcheroo’s encounter against the reason he was so worried. “I thought he was strong enough to handle it but then I stopped hearing him fighting, but it’s weird I am not used to that”, the Habit said. “Sounds like he chewed more than he could swallow. I can’t wait to see this”, Mr. Mariachi says laughing. “You may not be able to stand and handle this situation, the fact that something dangerous is gonna be wandering around and the best idea is to ignore it, to throw it off to the side, and move on. That’s just not how we work”, Outlander says. “I already told you what you wanted, so don’t you think I can just change like that. Just leave me”, the Habit says before Outlander immediately drops him to the floor. “Of course, we don’t need to let the people know what’s going on since it’s not them this person wants”, Outlander says. “At least until we get the full picture, and when will we have that? Who knows”. Both Outlander and Mr. Mariachi would leave Helix Genetics, Mr. Mariachi had some urgent news at the apartment, “When you left to train, and I took her to the dentist…we returned and there has been strange activity as if someone else has been living here”. Outlander pondered, “I cannot help out, I have to go meet Sword Maiden again, but I trust you guys got this covered”. Mr. Mariachi nodded, as the two parted ways.

Chapter 5: I’m Sorry[]

Outlander returned to the mountains, with an expectation for answers to what the Sword Maiden knows about this mysterious threat. Sword Maiden waited there with a nervous smile and greeted him before asking if he got an answer. Outlander would begin to explain the situation that occurred with an encounter that both Habit and Switcheroo had with a mysterious figure. “Why was it difficult to ask your friend what was going on? I bet it would’ve been easier if it was you”, Outlander says as he approaches her. “He was a friend, until he got jealous of somebody else, that somebody I believe is the threat he was hiding”, Sword Maiden tells him that Habit used to have a crush on her until she went with somebody else, who could be the one who killed Switcheroo. “He asked me that maybe you probably know who it was, which is why you are curious about it. And he was right”, Outlander realizes. “Yes, but he didn’t say the whole truth then right? Even when we moved on, Habit decided to keep this person a secret, such a habit of his. We would never have gotten along as much as he wanted to believe”, Sword Maiden hinted on Habit’s desire to get with her. “Not the drama I was looking for, Drama Queen. Who is this guy?”, Outlander says, asking for the guy they were looking for. “His name is Sett, it seems he decided to make his presence known. By taking down Switcheroo after he killed his master years ago. How strange, how like him”, Sword Maiden spoke about a man named Sett, he would believe that there is something about as she spoke highly of him. “And you guys are friends then?”, Outlander wondered. “Oh Outlander what am I gonna do with you. He was my lover, that’s why I was so curious about the whole situation with Habit. Those two could never get along”, Sword Maiden laughed at Outlander’s lack of experience with love and the concept of it. “He was a Helix Guardian, then what happened?”, Outlander asks. “Not a Guardian, just somebody I met when we trained together under the same martial arts of Energy Combat. We eventually became masters ourselves, we tried to teach ourselves but one of us wasn’t suited for that kind of life. We both wanted two completely different things in the end, even if we had something, I could never see him the same after what he said”, Sword Maiden recounted their time together but was clearly not prepared to have given the whole story as she sounded more sad at the end of their explanation. “What happened, if that’s okay for me to ask?”, Outlander wondered. “He’s a monster, I always remembered our time together in a good light because I knew that he was gone, but now that he’s actually here, I can’t think of anything else besides the man he became and what he once was”, Sword Maiden says with a broken heart. “I guess he just wanted to simply be stronger, and it meant taking things too far”, Outlander said, which Sword Maiden nodded. “I’ll use Geomancy to track his presence, and let you know when I find him. You can continue on doing your usual stuff”, Sword Maiden says. “We aren’t gonna train, just because you’re gonna use Geomancy? And use it to see everywhere?”, Outlander was confused on what she meant. “Right, Outlander. We are able to see everything around us. Not just during combat, where you are able to sense and see how attacks are coming or being thrown seconds before they happen, but also when you really want to see your surroundings at a supernatural level. Sit with me”, Sword Maiden tells him to sit down besides her, and he does. “Then look at what’s in front of you and close your eyes. Picture it, then picture the whole forest in your mind. The key is to be able to see without your eyes then you are able to see much more. Why else do I have better vision than most, when I wear a blindfold?”, she noted of her blindfold as she quietly stood up. “Although…I think this is what we should train on from now on, until you master it”, Sword Maiden said. “When you say that, it means I have not done it correctly-“, he heard something zipping up. “What were you doing behind my back?”, Outlander turned around and noticed nothing strange other than Sword Maiden standing behind, “So I was supposed to know that you were behind me? Is that it?”. Sword Maiden chuckled and nodded, “Not just the fact that I was standing however, but also how I got to that point. You should be able to see me as if I was in front of you with your eyes open. You should be able to see me walk around you, teasing you without turning with your eyes open. You should see me grabbing something from my little purse, and then see what’s in my purse as well, all my products and coupons and such”, she explains how an ability of Geomancy works, waving her little purse around. “I confirmed that you don’t seem to have that capability as of now, when you obviously didn’t react to my change of position and other stuff”, she says chuckling. “And if you get better you can even see through anything, including that thick helmet of yours”, Sword Maiden says as she smacks his helmet knocking him forward a bit. “You didn’t actually do that right?”, Outlander says. “Why hide it? You’re actually rather handsome under there. Do your friends know?”, Sword Maiden complimented him. “Perspective gets changed by change of appearance. I am a lot younger than I look with this on. It’s this helmet that makes me known as Outlander, so why would whatever is under here matter?”, he says about his helmet. “I guess for most people, it is just a suit but to you it is your identity”, Sword Maiden said. “Yeah, it is my only identity. There is nothing under here”, Outlander says looking down as he continues to meditate practicing his Geomancy. “Don’t worry, Outlander. My perspective of you never changes. You will always be that cute silly young man trying to appear tough”, Sword Maiden says as she also sits down meditating beside him. “What do you mean trying?!”, he yells as she breaks his focus.

Chapter 6: Wasn’t this here?[]

At Helix Genetics, Habit would say goodbye to his friends as he walked his way home, feeling a lot calmer after he has told some people what has been going on. “I suppose she could still be interested, if she was willing to get somebody to check on me”, Habit says as he sits down on a ledge of entrance to Helix Genetics. “Yeah maybe but we both know that she misses me”, a man would jump and land behind him, wearing a black coat and scarf. “So you caught up to me…”, Habit says as he looks down. “If it isn’t my good old friend, Felica's Boy Best Friend, and a useless man, Habit. You thought you could avoid me, old pal”, the man said as he walked around. “Habit, you have a habit of having the delusion to think that there is so much going on, so much that you could take control of. You thought you can hide me from the public, but no I ain’t gonna do the dirty work for my boss in quiet. It isn’t fun that way, you know?”, the man said. “What did you do with Switcheroo? You must’ve killed him right?”, Habit says as he jumps down and turns back. “The boy is strong, creative, and quite swift. He escaped but I bet he wouldn’t dare to try again, would you?”, the man said, chuckling as he waved his finger around, a purple energy was flowing on the tip of his finger. “Habit, I need to find somebody, and it ain’t my girl. She can crawl back to me on her own. Where is the woman whose sister caused shadows to wreak havoc? That’s who I am looking for”, the man said. “I tried my hardest to keep you out of our lives again. Don’t you realize what kind of monster you’d have to be for that to be how I have to live?”, Habit says before being shocked as the man appeared in front of him suddenly with a glowing purple energy ball forming from the tip of the man’s finger. “That’s not how you respond to questions, Habit. ‘Keep you out of our lives?’, is that what you said? Funny, I could probably find her and she will be ready on her knees, is she still called the Sword Maiden?”, the man said, laughing maniacally. “What do you want with the woman you’re looking for?”, Habit asks about Victoria. “Her sister did a lackluster job getting her back, so I have to do it myself”, the man said. “Sett, you won’t find it easy to pull it off. This is Flightbury, the home of the Helix Guardians!”, Habit boasted of the recognition the city and its heroes have. “Sword Maiden, Switcheroo, Sabre, Habit….”, Sett says as he points his finger and fires his energy blast that burned and disintegrated through Habit’s head, killing him, he was naming Helix Guardians he easily can kill, or have already. While Outlander continues to train under Sword Maiden’s guidance, Mr. Mariachi and Mylene was visited by Victoria. “You guys! This place has to be haunted”, Mylene says as she looks around expecting another thing to be taken. “Other than me? I haven’t seen anything”, Mr. Mariachi says. “There is nothing to prove that something is going on here. We should probably make a trap or something! Think about it, if it disappeared then we might be able to track them”, Victoria says. Mr. Mariachi, Mylene, and Victoria all planned an idea where the ink from Mylene could be used to stain and also sneak around by hiding in stain sight. The plan begins by leaving a bunch of snacks by the table in the kitchen because eventually, this ghost would probably grab one of these since for some reason stuff would get taken all the time from the kitchen, it’s not like they can eat. Victoria and Mr. Mariachi hid behind a doorway as they awaited the moment when something happened. Victoria felt a tap on her shoulder, and expecting it to be coming from Mr. Mariachi she went to go ask him why he tapped on her shoulder. Mr. Mariachi did not know ever tapping her shoulder, and so they started whispering to each other. “What are you guys doing, we got a ghost to capture”, Mylene says as she peaks her head out of a puddle of ink. “Ghost where!?”, a voice was heard as they stepped on Mylene on accident and started leaving footprints around the kitchen running around. “That’s an invisible man! Get him!”, Mylene says with a footprint on her head as the three caught the figure and got on top of them. “You know what I don’t hate this”, the invisible man says as Victoria was the one who pinned him down by laying on top of him. They all got off of him, and, now that he has nowhere to go, he decides to just reveal himself. “That’s right, I am an invisible man. I have been living in your house for a long time. And about your toothbrush, a man’s got to keep his teeth clean you know…”, the invisible man said. “Look, we're not mad or anything. It just seems pretty creepy having somebody we can’t see or not even know”, Victoria says. “All will be explained shortly, but I have to meet with your friend, Outlander. I got something he might wanna take a look at. Can I also get some clothes and a shower, by the way, yes I am the one who mixed your conditioner with other stuff then again who else would’ve done it?”, the invisible man asked. “I’ll go get some of my stuff, so we can talk. There is a reason why I am here”, the invisible man says as he walks away, still leaving ink marks as he walks off, “Don’t worry I’ll clean them later”.

Chapter 7: Who, What, and even Where are you?[]

“Where do I begin, I know you quite well, Mylene. Though I suppose you cannot say the same when I was invisible most of our time together. We were on the same transport where Outlander broke you out, but he didn’t know I was also set free. That was so long ago, I never thought that being out there with no home, no food, and no one to talk to would be so much better than being a prisoner right?”, the Invisible Man says as he is given a new coat, sunglasses, and bandages around his whole body, he was visible to them. “What is your name? I might be able to recognize you”, Mylene asks. “Recognize me? Good one! Okay, it’s Ethan Graves”, Ethan revealed his name and she continued not to have any clues on his identity. “It’s fair. I was kept heavily secured since it was quite easy to escape with no way to spot me, yet it is so hard to run around naked so I never thought about it”, Ethan explains. “Well, why did you come here? Or rather how were you able to find us?”, Mr. Mariachi says. “Well first off, I am a detective, or at least I was. The hero business has been a pain for a guy like me. I cannot pull off the opportunities to save people like you and Outlander can. However, I couldn’t stop not even when a whole military now has Helix Genetic’s back. ANINA! I wanted to learn more about them, sneaking into their facilities, and sadly my curiosity would lead to the way I am now. I was used in an experiment to turn invisible on command, but sadly I am invisible forever”, Ethan would explain his journey around ANINA Facilities, trying to figure out where they came from, and what they do with those they capture. His pain and suffering through experiments were something he was happy to get away from, to be away from those chambers, those highly closeted cages that were meant to keep him in place, and those serums attempting to bring him back, with no success. “I haven’t felt like a person for a long time, I was like a feral cat trying to make it out in the streets. And ANINA was the pet control that was trying to find me while I lived behind dump trucks or cardboard. No matter how hellish it was, I would rather live how I am now than ever being inside those facilities again!”, he says as he gets emotional. “Ethan, you are here now. You have our eyes and ears”, Victoria says as she caresses his face. “Sorry, it has been ages since I have spoken to somebody. Or at least somebody, who doesn’t think I am just a voice in their head. As I was saying, as a Detective, I must be quite skillful in finding the things I want. In this case, I saw Outlander fight 3 guys to protect this woman, which turned out to be you! I was inspired by his work, and by all of your work months ago. I tracked this apartment down after further investigations of your activities and I decided that I wanted to get closer, so I snuck in and lived here for quite a while”, Ethan finally explains how he got here. “Let me fetch you some food! Maybe some co*cktails as well?”, Victoria says as she gets up and looks at Ethan with a smile. “Yes, please! That would be lovely”, Ethan says as he gets excited about the opportunity to eat. “So you want to talk with Outlander? I think he is out right now, and you did say you’re a detective”, Mylene says. “Good idea, I will find him…after dinner”, Ethan says while having an empty stomach.

Chapter 8: Detective Work![]

At Flightbury Plaza, Outlander would dodge a sword slash from a villain, Sword Slicer. “You have the strength and cool powers but surely I can cut you! Eventually, that is”, Sword Slicer says as he swings his sword at rapid speed. “Sorry but I don’t have time for this”, Outlander held his hand out as his sword suddenly stopped in place, he threw a punch into his stomach and then chopped his sword in half as he started throwing multiple punches. Outlander knocked Sword Slicer into a wall, as he fell unconscious. “That was some excellent work, Outlander. I have some important things to discuss with you”, Ethan arrives, in a detective outfit and bandages covering his head, he uses sunglasses to mark where his eyes are. “And you are?”, Outlander says as he lifts Sword Slicer over his shoulder. “Ethan, I am a detective and an invisible man. I need you to hear me out back at your apartment. I’ve spoken to your friends”, Ethan quickly ends any confusion that Outlander could have. “Impressive, why should I trust your words?”, while he is curious, Outlander is rather suspicious of this man he had never seen before. “You may not know this but I was also in the incident when you freed Mylene. I also broke out, but I could not be seen. You would have no idea at all, and it is fair enough, but you have saved my life there without knowing it”, Ethan says to him, sincerity and thankfulness in his voice. Outlander was convinced and nodded to him as they ran back to the apartment, before tossing Sword Slicer into some ANINA vehicle parked nearby. “So you know that it means I am a criminal right? I escaped”, Ethan asks him. “I bet you didn’t deserve it, especially if you were once a detective. I hope that is the case at least”, Outlander says as he gets Ethan inside the apartment. “Home sweet home, right?”, Ethan says as he walks ahead. “Outlander, you made it! Now we can finally hear what Ethan has to say”, Mylene says. Mr. Mariachi would sit on the couch, Mylene would lie on a wall checking her hands out, and Victoria would sit on a chair with boredom but enthusiasm when Outlander arrived. “Hey, it has been a while, Victoria. Shall we get to the point now?”, Outlander asks Ethan as he sits on the couch beside Mr. Mariachi. “I’ve been putting a lot of research into this whole thing, it was a favorite of mine. The case of Carmella Camorra, which turned out to be your sister, Victoria. She was the mayor’s secretary but it seems that she was merely a spy to the city, while she was able to watch and manipulate the city to be the way she wanted it to be through the control of the mayor, she seemed to have been clueless to the might of Outlander! Which leads to the rest of your family, Victoria. The Camorra Crime Family to be precise! Carmela was an officer and daughter of your father, the boss. However, I am now interested in finding other officers such as the one who has arrived, Sett”, Ethan would explain to Victoria her lineage. “It seems that this Sett guy has a lot of stuff about him, I know who he is. Sword Maiden told me a lot about him, some info more important than others”, Outlander says. “Sett was a man who wanted to be stronger and stronger, so it seems my father sent him when it seemed to have taken so long to bring me back”, Victoria says. “Somebody who can actually fight then?”, Mr. Mariachi says as he gets up. “Yeah basically”, Ethan says as he also gets up. “Help me take down this crime family, you have sparked my hope for this case I’ve been up to for 7 years”, Ethan asks Outlander. “Alright, I count this as unfinished business. Wouldn’t you agree, Victoria?”, Outlander asks her. “Yeah I am never going back there, especially not with him”, she says.

Chapter 9: Is That Me?[]

In the city of Flightbury, Sett would jump across buildings to traverse around as he takes a liking to his little vacation home for the moment, “Let us see what Habit had me wondering about”. Sett would suddenly form a purple barrier around himself as he disintegrated the sniper bullet that would’ve hit him, if he hadn’t noticed it. He looked around and noticed a squad of Soldiers that looked like they were mechanical warriors, then a man dressed like some military general would show up. “Blast them like you mean it, boys! Fire”, the general said as these soldiers combined into one soldier with a turret firing at Sett. “Some military you are”, Sett says grinning as he forms a purple energy shield with the palm of his hand, blocking the bullets, while running after him. “General-Tron, reporting for Helix Genetics, has come for you! Fire the Railgun!”, the Helix Guardian known as General-Tron has the ability to “militarize” his body and surroundings, being able to do things such as creating an army or turning his arm into an energy arm cannon, which he does do. “Fire! Take him down”, General-Tron says as he fires several rounds from his arm cannon while the soldiers fire their Railguns at Sett. “You are sure something or rather somethings”, Sett jumped into the air, launching many energy blasts in his way, destroying his attacks and mechanical soldiers. He would then try to grab General-Tron, before he suddenly gets grabbed himself by a giant mechanical hand that would throw Sett into another building roof, as General-Tron reveals full metal armor, his fully mechanized form that makes him much much taller, like the building the two fought at. “Amazing, this city is amazing, it is wonderfully designed for a monster, like me!”, Sett exclaims as he gets overshadowed by the giant mechanical being that General-Tron has become. Meanwhile, Outlander and Ethan walked around the city after he got reports of heavy Helix Guardian activity. “General-Tron, Double Trouble, Ironclad, Yoga Devi, Lemmingo, and even Adjust are roaming around this area”, Outlander says, looking into the device in his glove. “What could be alarming them? Other than…Sett?”, Ethan asked. “It has to be Sett than”, Outlander says before suddenly getting approached by a man, he stumbled around, wearing a huge set of armor. He looked heavily rusted and he seemed to be a Helix Guardian himself, but the more they stared the more they realized how similar this man looked similar to Outlander. Or rather, this man was identical to Outlander! “Is that me?”, Outlander asks the rusted man, who quickly turned back and was interested in Outlander. “You? Am I supposed to be you?”, the man said before running off after he notices an ANINA Vehicle approaching him from behind them. Ethan quickly rolled into an alley while Outlander stepped to the streets, he was wondering why they are after this rusted version of him. “You have a clone? Some sort of version of you just walking around. Is that why they are all here?”, Ethan says as he gets up once the coast is cleared. “I don’t know, who would know?”, Outlander says with a bit of disbelief that there is something that he could possibly be hidden from. “Yeah, that’s true. We should probably go after him, and ask him”, Ethan says. “Hold it! You ain’t going anywhere-“, a Helix Guardian would say, a woman with pink hair and a green outfit. “Oh wait, it’s the actual one. Outlander, since when did you have a brother? Or maybe a sister?”, she asks. “This is the first time hearing of that guy, and seeing him in person”, Outlander says. “You were almost gonna jump us, Double Trouble”, Outlander says as he points to Ethan, who just waved. “Let me and my friend try to talk to him, so back off. Maybe tell the others as well?”, Outlander asks. “Alright, sure. Not like I find that kind of chase to be interesting anyways. Not when ANINA is already on it”, Double Trouble says. “Anyways, I’ve been hearing about General-Tron fighting a villain. A really interesting one too! I heard he killed Habit and even Sabre, a long time ago”, Double Trouble says. “Habit? I just saw him yesterday. How could he have just died?”, Outlander was shocked. “He just did, the same night too. You got an idea on who exactly it is? Or where to find them?”, Double Trouble asks as she walks away. “No, sorry”, Outlander says. “Don’t keep it a secret now. You still got a chance to keep me around. No? Then I’ll leave it to you”, Double Trouble says walking away. “It’s a shame I guess. I’ll probably be seeing you around then”, Outlander says sarcastically as she nods and walks off. “So Sett. It’s Sett, who’s fighting General-Tron. I didn’t expect it but it means we can find him. How about we just focus on finding that rust version of me”, Outlander says as he and Ethan run to go find him.

Chapter 10: I Don’t Know[]

The rusted figure ran and ran, just as he was told. “Run! Run! Don’t let anyone get to you. Use your gifts to do anything you want”, he was told. These were some of the words he knew mostly, he may have been similar in armor with Outlander, he was not equivalent in intelligence and humanity, or even powers. “You and I are monsters. Monsters are feared, they are powerful, and they should be in control of the world”, something else that was said to him. “Anything I want…don’t let…them-“, the rusted man thought as he looked at the ANINA Truck approaching him, “Don’t…let…them get to…me!”. He touches the ground as it begins to corrode and shatter, destroying the road and heavily damaging the streets around him, as the ground rises and breaks apart. The rusted counterpart would climb on buildings and swing on street poles and cables as he began thinking. “Am I him?”, the man thought of Outlander, how he looked and spoke, it wasn’t like him but it was still identical to him. “What am I supposed to be?”, he thought of Outlander again. “I need… to go… back”, he says as he jumps into an alley and hides inside a garbage bin. “A monster. Why me? And not him”, he was afraid and lost as he sat down and looked down. Suddenly, a thump was heard on top of the bin, then suddenly Outlander looked inside, finding him. “It’s him…”, Ethan says as he also looks inside. Outlander would jump off and land beside Ethan as they wondered what to do with him, there are many questions on their minds. “How did you get here?”, Outlander started with an obvious and important question. “I was trapped and scared. A man broke me out, called me a monster, and told me to run”, he says. “Are you a monster like me and him?”, he asks Outlander, as he looks like him so it made sense to ask. “We are not monsters. You need to come with us. We want to help you!”, Outlander says. “I actually wanted to see you too, who are you?”, he asks him. “I am Outlander, and this is Ethan. I think it’s time you come with us”, Outlander says to him. He nods as he gets up, he appears to be a bit taller and clearly a bit deformed, having an unnatural body build. Outlander led the two to the apartment but on their way, General-Tron was knocked into a building, which leveled it entirely due to his size as a giant mecha. “This is so much fun! There is more to this city than I could ever hope for”, Sett would be the reason for General-Tron’s appearance in front of them. “If it isn’t my apprentice of chaos! Come here…this robot could use some rust”, Sett says as he turns to the three of them, noticing the rusty man. “Wait a damn minute, there are two of you now”, Sett laughs as he notices Outlander as well. “He says he’s called Outlander”, the rusted counterpart said to Sett. “Outlander…oh? Oh sh*t. The one who got nosy, a bit curious, you know what happens to those who get curious right?”, he says as he jumps into the air and dive kicks towards him. Outlander stood still as he knew he was gonna miss and land in front of him, but it wasn’t over so he threw some punches. “Woah those arms are quite big. You don’t seem exciting however!”, he says as he easily shoves his arms around to direct the punches out of his range as he punches Outlander in the gut, then kicks him in the jaw. Outlander was sent flying before suddenly crashing into a street with trees growing. Ethan would walk backwards to get away from the two of them. “You see, my friend. The potential you have is meant to be used in this way. To just do whatever you want, so what do you say let’s have some fun in this city”, he says grinning as he holds his fist out for a fist bump. A giant hand would form, made of concrete and stone that would suddenly grab and throw Sett into a building, “Our gifts are not just for fun!”. Outlander was the one who says it as he lands back on where he stood before being punched by Sett, and General-Tron would stand behind Sett as well. “Outlander, I ain’t gonna lie that man is something, but you got him”, General-Tron says as he jumps out of his mech armor, which disappears. “Did he now?”, Sett says, jumping out of the building to throw a punch covered in purple energy to kill General-Tron. “He is back again! How did he do that?”, Ethan yelled. “So this is what I can do? Why would I wanna do this?”, the rusted counterpart asks Sett. “Well when you can do anything you want, then what is there to worry about?”, Sett says as he punches General-Tron, with the energy fist. “Just because you can, doesn’t mean we should”, General-Tron says as he looks directly into Sett’s eyes as he reveals he has turned his body into a cybernetic militarized body when Sett punched him, so he was able to live, his eyes were glowing red as he opened his mouth as a turret formed on his tongue. “I knew you ain’t no let down!”, Sett says with a gleefully confident expression as he swings his glowing purple finger to cut General-Tron’s tongue. Sett was punched in the face by Outlander as he rolls across the street floor, he would get up with more energy rather than a sign of breaking. “What will you do, friend? The choice is all yours to make, after all I will see you again nonetheless”, Sett says as he turns to the rusted man. “I don’t know…”, he replied.

Chapter 11: Who Would Know.[]

“What do you mean? The answer is so clear right?”, Ethan asks the rusted man. “I don’t know what the hell is going on, so why would it make sense?”, the rusted man said. “You know…. he is a creation, a human born in a lab. A rare creature called a homunculus! A man-made human, as in a lab not in bed”, Sett says laughing at his joke. “The most neutral person in the world, a man with no perspective or knowledge of the world around him, but I wanna teach him the things he missed out being your little copycat, a lab rat, and a lost soul”, Sett says looking at Outlander. “Your guys made him. I came to Helix Genetics looking for a friend of mine to kill. I found him, and released him into the wild! Look at all the fun he had, you had fun right?”, Sett asks. “Is running supposed to be fun? I feel like the world is against me, and I hate it!”, the rusted man yelled in anger as he slammed the ground, causing erosion to occur. “You ain’t got the need to run anymore, not when we show this city what we got!”, Sett says as he points at himself while flexing his arm muscle. “You don’t just use your powers to do whatever you want, especially if it is wrong!”, Outlander says. “It’s always got to be complicated with you heroes”, General-Tron and Outlander would surround Sett, while he looks at them with an expression of excitement. “I am all you got”, Sett says as he reminds the rusted man that he freed him. “You’re wrong! He doesn’t have to live this life as a threat, if he doesn’t want to”, Outlander yells as General-Tron rushes in, his arms would turn into giant mechanized gauntlets as he swings them around. “You said you had no idea, did you just want to show off!”, Double Trouble says as she spoke from atop a building to Outlander. “It was just convenience”, Outlander says to her as she jumps down and walks towards Sett with her arms behind her head. “Ethan, take him to the place. This man will not get to him”, Outlander says to Ethan, quietly as he turns back to Sett. “Look at these guys, these monsters with wasted potential, especially you Outlander! You feel so restrained and restricted, but I know there is a man in there who can really wreck the world if he just wanted to!”, Sett mocks Outlander. “All this talk about him, so what if he stopped those shadows. What’s so interesting about him that you can’t pay attention to us”, Double Trouble says smirking at Outlander and winking as she turns her attention towards Sett. “I see. I forgot why I came here. And then you reminded me, let me thank you with a swift and graceful kill”, he rushes at her before suddenly getting punched by something. Sett didn’t feel any pain from the punch but he still reacted from the punch so he stopped and looked around and thought, “Am I supposed to feel this way, to feel light?”. Sett would turn around and notice his spirit that is slowly floating towards him. “Well then, you sure changed that attitude of yours”, Double Trouble says as she sticks her tongue out to mock him. “What is it?”, he turns to her as he raises his finger in the air, and creates a giant purple energy blast that he sends down on her. General-Tron creates another giant mech suit and uses its giant arm to block off his attack, disintegrating the entirety of the arm in the process. He would then try to stomp on Sett as Double Trouble jumps in the air and swings her leg for a kick, so Sett would look up as he launches his energy blast to disintegrate the mech’s leg. “Gorgeous, you made a mistake. I know that you’re coming down”, he points his finger to charge an attack as she falls down. “Good evaluation but you forgot something important”, Double Trouble says as she gives a maniacal look towards him as what seems to be her spirit would punch him into the spirit that came out of him, as he begins feeling immense pain. “So I am guessing that you store damage, until you are ready to knock me towards my soul”, Sett says as he gets up. “It is a great ability indeed but I am much more flashy!”, General-Tron says as his eyes begin to glow and shoot out lasers towards Sett. “Flashy, destructive, and deadly. This is all but one of you. And I am talking to you, Outlander”, he says as he forms energy around his arm to cover the laser attacks as he talks to Outlander. “Like I said, I have forgotten that I was sent here to find the ones who defeated Carmella. That would be you, and even Victoria. I never expected that girl to put up even a little bit of a fight since she was a kid”, Sett explains why he was here. “You saved me by chance? You could’ve just left me…”, the rusted man said, who should’ve been with Ethan but obviously he didn’t want to leave so he returned. “I did it because I can! Unlike them, I am able to do whatever I want because these guys mean nothing to me, this city has no meaning whatsoever, and the weak can only gravel in fear and watch as I f*ck around. It is the same for you, who would’ve thought to rescue you in this city? No one”, Sett says as the rusted man jumps and lands besides Sett. “Let’s call you, Rusty! How does that sound?”, Sett says as he is glad to have him on his side. “I like it”, Rusty says. “Who would’ve known that you were suffering, or maybe no one cared enough”, Sett says as he launches powerful energy blasts from his fingers at the three Helix Guardians. Several large energy swords would fly down and protect the three as a voice was heard, “You decide to show yourself, Sett”, it was Sword Maiden.

Chapter 12: Arrival[]

“You wouldn’t think about killing me right? You love-“, Sett was talking as two energy blades formed by his throat, ready to cut his throat if he moved any more. “You are not the same person I met a long time ago. You are going to leave and never come back or I will kill you right here!”, Sword Maiden yelled. “And lose the chance of seeing you again, I don’t think so”, he says as Rusty jumps towards her, crushing the roof she was standing on as she fell into the building, the energy swords disappeared after she fell. Sett jumped into the fight rushing at Double Trouble, fighting her spirit as he blocked a few jabs before punching her spirit in the face before kicking her spirit in the chest, knocking her back. She would jump over, kicking him in the face before squatting down and diving between his legs to then stand on both hands to kick Sett in the back. Sett turned around and held his hand out, which was covered in energy, so she stopped her attack and cartwheeled away as her spirit slugs his jaw from the side. Sett spins around before shooting an energy ball at Double Trouble, which burns a hole in her leg as she falls over in pain, “This burns through matter, it hurts”. General-Tron would activate jet boosters from his feet as he tackles Sett, who punches back with an energy aura flowing around his fist, which disintegrates his face as General-Tron falls down. “Soldiers don’t give up if they got any way of fighting back”, General-Tron’s legs ignited as he uses their jet boosters as flame throwers at Sett, who creates a barrier, before channeling all that energy into the palm of his hand as he knocks General-Tron back, while disintegrating the front of his body. “You work for those Guardians, I can be better than you, Outlander”, Rusty says as he lands beside him. Rusty would punch him in the face as his helmet cracked and rusted, and knocked him across an alley. “We make a good team, let’s give this city a bad time, Rusty. And how dare you threaten me, you know better than to do that to me, Felicia”, Sett yells at Sword Maiden, who apparently was named Felicia. She was seen floating in the air, standing on an energy sword as she got closer. “I’ll be seeing you shortly, Rusty let’s get going now”, Rusty would land beside Sett and grab him as he jumped great distances, disappearing basically. “What happened, Sword Maiden? Where did he go?”, Outlander says, arriving with damage. “I don’t know, but this ain’t the last time we’ll be seeing him”, Sword Maiden says. “I need to go back, you need to get those two help!”, Outlander points at General-Tron and Double Trouble. “He is dangerous if you don’t plan on avoiding his abilities. That man that looked like you as well, he also has destructive powers. He is gonna make him dangerous”, Sword Maiden says as the two knocked out heroes would lay on an energy sword like a bed. “They got away? What are we gonna do then?”, General-Tron says as he regenerates. “I’m putting this on you, Outlander. We could’ve done it if it weren’t so personal. I thought you had that rust dude”, Double Trouble says as she continues to be in pain. “I wish I could’ve done something, but it was already too late because I am a Guardian. He hated them”, Outlander says as he was worried what it meant for the city in the future. It would have been several hours later, after the incident the Helix Guardians have been under attack several times since the incident, of individuals who have been inspired to make a name for themselves with the gifts they’ve been born with to satisfy their needs for all sorts of things. They were once afraid against the Helix Guardians, what once seemed to be the most dangerous army of individuals, now they are rivals and obstacles in the way of crime, rebellion, and chaos. In the apartment, Outlander would discuss the situation with the others. “Just 5 months later, and someone worse then Carmella shows up, I don’t believe it”, Mylene says as she slides off the couch in disbelief. “Sett is considered the only person capable of taking down Helix Guardians, hired by my father to be an officer for him. My father was the only one who knew of the potential of Helix Guardians, the only one who feared them, and Sett was the only one who could fight them”, Victoria. “Well somebody has to, I think people have become too stupid to underestimate Guardians or think superpowers aren’t real even when we got people like me and Mr. Mariachi walking around. Causes the crime to diminish outrageously, by getting them rid off”, Mylene says. “No, it is fear that is keeping those desperate for cash, desperate to speak out, to fight back from doing a thing. Of course there are people born with powers but even they would probably not know or hide them out of fear, and those who would wanna use them will begin showing up. This was something that was already happening for a long time, but this incident will blow it up”, Mr. Mariachi warns them. “We are ready for it, if not now then we will be”, Outlander says. “Don’t think you can hold responsible for the situation, it is really my fault”, Sword Maiden says. “I could’ve stopped this, my energy swords were on his neck, but I don’t know why I didn’t just end him”, she says as she sat on the couch. “You are gonna need to train your Geomancy, and it might take a long time”, she looked up at Outlander. “I think we can handle this, after all this isn’t just our own personal problem. I want to pay a debt to the man who freed me, let me replace you as you train. I wanna be a Guardian too, without joining the Helix Guardians of course”, Ethan says to him. “My skills in investigation will be helpful, don’t have to doubt me”, he promises as Outlander accepts his offer. “Sett will finally go down, his crimes will finally be exposed, when I get my hands on him, that whole mafia will go down!”, he says. Outlander nodded and waved goodbye as he followed Sword Maiden, as Victoria, Mr. Mariachi, Mylene, and Ethan were split from him. He wonders what could possibly happen as he is away.

Helix Ascent: Ironclad Faith (2024)


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Author: Pres. Lawanda Wiegand

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Name: Pres. Lawanda Wiegand

Birthday: 1993-01-10

Address: Suite 391 6963 Ullrich Shore, Bellefort, WI 01350-7893

Phone: +6806610432415

Job: Dynamic Manufacturing Assistant

Hobby: amateur radio, Taekwondo, Wood carving, Parkour, Skateboarding, Running, Rafting

Introduction: My name is Pres. Lawanda Wiegand, I am a inquisitive, helpful, glamorous, cheerful, open, clever, innocent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.