Felix Farley's Bristol Journal from Bristol, Avon, England (2024)

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Felix Farley's Bristol Journali

Bristol, Avon, England

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CLERGY SOCIETY rpHE CLERGY Hnd SONS of the CLERGY and tucli A i other GENTLEMEN ns will be pleased to favour them with On Thursday last was held at our Cathedral a Meeting G'vdOom tU vk 1 if of the friends and mp)orters of those three most imtii taut mid va- I Probably our readers ill recollect tliat nl'Oii: lualile Institutions the District Societies for t'e Promotion of Christian since we related the circ*mstance of one the ns -urn's at Mr' for the Propagation of the Oosnl in Fonign Pints and Bryant's soda-water mniuifartnrv hiv-ng I ibe misfortune twice the Dioirsaii National School Society In consequence ofa previous to lose I ho sight of his left ev within tle pcr-oil of five by arrangement it was thought advisable to hold the anniversary of the two unfortunate accidents which occinrc'l ill Ibewn- of h's employment Saturday the voting man railed a our office and suited three Societies mi the same day that a Sermon should be preached THEATRE VAL BRISTOL MR M'CREADY Iva the honour of moft respectfully making known to the Ladies and Gentlemen of Bristol Clifton and their Vicinities that he purp scs opening the Thcatie Royal On MOXntr 29 th of August instant for a short space including nit Fata (luting which time he hopes to present them with vtty and first rate talent worthy of their patronage and support Particulars in future Advertisem*nts 5 'll their CMMipany are desired fi meet on WEDNESDAY the 24th of August the CATHEDRAL to hear Divine Service and a Sermon and from thence to accompany and dine with the Sttwaiips at the Great Room WHITE LION Rev ROBERT WATSON MA Hector of Church and Si Een Bristol and J-Slewards JOHN BARROW Esq Service will begin at llalf-past Eleven The LA DIES are desired to take notice that there will be a Collection at the Church Doors for Daughters IS As a sufficient number of Waiters are engaged to attend at the Dinner no Servants will lie admitted except thov of the Stewards and Gentlemen from the country SOCIETIES PROMOTING CHRISTIAN KNOWLEDGE Proprgatioit of the (impel in Foreign Part and Fduralion of the Poor in the Principle of the Ijjlithed Church the Aiiuvil Meeting of tlic-c Sociotie nt tlie I rTHrntt vl Ciimtfk IImsf tn Tiiirsdav the iwh inat eht Reverend the 10 1 I Sll 0 1 of I STOL in thf Cm i llcportofihe irtelv for Promoting Christian Knttwledge i lv the Rev Roich that of the Society for the the GovmI by the Rev Knight that of the or School SKietv bv the Rev A Hfilicvh and the lul-I" 'Tlievolution were nropotl and adopt I 'iz the motion of the Very Rev the Dean of lUivru George Gnirx Esq that the Report now read be 'll I ml pled the motion of the Rev II Gkffv seconded by II I that the Thinks of this Meeting In given to the Sub-f for their service during the last year and that they to continue the same during the year ensuing l)n the motion of the Rev 1 Taylor seconded by Mr rett that the Thank of this Meeting lie given to the 'rrs and Secretaries of the several icietie for their past r'-4 nl that thev be retmested to continue the same '4 rt i XI ARK ANE BREWERY ST AUCrsTIXF HACK BRISTOL WORTHY BEDFORD tuket leave to inform the Public that he It is succeeded to the above Brewery lately carried on hv Tints OsaoKNF where he purpses to lirew tront Mumc Malt and I lop STRONG BEER BURTON POR-TER ALE and TABLE BEER and to pledge himself that no deleterious drugs shall ever he used in the above Brewers It also informs the Public that he deals in MALT and HOPS separately with the lust qualities of which he will be enabled from bis knowlcdgt of the trade ami connections to supply them with upon the most fair and moderate Market Prices that ho hud again mi far recovered Ins sight hv the iit in anil remedies of Mr Wit) lois tin -nlist ive I- ti 'oe to work at the manufactory during the a 'ltof I lie pa-t umih The voting woman w-hoM recovery from st ir nt blindnc descnhii iu ihe following letter written by Mr Moon bookseller of thiscity called and requested Its insertion in our tumor id To tritlinris List Oculist 29 Richmond Cltfon A person whom you I axe restored to siirlit called on rot this afternoon and reques'ed I would write a letter for her -pressive it the obligation she is under to you Sbe states about five years since she xxas attacked a indent irflxmiiiatioii in both exes which continued three months anil M't h-r quite blind She xvas fr a consideiaMe lime under the care of io -t celebrated mists and other Medical Gentlemen of tins eiiv am) elsewhere ho all concurred in opinion that lie- cn was (jure hopeless the utmost benefit she derived being only sufficient sid in one eye to enable her to see large hjecU In this state of vision she first applied to you hut it is with peculiar satisfaction i ain able to sav that she read small-sized print u'i and large print without a glass in mv presence and much to mv asionislitucrt iving known her when she was quite blind ulihougli she had liven given to understand previously In her aptdica'ion to xot! that her sight xis perished and all fur'lier effort to regain it would he useless As an encouragement toothers whose di- i have been deemed incur ilde she wishes her case to be known 1 am Sir very respectfully obedient Servant SAMUEL MOOS No 18 Bath street Bristol August 13 1825 hltl if Hi! ft A (lit the motion of the Rev It Cv Gray that the Thanks of this Meeting be given to the how seconded hv the given to the by him this day preached rx nv One Hundred and Sixty-eighth Anniversary of the LOU ES I RS 1 1 1 SOC I ET THF GENTLEMEN NATIVES of the COUNTY of LOCCESTE It and such other GEN TLEM shall pleased to encourage this Charity are requested to meet their President on TH RSI) A the doth da of August in-t at the Parish Church of CL I TON to hear Divine Service and a Sermon and from thence to accompany and Dine with the President tit the WHITE LION in Broad-street Bristol The Most Noble the A UQC1S of WORCESTER President £5 Service to begin at One Dinner at 'Three precisely A CoriticTtnv will be made nt the Church Door in aid of that brunch of the Charity which pr rides for the lief of Poor Lying in U'omii The CoMHrrrr intend to meet a the Montacup Tavprk Kingsdown on Tiicrshw the 13th October next at Five oYlock in the Afternoin to receive Petitions for Apnrenticing POOR ROY Siis of Nat'vesn: our Ami on Tiiiiksiiav the llitli November and TnrRsnw the 8th December next to approve of the most proper Objects and order them to be bound BRISTOL l)ORCAS SOCIETY SIIE Subscribers to this Institution are respectfully informed that the A nNUAL MEETING will be held at the Vcstrv Rnoin of Bridge-Street Chapel on Momiay next the 22i instant at Twelve This Dav price Is stitched PRAYER and PRAISE or the LITANY of the Church of Knulanil illustrated With a Meditation on the Hymn called TE DEUM By the Rev THUS GRINFIELD MA and published by Chilcott 6 (Iigh-street Bristol anl sold bv Messrs llamiiion and Co London REES and CO FISHMONGERS ANI) FRUITERERS WHOLESALE ami RrTAIL ('truer House of lirnlue-Stre-'t amt Hiiih-Strerl Prist BEG leave to inf irm their Friends am! the Public that they intend to commence on Wednesday next the in' in the above Line where thev vvll be supplied with every article required with punrtuably and dispatch Country Orders prumptly attended to II An Oyster Roam will be immediately opened on the Li ndiin Plan ft ELY PATENT REVOLVING WINDOW-SASHES Lor Vcnlilnlinu Clcaum" Pnintwg anti (Hazing from the ins tie mill to previ'nl Accident JOINERS Bnililurs arid tlte Public in general are rc-spectfully ml'ormed that the PATENT IliNGES may be applied to old or new Se-hes and ate sold in sets (lor ready money) hv Mr PANTING Surveyor Muntagne-street and Messrs II A li l'L A I) and SON Builder Castle-Green Agents (rr llrot mntl its vicinih where Models and dneclioits for fixing the Hinges may be inspected Bristol LStli Aug 1825 pr tndolph for the Sermon 'e Member of those Siciotic the motion of the Rev Sever seconded hv Ststiifn I "irr Eq that the Thanks of this Meeting he given to the chapter for the accommodation aflurdtd to the Children hools and for the use of the Chapter House on this oe-J TUi that the Dean he also requested to accept the best jr this Assembly for his kintl and assiduous exertion in the arrangement in the Cathedral If'5 BRISTOL Chairman jrd Bishop having left the Chair it was non no mdy on the motion of the A'ery Rev the Dn seconded by Gian Eq that the Thanks of this Meeting be present-1 ixirdhip lor his obliging conduct in superintending the of this day EDEN LATEY AA' Secretaries HOUCII August 19 1823 AV WATSON If pjri'cTTBs for the Care of the Bristol District of Roads Aji Resignation of his Oflice of General of the Bristol Turnpike Road having been accept- sl by my Friends to otter myself to your notice as a Hf the vacant situation to solicit the favor of your Votes on the day of U' ml I beg to assure vou that if 1 should be so fortunate ii thi' object of my wishes it is my intention to reltti I1' o'hvr occupation and devote the whole of my tune (n't al-iiitie shall be devoted to the fullilment of the of the Office I shill endeavour to take the earliest ptving my personal respect to the Trustees I have the honor to remain Gentlemen Y'our mol ohedienf humble Servant WILLIAM BROWN erect Bristol Jtty 16 1623 2j 1 on fm T' sav Hr Bit 8th Phtm vitae iot late Vilh hlljiri ior-h lit ll Ihiliim i irnm tainriv order pox nrihrj On the Ist September will be published rpiIE SPEECHES of COUNSEL ami the EVIDENCE a made and adduced before the Honorable the House Cox moss and the House of Lords dui in the progress of the BRISTOL TOWN DUES KILL through 'hose branches of the Legislature taken in Short Hand hy Mr Gurnet With Prefatory Remarks addressed more particularly to the COMMONALTY the C-tv bv AN EYE WITNESS I Yin ted hy 1 Gutch Bristol where orders for the Publica t'on may lie gi veu TnrsTFLS acting for the CARE of the HOADS routs the City Bristol TUMKW Resignation of Mr McAdam ynnr General Snr- having Ihsui accepted to take place on the 23th March 3cthe liberty of listing myself as a Candidate to succeed qualification fr the Office it is not for me to pm-r I may lie iiertniitcd to sav that it must he know to tv Trustees that I am not wholly unacquainted with the air's of iking and with the Bristol District in noon mrneroti occasions been referred to in rtl npjnty vdten new lines of Road have been pro-l smng been originally employed to Survey and pre-) rf A-f all the Roads within the District it leave to suggest that the appointment ofa I Vr-v: i the business of taking Levels and preparing I'luis night lie of muleriai benefit to the Trust s) fortunate as to sttecei-d in the object of mv appii Tin di'tKnl upon my constant endenvour to dis barge i -(the office with the ulnt ist diligence and tidvlity tf the honour to subscribe myself AVith much rosjeet Gentlemeu Your very obedient Servant fTB-Strct II TOWNSEND Juhr lii R2i is Hi STOL Saturday A trust 20 LATI5ST INTELLIGKNCE FELIX FARLEY OFFICE Friday Night Ten Kr the London Papets just received French projects ami speculations break out if we may so say every day It is nmv understood that a met and one even of the first has concluded a contract with the Kiugnl Spain for working some mines in the iieighiMnirhood of Madrid an I that he is now receiving suhscriptaius for sh ires in an Association hich is about to he formed tor that purpose Dutch papers to the I4tli instant arrived yesterday They give an account ot a urioiix battle-royal between tne amt custom house officers at Mare nee which dul not terminate 'ill the Austrian and Prussian troops interfered afier bl'Kd had Ntm sh-don hth sides City Thursday noun Our anticipation of yesterday respecting t'e improvement of the money market apuears to be well-founiled Consols for money were to day t)0 and for the account next week 80? and 00 evincing already a scarcity of monev stock and th prohvhility of a similar settling as on the I ist account day Money continues however still Exchequer Bills are to-dav 20s It ought to In mentioned these hills arc Mill comparatively high they yield onlv interest at the rate of 213s per annnum nod he ir a premium of 20s they are therefore high in romnrisnn wi-h the price of English Stock Oxford August 16 Tlii placets all buitlc and preparation in coiitcqucnce of the election winch is commence to morrow for the appointment of a 'Town Clerk for this city The freemen seem as anxious about the result as if it was to return a Memlier for a seat in Parliament The contest is now between Mr Taunton son of the late Town Clerk anil Mr Robinson Messrs Cecil and Walsh having resigned their pretentions The candidates ami their partisans are using every exertion to insure Mr Taunton appears to be the favourite at present at the Cathedral and that the Children educated in the Diocesan and the different Schools connection with the National Society should attend the sight was truly gratifying there were upwards of 13C0 children assembled together The order attention and reguaritv which were exhibited in the conduct of this interesting gruupe was one proof perhaps not the least good effect of what has resulted from Dr system of education Two of the Choristers sung an Anthem from the IStli hereivithni shrill a voting mao cleanse his ways' xc most delightfully 'The service was audibly anil impressively read by the IVecentor the Rev Mr Crus and the Rev Dr ll indolpb one of the Prebendaries preached a most nppropriatc Sermon on a text from the 10th of St Gospel verses 52 55 in vindication of the principles ami doctrines of the Church of England admirahlv ni'ap'ed to the occasion in his must energetic style and lone After the service the friends and subscribers to the institution adjourned to (he Ci'tpter-hnuso to hear the Reports read by the Secretaries of the different Societies togither with an account of their funds itelhc The Right Rev The Bisiior presided who opened the business of the meeting in words as nearly as we could collect to the following purport Me said that he should not do justice to his feelings if in opening the business of the day he did not express the giatifica-tion which he hail derived from the scene they had just witnessed and congratulate the cling on this success ol their first attempt to assemble the children Iroin the different National Schools in Bristol and us vicinity They might have expected that like most first attempts it would have been attended only with partial success that some disorder and confusion would have arisen for which they would have been prepared to make due allowance But in the present instance no such allot-atice was necessary: all had Iwen regular and decorous Tins doubtless was principally owing to the excellent arrangements made by his Freud the Dean anl by ihe other gentlemen who had kindly undertaken to direct the proceedings of the morning but it was also partly to he ascrilicd to the habits of discipline and good order which the children had acquired hy their attendance at the National Schools ai as it afforded a irikmg proof if the beneficial effects produced by the Sch ols so it ought to operate upon all present as a powerful inducement to continued and increased exertion in their support 1 he Bishop procei-ded to say that he must beg leave further to trespass up the attention of the Meeting while he offered a few observations suggested by the proceedings of the day Among the charges which had been brought against the Clergy of the F-stab Iishcd Church (and all present knew that those charges wen stif ficiently numerous) it had been said that they were unfriendly to the general education of the people It required no small share of hardihood to make this charg at a time when four-filths of the clergy (he believed that he spoke within compass in mentioning that proportion) were contributing their money or their laliour or lioih to the support of schools for the education of the poor He alluded to the fait not with the view of claiming anv merit to the clergy on that account (they were only discharging their duly of which the religious instruction of the younger members of their ff ick formed an appointed and most important part) but for the purpose of shewing that the adversaries of the Church were less so-heitous respecting the truth than the number of their accusations Perhaps however when if was said that the Clergy were unfriendly the general education of the people the meaning may be that thi were unfriendly to certain schemes which had been for the accomplishment of that object To the charge so limited they should without hesitation plead guilty They were convinced that unless a system of education had Religion for its hash unle it was addressed not merely to the intellectual facultiesbutalso the moral nature of man there could be no securi that he would not pervert the knowledge which lie might acquire to his own in jury and to hat of society 'They therefore did object and must continue to object to any scheme which proceeded upon i he principle that provided a child was taught tn read and write it was not material how by whom he was put in possession of that knowledge Upon this principle it was immaterial whether the first book which was put into the hands of the child the book from which he was to acquire the elements of reading was one of thtisein the List calculated to form in him habits of piety and goodness or one of the licentious publications which as appeared from recent investigations tio often firmed a part of the furniture of an I rish cottage 'The present was not the proper ineot for entering upon the interesting quest ion residing the connexion between intellectual and mil improvement between civilization and We might admit that the very reception of Christianity implied a certain degree of civilization in him who received it that its sublime truths and exquisite morality could find no access to the mind of an untutored savage- But it by no means followed that as individuals or nations advanced in civilization a corresponding improvement took place in their moral character In France Int fore the revolution there was no want of science no want of literature no want of those arts and refinements the possession of which is supposed to constitute the difference between civilised and uncivilised nations But virtue was wanting and we know the result The history of that cventlul period afforded melancholy proof that a Philosopher may be as destitute of every feeling of humanity as little under the restraint of principle and conscience as the rudest Barbarian It was Religion alone which could change the corrupt nature of man Civilization only varied the forms under which that corrupt nature displayed itself It might be said that he (the Bishop) was a prejudiced person nor did he suppisc that his mind any more than the minds of others was entirely free from bias Yet he felt what he conceived to be a reasonable conviction that among the various schemes which had been devised for ameliorating the condition of the people two in the formation of which the Clergy of the Established Church had zealously co-operated less ambitious and pretending than some others would be proved by experience to be inferior to none in real utility He alluded to the institutions of Saving Banks and of National Schools of which the former enabled the poor man to turn his earnings the latter his time to the nest account the combined operation of both was to generate in him habits of sobriety frugality and foresight The leisure hour of the labourer and artisan were those in which they were exposed to the greatest danger: and the greatest benefit which could be conferred upon them was to furnish them with themransof passing lh se hours innocently and usefully All who heard him would remember in the of one who was himself a melancholy instance that there was no neccs-ary connection between intellectual and moral excellence a Poem in which the Cottager was described after the labours of the day were done as reading the Sacred Volumes to his assembled family unfolding to them its Saving Truths and guiding their feet into the path which leads to Heaven This was the mode in which the Clergy wished that the leisure hours of the labourer and artisan should be employed this was the picture they ished to realise being convinced that should they succeed in realising it they should do more towards promoting the real interests of the poor more towards securing the permanent prosperity and happiness of their country than they who represent them as men of bigotted temper and narrow views will ever accomplish by Institutions fur what is termed the Scientific Education of the Not that the Clergy objected to the instruction of the mechanic and artisan in those branches of natural and mechanical philosophy wh'ch are connected with their respective occupations but to the principle of substituting scientific or literary acquirement in the place moral imrovement as the ultimate object of education 'Hie Bishop concluded with observing that at a time when the Clergy were held up as using their utmost endeavours to obstruct the march of the human intellect it became necessary for them to show nut for the purpose of assuming met it but in self-defence that they were exerting themselves less ostentatiously perhaps but not less zealously or effectually than others to ameliorate the general condition of the People The Report of the Society for promoting Christian Knowledge was then read by the Rev ltouch the Secretary a part of which alluded to a small debt which had sometime impeded the exertions and wishes of th- So iety to distribute more of its excellent books and tracts than it had been enabled to do which difficulty we believe was removed by several gentlemen instantly stepping forward with the Bishop at their head to contribute their quotas to its discharge 'This timely occurrence it is expected will enable sub-committee to mal arrangements in the course of the year to extend the benefit of the institution and the Very Rev the Dean announced an extension which had already taken place hy which books might now be had on application to the Muster at the Diocesan School where the Society's Depository is placed every day in the week except Saturday and Sunday between the hours of twelve and The Report from the Society for the Propagation of the Gosel in Foreign Ports was road hv the Rev Knight it wa long and interesting as it entered into some very pleating particulars of the progress which the Missionaries in Canada and other places were making in the dissemination of Christianity Churches and Schools were erecting in numerous places and the Society we think he said had now no less than 103 Missionaries engaged in its service We lamented to hear that in consequence of the great exertions which the Society had lately made it had been compelled to reduce its funded capital £23000 sum which we hope will speedily be replaced by the contributions of the supporters of this truly useful The Re port from the Diocesan School Committee was read by the Rev A Hellicar It alluded to the successful progress of the Schools and spoke in very flattering terms of the exertions of the ladies who devoted so much of their valuabletimeto its success Upon the whole we never witnessed a more interesting spectacle our only regret was to observe so few of those leading characters amongst us attend whose principles are well known not to be lukewarm in the cause of our Established Church and whose presence would have given tn the meeting that additional support and interest which it so well In a neighbouring city the Mayor and Corporation devote one day in the year to so good a purpose and we have witnessed the great room in their Guildhall crowded to excess after their return from the House of God TEETH Piv Si CENT Lower than ant other House in the Trade I ON l)UN SliA ESIAIlLlSIiMENT 2 1 CL A A It lirisfo Messrs fergurson todd Co mot respectfully utter to tin Purchasers of SILK GOODS a st dcftdttl advantage in iis-king through their extensive and elegant StiK-k Every Shade of Colour in rich ROS DE NAPLES 2s to 3s 4d French width ditto pd to 4s 6d Positively the best Goods of British Manufacture and cannot be had at anv other House for less than 5s 6d 3-4 Wide LUSTRINGS 3 3d 2(K) Pieces of rich Figured (jROS DE NAPLES and FLO-KEN TINES 9d to 4s Od worth 6 120 Pieces Elegant Figured SAKSXETS in Shaded Strijies and New set Patterns 2s Id to 3s 6l 7tX Piece French White and Plain ditto tiros tie Xaplcs and IjConntinet both tn Plain and Figured to be sold considerably under thei value A most superior Article in rich LEVANTINES quite equal to the French the wide width 4 lOd to 51 61 3 Wide stout Plain SAUSNETTS 2s 8d to 3s 41 Rich Double ditto 3 fid sold in other Houses at 4s 61 Miaded Striped SARSNE TTS yard wide 2s 6L to 2s lOd Yard-wide Check det 2- to 2 61 Elegant Shaded GUOS DE NAPLES 3s 6d to 4s 2d ustiallv sold at 5s Piece rich Tatin Strips GAUZES in various Colours an Elegant Anid- fr Evening (Vtstume 3s to 6s 61 pvr yarti Coloured SATINS 2s to 3s 61 Rich Black ami White ditto 3 Pieces Tartan Plaid GUOS DE NAPLES at 3 41 wurth 4 £)CO worth of Black SILKS warranted the best Goods in the Trade SXRSNETS GROS DE NAPLES LEVANTINES DCCAPLS and HR1LII ANTINES Is per Yard Lower than anv other House in Bristol 201 Piece Black BOM BAZEENS 13J to 20J the Cheapest Go als ever oiiVrel 4-4 Black A FES 2s 31 to 3s Rich POPLINS 151 to 2s Figured Irish d'tto 2s fcl Coloured NETTS Ifid to 201 120 New Windvir DRESSES ISs sold in other houses at 24 Utcli Figured (AUZE ditto 33a in every Colour 1500 Beautiful Unrig-' C- aud Suim Hmta'inn DUESSES the hole of a Stock to In sold at 13 61 and 15s Cd each tvtsstively cost the maker 22s nt will never be seen again at the price stated Silk aud Fancy Gauze HANDKERCHIEFS in endless variety very cheap The must Mod -rn in Edinburgh and Norwich SILK Sll AWLS anl SCA RFS the greatest bargain ever offered Genappe and Barage SHAWLS 15s 61 China II A PE ditto in every Colour 32 to 40s £1000 worth of Pillow A Bobbin LACE 9jl to 100 Black and White Lace VEILS 6s 6d to 40s Elegant Designs A verv extensive Assortment of New SILK OPERA CLOAKS made in the most Modern Fashion and prevailing Colours 35 to 70 Sunn real Bargains in Wide Shaded RIBBONS 30 Pieces Furniture DIMI TIES and 30 Pieces Ell -wide rich CHINTZ FURNITUUES warranted fast Colours the greatest Bargains ever auld in this City For Hendif Money only Country Shopkeepers attended to before Eleven FASHIONABLE COMBS and BRUSHES from the first Manufactories in Imndnn with a constant supply of Foreign and English PERFUMERY WARD (Civet Cat) 33 COLLEGE-GREEN Bristol HAS just received some very fine Treble-distilled Plain and Perfumed Lavenders Arquehusadv en lainsanue en Stisse Eatidc Cologne Esprite de Lavandcnti Bouquet Bouquet dtt llni Bouquet du Militaire sprees Otto of Ruses very fine French Knuge Milk of Itoses Kalydor Poudre Subtil 'Cold Cream Russian Grease Maccnssar Russia and Vegetative Oil Provence gmond's Asiatic Ar ea Charcoal Cherry Paste with most other Tooth Powders and Lotions Best Windsor Snap fine Old Br wn Fancv Soaps and Shaving Cakes Belle-Isle Convent Soap Naples in Box Badger and oher Shaving Brushes PATENT ls Pastilles Martialles de Montpelier or Aromatic Lozenges of Steel Sedlits Powders Cheltenham and Harrowgate Salts Carbonated Soda Powders Absorbents Ipecacuanha and tno other Lozenge and Pills Ac BALM OF GILEAD The Anti-lmpetigines or DROPS SOLOMON ABSTERGENT LOTION Ac Ac As confines his Establishment to the sale of Perfumery and Patent Medicines (only) hi has an opportunity of selecting such superior Articles as hv flatters himself will secure him a continuance of those favours he has been so highly honoured with this not t- is a Innis It i tsi rx fun I was a Lucira lint I ill or' I nem'w I ats i I ic lAuk-s I hisvd itl tb-t This ret am HI heir rr'i-f irate ft-r-d aln liohu Ml riuh i i nvttrli I DOt I in at tlsSip tught ngor tion meet IlltCS Gloucester Clements and Price Ill: hard: -i amt Otheis Managing Directors of the Bristol Union Fire a 1 Life Insurance Before Mr Justice Bcrkoiiuh aiul a Special This action was brought to recover comiieos ttioo for the loss of goods fee (in a warehouse occupied by Plaintiffs situate in Meal in thisciix which were destroyed by fit on the 2d of March last nod were insured at Defendants office on the 24th of December 1824 for the sum of The premises destroyed had formerly been used as a sugar-house and the defence setup was the use of a sugar K'ove and pan by Plaintiffs vxi are Wholesale Druggists and Oilmen for the purposes thei trade prior to the dale of their Verdict for the amount to be proved before an Arbitrator named in Couit For Plaintiffs Messrs 'Taunton Campbell and Solicitor Mr Francis Price fr Defendants Messrs Ludlow Cross and Bale Solicitors Messrs and Smith Caution to the Owners and Drivers of Pony Car The Driver of a Car as on Monday last ordered by the Court of Conscience to pay the sum of ten shillings being the additional expend xvhich a gentleman had incurred in coach hire in consequence ol" the car not being in attendance at the appointed hour Singular discovery of the robbery of a Cow A cow was this week stolen out ot Field Kingsdown the skin of which was afterwards found in the Rope-Walk and the carcase in i Hiillpaunct -lane which was identified by part of the skin remain -ing on the head of the dead animal Tlie wife of a journeyman mason named Allisonresiilitig at Caine has within a few days (for the third time since her marriage) been delivered of twins At her first confinement eighteen years ago she produced no less than three! making altogether nine at four births A young man of Devizes returning from Urchfont between 7 and 8 on Wednesday evening was attack 1 near the third mile-stone on the Salisbury road by a fellow who after demanding his money tripped up his heels and threw him backwards He then knelt on his breast and tried but ineffectually to wrest his watch from him which for s- c*nty the young man put into histrowsers A gig coming up at this time the fellow made off before he had the power of inking any of uj money which the young man had aliout him He was dressed iu a dark smock frock and his nearly 6 feet high Auction of An auction of unmarried ladies used to take place annually in Babylon In every sav the historian assembled on a certain day of every year ml the virgins of marriageable age" The most beautiful was first pm up aud the man who bid the largest sum of money gamed possession of her The second in personal appearance followed and the bidders gratified themselves with handsome wives according to the depth of their purses But alas it seems there were in Babylon some ladies for which no money xvas likely to be offered yet these also were disposed of so provident were the Babylonians When all the beautiful virgins" says the historian sold the crier ordered the most deformed to stand up and after he hod openly demanded who would marry her with a small sum she was at length adjudged to the man who would be satisfied with the least and ill this manner the money arising from the sale of he handsoiiu- served as a portion to those who were either of disagreeable lo ks or that had any other This custom prevailed about 300 years liefore Christ Auld Robin Gray Such is national prejudice that many well-informed Scotch people contend that this exquisite melody is originally Scotch though the author is yet living and well known the Iter" Mr Leeves rector of Wrington in heading Mercury It is an established fact ami deserving of general observe-tion that in less than one minute under the most distressing attack the Tooth-Ache is effectually and permanently cured without tbs pain and danger of extraction by Celebrated PATEN the preparers of the admired Royal Corn which safely eradicates on three applications The Public are particularly requested by the le Proprietors HUGHESand Co Practical Chemists npfwsite the Draw Bridge Bristol and at Savite Pince Cl (Ion see that their label and name envelope the stamp the only security of being the true preparation and without which they cannot feel themselves Sole Agents for lloss and London Union Iiair Brushes Grease at reduced prices MARRIED July 7 at St Church by the Rev Mr Bullock Mr ff Fox of Clifton to Miss Frances Stinchcomb thi' daughter of (be late Mr John Stinchcomb of this city Lately Mr James Rees surgeon of Downend to Elizabeth eldest daughter of Mr George of Prospect Academy in this city Lately at St Church Mr Thos Parker confectioner of liatnbrook to Esther House of Henval Farm Westerleigh Lately at Westerleigh Mr Jonathan Bryant to Miss Hannah OsiHirne third daughter of Mr Daniel Osborne auctioneer of Fiainpton Cotterell Gloucestershire Monday at St Church William Turner Esq of Dublin to Miss Pinnell youngest daughter of Mr Pin-neH St Ilill Saturday last at St Clcrkenwell Stephen Adey Esq of Dursley Gloucestershire to Lucy Leman daughter of the late Leman Thomas Red formerly of the Inner Temple London Monday at Westhtiry-upon-Tryra the Rev Charles Ward rector of a olden Boris '( Susannah second daughter of the Rev Robert Forster prebendary of Wells DIED July 3 of a dropsy in Moltun-street St aged 66 Mr John Underwood who during the last 40 years had been dxv -keeper and bill-sticker to the Theatre in this city 'These humble capacities afforded no great scope for genius but John had other qualifications xvhich entitled him ns a public character to a niche amongst the departed worthies ofhisdav in the sporting xvnrlil He was formerly gamekeeper to the late Mr Wyndham of Duuraven Castle and afterwards of the late General Rooke he was quiet inoffensive man July 30 after a long and painful illness Mr Williams late of the Balh Barge Queen-street Lately at Brompton where he had retired from the servfce of His Grace the Duke of Beaufort whose confidence be had enjoyed for many years Mr William Lever Saturday at arlborough-hill Mr Thomn3 Bentley formerly of Indon in the faith and hope of the Gospel after a long illness perfectly resigned to the will of the Almighty Same day at Ryde John Lens Esq his ancient Set jeant at Law in thc69tb year of his age Same day suddenly ai her lodgings in Milk-street of an an plectic seizure Mary Sevier niece of James Sevier Esq of Clifton a true Christian and a sincere Friend Wednesday in his 52d year the Rev Joacph Harris pastor of the Baptist Congregation in Swansea and editor and pub iisher until within a short period of his death of the Scot'u Gotnr a Welsh monthly publication lie was the author and editor of several religious publications and as the consistent and able supporter of the Ancient British language his decease will be sincerely lamented by the lovers of Cambrian Literature 'Thursday at his lodgings on the South-parade Bath Thos Slurgc Esq a respected member of the Society of Friend and an extensive sugar-refiner und spermacetti manufacturer of Loudon Yesterday after alongand painful illness Anne Shap-land the wife of Mr Thos Curtis Leman solicitor of thiscity PRICK OF STOCKS Bank Stock Cent Reduced 3 Cent- Consol 34 Cent Consol New 3) ditto Consols for Account New Fours Bank Long Anni India Stock ni 229J 00) 89? 91 98 1 89? 105 22 45 19 tea 229 89 98J 9K 89 103A 22J 46 22 Price of Foreign Stoclrt in London Aug 18 5 cents 102 ct Exchange 23 10 Spanish 5 cent Bonds 22 New Ditto Danish Bond Old Prussian Ditto New Columbian 6 cent 85 Neapolitan Stock CULfEti -h i LET the immediate Patronage of the Alembert of the U'airrrsilji Oxford several of the most Eminent of the faculty Ac HART ScitGirAL Mechanical Dentists Aawjcu I'erru on highly improve! principles ut (ting or I'gattirc) whereby the vari its purposes of na-ere lulls answered They effectually remove that un ri ms substance theTartur (erroneously deemed Scurvy) relumed about the Teeth ultimately prodttces Caries rgof the Gums amt various other disease incident to on ant or an 'hat t-eminatefn premature destruction tls fix A RTI FICI AL PA I A'l'ES correct the irre-ytilie Teeth of Children and Youths Ac Ac iUrNTimci (Toom I'ownr) and larrio forcleans-'Hg-Setting the Teeth and (Sums and Anoovse Tinc- tfy relieving Tooth-Ache are known to be most slvheir several purposes 1 Cdlege-Slrcl TO THE CLERGY nan about to retire from a School which has some years wishes to meet with a Sttcresaor which is good most lu taken at a valuation hut 'Trent not required provided security he given the Applicants being Graduates of one of the Universities 'finl tn Tuition (and no other need apply) will plcise uv at Mr Johnstone's Warwick Court Hol- rtt 1-uiers remain unanswered a fortnight the writers may the Interest in the Concern is disposed of only will be received and only real names and rti A CAHIX GIROUX having rctnrnctl from the Con-L most respectfully to announce to the ihility and "i general that their Academies in Bath Bristol hoe now re-opened "-miction and residence Monday and T'uirsdavs Hotel Mall Clifton Tuesdays at Mis "l'qure Bristol and Wrdncsda)s and Saturdays at 14 George-street Bath jtIi oh And private Families attended as usual of tc sic pplir ingf aniii'f 1 lvf cienth mts bat'ku It i I anJ nnttittr" jytisklrtd he mhI BRISTOL -My respectable School of this City One or Two I 4V he accommodated as Parlour Boarders it 1 1 rhle residence for a young Lady to finish her i' Masters of eminence attend Postage paid) Felix Printing-Office m' ir nt i 10 rate ear 1 HrrW' nh fj up ma 1 wy eco t' eH I ttif BRISTOL TURNPIKES THE Meeting of the Trustee for the Care of the AUST an I HORh'IELD ROADS stands adjourned tn Friday next the 26th of August at One in the Afternoon at the Louse of Mr Walker the New Passage Inn OSBORNE WARD Bristol 20th Aug 1823 Clerks MED j( Classical and Commercial Boarding hi tv pert Able Yuth not under 14 years of age a lie will receive the benefit of La'" and French language and be a rgtilrc urse of Commercial and Mathematical (rl(lpstd)TS Post-Ofllcc Bristol Tor's ale Brown HORSE six years old fifteen 1 hand high quiet and steady in harness and Tiuur no fauk Also an excellent DEN NET and i if The Proprietor parts with them solely fith to use a different Eoquira at the SHIP NEWS Camk in sincx our The Severn Claxton from Nevis and St Kitts Apollo carder Newfoundland Elizabeth Jenkins Baltimore Mariner Wollacott Odessa Daphne Sprague Cadiz Palmerston (S I Davis and Emerald Isle (S I Ianglands Dublin Union Packet Gilmore the Young Eagle Thomas Betsy Williams and Hinton Samuel Cork Thetis Keppell Swallow Walts and Hibernia Mathews Waterford Friends Webb Youghal! Entered The Pilot Penton for Detnerara Ardent Domain St Vincent Wilberfnrce Blsmey Newfiaindland Maudret Bordeaux Elizabeth Holmes Odessa the Petrel Smith and Mary Jackson Petersburg!) Latona Patter son Riga Hero levering Gibraltar Tlte Thomas Cunningham Helena Currie and Sa muel Whitbread Marivick tor Quebec: Hero Moor son Mid-dleton Garbett and Canada Redath New Brunswick Thalia Patterson New York Union Rickmar Cette Palmerston (S P) Bailey Emerald Isle (S P) Lang lands A Draper Hughes for Dublin At Quebec the George Burns at Messina the Dasher Evans at Barhadie the Concord Wilson at Sb Petersburg!) the Henry Carter Dunn Coasters T'he St Palrick Veile for Liverpool Draper Richards Greenock and Gla ow Milford Packet Richards Haverfordwest Waterloo Griffiths and Hope Jones for Carmarthen Venus Naish Falmouth New Industry Huxtable and Eleanor George Swansea Charles Llewellin Llanelly the Waterloo Lloyd Aberystwith Tom Pipes Evans Neath Flora Rees Tenby Unity Edwards Portreath the Ann Chard Dartmouth and Exeter Union Packet Lewis Pembroke Expedition Griffiths Cardigan Mary Davis Newton A Bridgend Venus Hooper and Torridge Smith Barnstaple Bristol Packet Pill Bideford Bristol Packet Rich Dartmouth Bristol Packet Thomas Penzance The Hopewell Dobson and the Dawn Bland from Quebec have been spoken with the former iu lat 50 long 20 and the lat ter in lat 51 long HL Tuesday last being the anniversary of the Birth-day of the Duke of York the bells in the different parish chuches of this city continued to ring throughout the day many a merry peal in compliment to this staunch defender of the Protestant faith St Mary Redcliff iok the lead and her fine and deep peel commenced at six in the morning We alluded last week with regret to the circ*mstance of the non-intercourse which existed between this jurt and the island of Sr 'Thomas A Correspondent has informed us that there is at this timeahousein thiscity which has more than sixty casks ol manufactured goods of various sizes now ready to ship for that island which must be sent hy canal to Liverpool unless a vessel should soon offer from Bristol direct Mr Cakey Naval Engineer and Surveyor of Shipping resident in our city has communicated to some remarks upon a Plan wh'ch he proposes exposing for public inspection in our Commercial Rooms fr cleansing our Harbour We are anxious to give publicity to every that appears likely to remove so great a nuisance and are therefore happy to he the means of thus drawing public attention towards it It appears feasible and ettvc tual if the necessary funds can he raised The Lord Bishop of Bath and Wells held a confirmation at Shepton-Mallet on Monday the 18th ult when 412 persons were confirmed The Trustees and Committee of the Bath Literary and Scientific Institution to make it as extensively useful as possible have liberally allowed Artists to make drawings from the valuable Casts in their Gallery the magnificent group of Laiicoon the Belvidere Apollo Discobolus Anti new Wrestlers and Listening Slave are we believe considered as the finest models in existence MrBeckford has purchased the National School Gardens which lie contiguous to his mansion thus opening a direct communication with his delightful pleasure grounds and beautiful gardens on Lansdown Mr Kckcwich of Penzance has commenced a canvass for Exeter at the ensuing election in the room of Mr Newman who retires By an Act passed in the last session the stealing of trees plants fruit or vegetables frojn gaidens orchards hothouses Ac is punishable felony- trust this will operate as a caution to those who have commenced their depredations in Red-land and other places near this city The Commissioners of the Devizes Turnpike-roads have resolved that a considerable reduction shall be made on all the tolls of the trust from and after 5th October next From the report of competent judge who have inspected different bop yards in Hefwdshire 8 appear that the late rains have been most beneficial to the hop bines which are materially improved and the crop it is confidently expected will exceed the most sanguine expectations of the growers Committed to Bristol Gsoi William Quantrill for steal-ing a silver watch from Betsy £pl and Gentleman may he accommodated Ready-Furnished HOUSE belonging to a nhtr pleasant Village near Bristol Iqgol tfUrulr apply by letter addressed to A Post- BRISTOL TURNPIKE ROADS i That the Trustees are willing HAULING STONE from the Cross Quarry to the extremity of the Line at or near Brent Also from the said Quarry to Bow And from Bow to the extremity of the Trust Contracts to be sent to the Office of Roads on or before the First day of September next JOHN LOUDON McADAM Office ot Roads General Surveyor Bristol 11th August 1823 BATH ROADS of Contracting for the siqiply and delivery at Bath of STONE from the BLACK ROCK at the HOTWELLS and from the HONEYPEN HILL Quarries for the use or the BATH TURNPIKE ROADS are requested to send seated Proposals in writing addressed to us on or before Wednesday the 24th of August instant The Contract to be for two or three years and the quantity required will be at least four hundred ton tier month Further Particulars and Condition of the Contract may be obtained on application at this Office on Mondays Wednesdays and Saturdays between the hours of 'Twelve and Two clock INGROVK1 Ganeri A WINGROVE Roads Office Bath 1st August 1825 jjjfli4 IS ercCtf is o1-' Sunday last at Vittoria-place Adelaida Allen Vincent fourth ol establishment daughter of the late Rev John Vincent chaplain on the Ben gal respectabilitv residing within two Miles of in Plrasant and healthy sittntion would he happy into their domestic circle They may (h Board and Lodging or if preferred with 1 Terms moderate post-paid) to A Post-Office Bristol Ajl Yf ONEY ready to be adranced to respcct-bl Manufacturers Tradesmen and til llwunl wnrity alone in sums not less I References of course will be Same day at Usk aged 50 years Sarah the affectionate wife of Wm Thomas Esq and dutiful daughter of James and Mary Blvth of the above place Monday at Shepton Mallet Mrs Millard wife of Mr James Millard clothier of that town Wednesday after a short illness Mr Thomas Davies surgeon Redcliff-hill a gentleman whose humanity and kind-heartedness had endeared had to a large circle of acquaintance Thursday at his house in Mr Lury it IV PRICE OF BULLION Pr thi'Ui 0 0 3 17 I 0 0 foPT be underneath address for any Rtf' supplied with money to any amount they i 1 ii the strictest secresy may he 7 Blm and address directed to N) rrj 21 Sidney-Mreet Commercial-road East lmndiate and confidential attention I Friday Aug 1 Portugal Gold in Cola Foreign Gold in Bara New Doabloom New Dollars Silver in Bars Standard Tue-dar Aug 16 Portiigd Gold in Foreign Gold in Bara New Doubloon New Dollar Silver in Ban Standard Per Ounce 3 17 10 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 11 0 5 an i WjS fit? mol? tain: 1 tally 0' 1 JZd SSfi net- Ifd COURSE OF EXCHANGE ITueaday Aug 16 Dublin im Cork Friday Aug 12 Dublin Cork Chants tradesmen middle-aged Man of re with Accounts having i wishes to All them up by keeping ne or tx Qho or two Sets of Books would have 9 A Meeting hat been advertised for Friday next of the shopmen and others employed by a certain class of shopkeepers in the metropolis the object of which is tn concert measures for obtaining somtMnoderate abridgment of the hours of business exacted from them From seven in the morning until eight at night a correspondent informs us that many of those individuals in the trade of linen-drapers are kept at work without a longer interval than of one hour all meals included throughout the day 'This seems undoubtedly a hardship We are surprised that young men can be found who will submit to such severe confinement We are more surprised that the sedentary or rather stationary business of shops is so very generally intrusted to women Why should men intrude at all into modes of industry which those of the other sex are equally capable of exercising? It is a sort of robbery of destitute The Shopmen in our city are attempting a similar abridgement of their labours We hear that Richard Pointing the Officer to whom the Governor of our New Gaol intrusted the body of Thus Smith the bankrupt Vide a report in our ptsltcriit column for the purpose of bringing him before the Lord Chancellor on Wednesday last un an Habeas Corpus to be discharged upon which however his Lordship ordered him to be recommitted has through some apparent negligence particulars of which we are not at present acquainted with allowed his prisoner to escape out of his custody and that the bankrupt since be has so escaped has written a most daring and insolent letter boasting of bis exploit to Mr Walker the Solicitor under the Commiaston I --yx a larger Sum hereafter if desirable may 41000 ba employed in the extension of a Business which in the hands of the Advertiser with less experience and in less propitious times returned 50 per Cent per annum after defraying the expenses of A Son or Nephew of the Applicant if young enough to acquire habits of application-habits which are not however inimical to health nor unproductive of mental may instantly commence a course of complete qualification for future eare and direction of the same Address (post-paid and with real signature) Post-Office Bristol Briil'l sihJul TO COACH MAKERS 7 FOR SALE RY PRIVATE CONTRACT THE GOOD-WILL und longest Established Business of COACH MAKER in the West of England carried on in all its branches for a long series of war in MiitSrstKKT in the Citv of Bristol in Premises erected for the express purpose by the lati Johh Ct-sa Emp deceased The TOCK conust of New and her Carriages a large valuable and well-selected assortment ot hi ily-eaond imber well worth the attention of the Lode ami uUht articles ed jD the above Business Further Particulars may be known application to Gaanr Esq Hedcliff street Mesvs Bkowxe Had Watson Solicitors 28 Brood stmt Bristol HAY MARKET-FRtOAtt 0 Od per Strsw 16L to Od per doa Hay AS 00d to £4 OSJ" or Kifi rv- business for a respectable per- WiJJr riimonial will be given to of Mr Waks- DEVIZES MARK FI Aug 11' An IS beat £1 16 6 to 1 IS 6 I 117 0 tc I 19 0 I ditto 1 13 to 1 14 6 I 1 13 0 to 1 15 0 Third ditto- I 8 0 to 1 10 0 1 8 0 to 1 Id 0 Jt ealAorragr 1 13 11 I 1 14 2 UlOMriti Barley 00 Od to 4k Od I 01 Od (Veutea Oat 25i Od to -34 Od I 25 OdtoBt- Os Beam 1 0 to 1 8 0 1 2 to 1 9 BRISTOL In and Out-Patierfc admitted ihu week remaining in (be Houae 198 Phyens tor the ensuing lx Fnchirtl Surgeon Mr Duaiei Merchants SSft? CLERK in the Island of toyj Pmng 3n who writes a good band is quick hti character from any of bis late addressed to B1VW-Office Mended to.

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Name: Errol Quitzon

Birthday: 1993-04-02

Address: 70604 Haley Lane, Port Weldonside, TN 99233-0942

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Job: Product Retail Agent

Hobby: Computer programming, Horseback riding, Hooping, Dance, Ice skating, Backpacking, Rafting

Introduction: My name is Errol Quitzon, I am a fair, cute, fancy, clean, attractive, sparkling, kind person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.