Easy Hollandaise Sauce - In Less Than 60 Seconds! - Recipe Winners (2024)

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Easy Hollandaise Sauce - In Less Than 60 Seconds! - Recipe Winners (1)

This is the same great recipe, it was just time to give it a facelift.

This Easy Hollandaise Sauce – in less than 60 seconds! is unbelievably quick and easy to make. You’ll be putting up eggs benedict in a flash. The sauce is emulsified with a stick blender in a jar and is foolproof.

60 seconds is all it takes to make Hollandaise sauce. This immersion method using a stick blender is foolproof.
Making hollandaise sauce is super easy and saves the traditional method of whisking, and whisking, over a double boiler whilst slowly drizzling in the hot butter.
If there’s one sauce that has a reputation for being difficult to make it’s Hollandaise, but not anymore……

At a Glance This Is What You Need To Make Easy Hollandaise Sauce

Easy Hollandaise Sauce - In Less Than 60 Seconds! - Recipe Winners (2)


unsalted butter
egg yolk
lemon juice

Foolproof Hollandaise

Hollandaise is made using an upright container and a stick blender. Place your egg yolk, lemon juice, and water into the container and slowly start drizzling in the hot butter moving the stick blender up and down. Voila a minute later you’ve got a rich, creamy luxurious sauce. Too easy! Check out our 30 Second Whole Egg Mayonnaise made the same way.

Secret: The Jar Is Important

The most important thing to making this sauce come together is the jar, or vessel you use. It has to just fit the head of the stick blender neatly. It creates a vortex and combines the fats.
It is equally important that the jar has a flat, not rounded base. Ideally a jar holding about 500 ml ( 16 fluid ounces) is perfect for making this quantity.

It doesn’t require a dash to the shops to buy a special jar, it only requires a container that the stick blender fits snuggly. We’ve used a peanut butter jar and a vegemite jar on occasion so don’t stress about the container.

See how the stick blender fits snuggly in the photo’s below

The Butter

As butter is the star in this sauce use the best quality, preferably cultured butter, you can afford. Cultured butter is creamy and more buttery in flavour as it contains live bacterial cultures and has fermented for a period of time.
Heating the butter and then pouring slowly onto the egg yolk cooks the egg yolk and by the time you’ve finished adding the butter you’ve got a rich, smooth and creamy sauce.

  • Easy Hollandaise Sauce - In Less Than 60 Seconds! - Recipe Winners (3)
  • Easy Hollandaise Sauce - In Less Than 60 Seconds! - Recipe Winners (4)
  • Easy Hollandaise Sauce - In Less Than 60 Seconds! - Recipe Winners (5)
  • Easy Hollandaise Sauce - In Less Than 60 Seconds! - Recipe Winners (6)

How To Keep Hollandaise Warm

Hollandaise sauce can be made ahead and kept warm. The best way we know of is to use a small thermos (vacuum) flask. Rinse the flask with boiling water to warm the metal before pouring in the sauce.
Failing that keep the sauce covered and place in a warm spot such an oven that has been preheated to warm then turned off.

Uses For Hollandaise Sauce

Hollandaise is of course the classic sauce used to make Eggs Benedict but don’t let your food adventure stop there. Now that you know how easy it is to make Hollandaise Sauce why not try serving it with

  • Steamed, or poached fish such as salmon
  • Steamed chicken breast
  • Asparagus with Hollandaise are perfect partners
  • Pour over fresh steamed vegetables such as broccoli, Brussel sprouts, green beans or fresh artichokes for a simple but oh so yummy side.
  • Thin slices of rare roasted beef
  • Lobster or fresh crab (if you’re feeling flush)
Easy Hollandaise Sauce - In Less Than 60 Seconds! - Recipe Winners (7)

Can You Reheat Hollandaise Sauce

Hollandaise sauce is notorious for splitting once cold and trying to reheat, but it can be bought back to warm by placing the sauce in a heatproof bowl over barely simmering water and watching it like a hawk, whisking gently till it’s just warm.
Some speak of reheating using a microwave with 50% power in short bursts of 5, or so seconds, and stirring gently in between bursts till just warm. As neither of us uses a microwave we can’t really vouch for this method.Easy Hollandaise Sauce - In Less Than 60 Seconds! - Recipe Winners (8)

What Can I Add To My Hollandaise sauce

You can add all sorts of flavours into the basic Hollandaise sauce such as:

  • Finely grated parmesan, or crumbled blue cheese
  • Fresh snipped chives, tarragon or fresh dill
  • Add a squirt of sriracha, or your favourite chilli sauce
  • Add a dollop of basil pesto, or wasabi
  • Smoked paprika hollandaise with crab cakes
  • Finely grated lemon, or lime zest for extra tang
  • Add a little curry powder

Watch How To Make Easy Hollandaise Sauce

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Troubleshooting The Immersion Blender Hollandaise Sauce

As quick and easy this method is, avoid the following problems:

  • Don’t whisk the egg yolk, lemon juice and water before adding the butter. All of the ingredients need to be mixed at the same time.
  • Use a container with a flat bottom that the head of the stick blender just fits into. The small space creates a vortex and allows the egg yolk to emulsify with the butter.
  • Be sure to lift the stick blender up and down. Hold the stick at the bottom of the container for 2-3 seconds then move the stick up and down as you slowly drizzle the hot butter in.

Don’t forget to rate this recipe and let us know what you thought when you make this fabulous Easy Hollandaise Sauce in the reviews below.

Easy Hollandaise Sauce - In Less Than 60 Seconds! - Recipe Winners (9)

Yield: about a cup

Easy Hollandaise Sauce

Prep Time: 5 minutes

Total Time: 5 minutes

Hollandaise sauce made this way is a no brainer. Made in a minute you'll be cranking up the brunch invitations in no time.


  • 1 large egg yolk
  • 115 g unsalted butter(4 ounces)
  • 2 teaspoons lemon juice
  • 1 teaspoon water
  • pinch of salt


  • gently melt butter in a small saucepan
  • combine yolk, lemon juice, water and salt in the bottom of a jar that barely fits the head of the stick blender - see notes
  • heat butter to just boiling
  • transfer butter to a small jug
  • put the stick into the jar and slowly drizzle the butter in with the motor running
  • slowly move the stick up and down while mixing
  • sauce should be thick and creamy
  • use straight away or keep warm till ready to use for up to an hour
  • serve and enjoy


  • if you like hollandaise extra lemony add some finely grated lemon zest
  • use a jar that the stick blender fits into snugly
  • this method doesn't work using a bowl
  • if you want a slightly thinner hollandaise just add a tablespoon or so of hot water and mix in

Nutrition Information



Serving Size


Amount Per Serving Calories 238Total Fat 26gSaturated Fat 15gTrans Fat 0gUnsaturated Fat 9gCholesterol 154mgSodium 57mgCarbohydrates 0gFiber 0gSugar 0gProtein 2g

Nutritional information provided here is only intended as a guide.

Related Recipes

  • Easy Homemade Tartare Sauce

  • Easy Creamy Mushroom Sauce with Garlic

  • Asparagus with Hollandaise

  • Foolproof Béarnaise Sauce

Easy Hollandaise Sauce - In Less Than 60 Seconds! - Recipe Winners (2024)


What is the basic formula for hollandaise? ›

In a small bowl, whisk together egg yolks, lemon juice, cold water, salt and pepper. Melt butter in a saucepan over low heat. Gradually whisk yolk mixture into butter. Continue whisking over low heat for 8 minutes, or until sauce is thickened.

What is a common mistake with hollandaise sauce? ›

Hollandaise Sauce

One common hollandaise mistake is overcooking the egg yolks, and there's no coming back from that. But the most common problem is that the emulsion breaks, and you see streaks of liquid butter instead of a uniformly creamy sauce.

How to make hollandaise sauce Gordon Ramsay? ›

Method. First make the hollandaise sauce. Using a large balloon whisk, beat the egg yolks with a squeeze of lemon juice and seasoning in a bowl set over a pan of simmering water. Beat vigorously for about 10 minutes until the mixture thickens.

How to make hollandaise sauce less thick? ›

final sauce is too thick: thin the sauce down with a bit of water or lemon juice. Thick sauces can easily split; thinning them down with a bit of liquid will help to stabilize the emulsion.

How do you make Martha Stewart hollandaise sauce? ›

In a blender, combine egg yolks, water, lemon juice, and salt; blend until frothy. Heat butter in the microwave or in a small saucepan over medium until bubbly (do not let brown). With blender running, pour in hot butter in a very thin stream, blending until sauce is thick and emulsified.

What are the main ingredients of hollandaise? ›

Hollandaise Sauce ingredients

Here's what goes in Hollandaise Sauce: egg yolks, butter, salt, lemon juice and a pinch of cayenne pepper, if you want a touch of subtle warmth. Egg yolks – from 3 large eggs (and sold labelled as “large” at grocery stores), each egg weighing 55 – 60g / 2 oz.

Why do we add vinegar to hollandaise sauce? ›

Lemon juice or vinegar helps keep the hollandaise from separating and also adds a touch of acidity for flavour. I much prefer white wine vinegar for its flavour. The eggs need to be cooked, so as you'll see, we'll be heating up the butter so it's bubbling (but not burnt).

How to tell when hollandaise is done? ›

The perfect hollandaise sauce is smooth, slightly glossy looking, and pourable. If you notice a grainy appearance, it's a sign that your sauce is “broken”, meaning, the ingredients have separated.

Why is hollandaise sauce difficult? ›

Traditional hollandaise, made by emulsifying melted clarified butter into egg yolks and lemon juice, is notoriously difficult to make. You not only have to take the same care in its construction as you take for oil-in-egg-yolk mayonnaise, but you also have to deal with the fickle nature of hot eggs and butter.

What happens if too much butter is added to a hollandaise? ›

The second cause is either adding too much butter or adding it too quickly. When either of these occur, the sauce will look glossy like icing and pull away from the sides of the bowl, while the butter will float on top of the mixture.

What is the structure of hollandaise sauce? ›

The classical ingredients of hollandaise sauce are egg yolks, melted (often clarified) butter, mixture of water and wine vinegar and occasionally a drop of lemon juice. Structurally it is both an emulsion and a foam.

What is one derivative of hollandaise? ›

The most common derivative is egg yolk with reduction sauce Béarnaise. It can be produced by replacing the acidifying agent (vinegar reduction or lemon juice) in a preparation with a strained reduction of vinegar, shallots, fresh chervil, fresh tarragon, and (if to taste) crushed peppercorns.

What is the base of hollandaise one of the 5 mother sauces? ›

Hollandaise stands out from the other French mother sauces because it relies on the emulsification — or mixing — of egg yolks and butter in place of roux. It has a reputation for being somewhat challenging to prepare because of the tendency for butter and egg yolks to resist combining — much like water and oil.

What ingredient acts as the emulsifier in hollandaise? ›

The butter breaks into minute droplets, while the egg yolk acts as an emulsifier, helping to keep those droplets dispersed, as well as thickening the sauce. What you get is a creamy, smooth sauce with a rich texture and mild flavor, perfect for topping eggs, fish, or vegetables.


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Name: Velia Krajcik

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Introduction: My name is Velia Krajcik, I am a handsome, clean, lucky, gleaming, magnificent, proud, glorious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.